View Full Version : Plastic Daemon Prince

12-28-2009, 05:08 PM
Hey peoples, I'm new to the forums, but I thought I'd post. So for the last 6-8 months or so there have been rumours of the new plastic Daemon Prince for Warriors of Chaos (and possibly Chaos Space Marines/Chaos Daemons). When was this scheduled to release? Why isn't it out yet?

12-28-2009, 06:42 PM
It was all hype and no action I think. I think it was to excite the Choas crowd and hype them up to buy more things. Why it's not out yet, is because it was never suppose to be out in the first place.

I think the saying "it will be out when it's suppose to" holds quite true. It was not intended to be released. I think this is one of the resons why GW has clamped down on rumours so much, so this will not happen again.

As you can see, GW dosn't say anything anymore about future releases. I had this talk with a manager at GW and basically he said, Why should we say anything, you will stop buying minis a year before release. They want us to keep buying and then buy again. I asked him, if I buy now, what am I going to buy later? You don't expect me to plunk anthour $200 now do you? He had no comment for that. So I guess I am not really on GW radar to sell things.

I guess they want people to keep buying the metal mini's first, so it will be released when GW wants it to be released.

12-28-2009, 08:14 PM
That....doesn't make a whole lot of sense...

I mean, I guess GW would release it with the forthcoming probable-ish 2nd wave release for Chaos Daemons (which rumour says would release the daemon prince, plastic seekers of slaanesh, more special characters, and possibly a plastic herald set). That was a really good looking model though, so I hope they get to releasing it soon. I know they've got a tight release schedule to keep, but it seems like they'd be able to make releases bigger for new codexes if they'd only put more time into them. Case in point- the Tyranid codex is coming out in January, with a good ten to twenty new units rumoured which won't be getting models (Swarm lord, Tervigon, etc). So with this new codex they've got all the old models still, but they have a whole 6 new models, 3 of which are plastic (despite claims by GW that plastic is currently easier and cheaper to produce than metal...forcing one to question why many of the current models such as the hive tyrant and the new pyrovore, venomthrope, and hive guard weren't done in plastic). It just seems like GW's trying to get people to buy more models but aren't willing to provide them.

12-28-2009, 08:47 PM
That thing has been everywhere for like the past year! Its been all over the internets and at least one WD if not more. I have no idea when its coming out or why it hasn't yet.

12-28-2009, 09:15 PM
It seems like they haven't figured out where to fit it into their schedule or something. They've got the work done, but need to find the time to do a release and for whatever reason they haven't been able to find that time.

12-28-2009, 09:29 PM
It is to be released as part of Chaos Daemons 2nd wave (alongside such things as plastic seekers, plaguebearers,and some other goodies)

There is no word of when it will fit into the GW release schedule.

Also, not news or rumors, so this is headed to 40k general.

Papa Nurgle
12-29-2009, 12:19 PM
Being a daemon player, I have noticed that GW offers little to no support for the daemons. To date, there still is no FAQ on their site. All other armies receive updated FAQ's in a timely manner. The daemons are also one of the only 5th addition armies to still be predominantly metal. It seems that the daemons could simply be a "cash cow" for GW that they know will attract people.

As for 2nd waves...the Marines got their Ironclad Dreads...the IG got their new Leman's...we daemon players are still waiting for plastic ANYTHING other than Daemonettes and Bloodletters.

Overall, the daemons are playable but they are very difficult to play well...and GW certainly doesn't seem to want to help.

12-29-2009, 02:17 PM
You've gotta love the fact that GW produced an army that they don't give a damn about. Seems like the only forces GW will produce and care about are imperial...and only IG and Space Marines at that. I mean, for crying out loud, they produced a new space marine and a new tyranid codex before they focused on the armies that are still stuck in the dark ages (Necrons, Dark Eldar, Daemonhunters, Witchhunters)....bloody capitalism.

12-29-2009, 03:59 PM
Big Red is correct to a point. I have heard that the Plastic Deamon Prince is scheduled with the Deamon 2nd Wave which included redesigned seekers and plastic plaguebearers. I was also told that about a year ago the Plastic Deamon Prince was posted briefly for preordering but produced such a lack of positive response that it was cancelled and is being reworked. Hopefully we will see it mid to late spring when the Deamon 2nd wave is slated to arrive.

12-29-2009, 06:07 PM
Hopefully with the lack on interest in the Daemon army, GW will realise that they lost their way and release... CODEX: LEGIONS!!!!!

We can but hope.

12-29-2009, 07:00 PM
Eh, Codex: Legions isn't something I'd hold my breath for. The chaos legions aren't generally different enough to warrant a codex with specific rules for fielding different ones. If another codex for chaos will ever be released (other than new edition ones for CSM and daemons) I'd place my bet on lost and the Damned, since that at least had it's own list at one point.

12-29-2009, 10:46 PM
After working on some conversions lately, I've decided I'd quite like some plastic seekers. Or metal seekers. Or seekers in general.

12-30-2009, 03:14 AM
Eh, Codex: Legions isn't something I'd hold my breath for. The chaos legions aren't generally different enough to warrant a codex with specific rules for fielding different ones. If another codex for chaos will ever be released (other than new edition ones for CSM and daemons) I'd place my bet on lost and the Damned, since that at least had it's own list at one point.

As the new Thunderwolves demopnsrate, Space Marines are as different as the writer makes them. And Legions are definitly different. In fact, each Legion is remarkably unlike any other Legion.

12-30-2009, 10:41 PM
As the new Thunderwolves demopnsrate, Space Marines are as different as the writer makes them. And Legions are definitly different. In fact, each Legion is remarkably unlike any other Legion.

True true, but there are specific chapters of space marines identified as non-codex, i.e., Space Wolves, Dark Angels, Black Templars, Blood Angels, etc (whereas Ultramarines are the epitome of the Codex chapters). There isn't that much of a segregation between the chaos space marine chapters. Sure, certain ones have their own little "niche" that they occupy- with Iron Warriors being seige specialists, Night Lords being terror-tactic users, and Alpha Legion being stealthy and deceptive. However, the differences between the chapters end there for the most part. Hence, no need for legion-specific codices.

person person
12-31-2009, 12:48 AM
Big Red is correct to a point. I have heard that the Plastic Deamon Prince is scheduled with the Deamon 2nd Wave which included redesigned seekers and plastic plaguebearers.

Sounds right to me, I never really cared for the plastic Prince because it didn't look all that Grimdark yet alone worthy of a 3+ armour save in the WoC army book. I'm looking alot more forward for the plastic Plaguebearers and I don't even collect Daemons.

01-02-2010, 10:11 AM
i want one so bad for both my chaos marines and my daemons

01-02-2010, 10:51 AM
gw belfast staff member was talking to me about it and said its def out this year but gave no idea of when :(

Subject Keyword
01-02-2010, 01:42 PM
They're just squeezing as many sales out of their overstock of metal models as they can.
I've always had a suspicion that GW makes products and then sits on them for a while.
The recent news about Dark Eldar doesn't surprise me at all. Photos of the new models have been leaking for years.

Someone at GW probably has a bunch of Daemons sitting on their desk right now.
It's too bad they're a company and not a geek charity...