View Full Version : 2000 points Imperial Knights

George Labour
03-09-2014, 05:27 PM
Despite the relative simplicity of the 'army' in question I figured there's at least some discussion to be had in how to employ them in a game.

As such I'm just going to swallow the bullet and be the first one to post a list, and my thoughts on how to run it.

Firstly I should mention my primary opponents will be Eldar, Tau, and Tyrannids in that order. I don't fight Marines to often but I will at some point. I also usually play Imperial Guard so I'm falling back on my experience with Tank companies and Mechanized Infantry as far as basic battle plans go.

2000 Points-actually 2015 but my opponents are okay with such a variance.

Primary Detachment-Imperial Knights


1 Knight Paladin-seneschal


1 Knight Paladin

1 Knight Errant

1 Knight Paladin

1 Knight Errant


2 Vengeance Weapon batteries with Quad Icarus lascannons

So that's 5 scoring units, and 2 AV14 gun platforms. Versus...what you'd usually expect to kill a tank heavy IG army.

Now the general plan is this.

1) The Vengeances are there to provide some moderate AA. While they're BS2 they do get rerolls, and can't be captured by my opponent. Combined with their AV14, and some terrain placement I should be able to keep them on the board to deal with any armored fliers, or attempts at deep striking in heavy support.

2) I gave my Warlord a Paladin because I intend to place him as far backfield as possible in order to make my opponent work harder for first turn attempt at Slay the Warlord AND first blood. Though this potentially wastes his WS of 5 I've already seen how easily a knight can go down if an enemy can bring all their anti tank fire on it at once.

3) The Errants will likely go in the center with the Paladins on each flank. If Possible I'll try to start them behind cover, and put one side and maybe their backs at an angle to deny my opponent the ability to surround one. If he goes for the center ones I'll be able to either move to one flank or another, or focus firepower from four knights at once before charging in to finish them off.

4) I might hold one Errant in reserve, especially if I roll the Outflank ability. While this diminishes my firepower for a few turns it MIGHT be worth it for late game objective pushes or to try and catch any deep strikers who infiltrate my backfield. If outflanking it would let me potentially do the same thing to my opponents who have a tendency to plop a troops choice on an objective and just go to ground when shot at.

Other than 'wow that's a list so simple why even bother posting it' any thoughts?

03-09-2014, 08:19 PM
Please tell me that your opponents know that you are bringing five Knights.

George Labour
03-09-2014, 08:49 PM
Of course. And like I said they're already familiar with tackling squadrons of Russes rolling up on them as Hydras, chimeras, and infantry come in behind those.

So the chance of them doing something silly like bringing nothing but dire avengers and jetbikes is highly improbable. Especially since my primary eldar opponent has me help him make his lists.

03-10-2014, 09:24 AM
yeah... and it's gonna be a surprise a maximum of one time anyways since that's probably a game both of you will talk about quite a bit! :D let us know how it goes!

03-10-2014, 09:36 AM
yeah... and it's gonna be a surprise a maximum of one time anyways since that's probably a game both of you will talk about quite a bit! :D let us know how it goes!

Yes, a full bat rep would be awesome :)

George Labour
03-10-2014, 09:51 AM
Fortunately that is the plan. At least once my budget lets me get another three knights in a month or so.

03-10-2014, 10:02 AM
I, too, look forward to the Battle Report. Take pictures too!

George Labour
03-10-2014, 01:14 PM
yeah... and it's gonna be a surprise a maximum of one time anyways since that's probably a game both of you will talk about quite a bit! :D let us know how it goes!

It might have been a suprise if I hadn't been running around chanting 'giant rippy knights' over and over for the last month.

03-10-2014, 09:42 PM
Of course. And like I said they're already familiar with tackling squadrons of Russes rolling up on them as Hydras, chimeras, and infantry come in behind those.

So the chance of them doing something silly like bringing nothing but dire avengers and jetbikes is highly improbable. Especially since my primary eldar opponent has me help him make his lists.

I'd happily take on the former rather than the latter. There is a great deal of difference between Leman Russes, chimeras, etc and a wall of Knights.

As everyone else has said, I look forward to seeing the battle report. In detail.

White Tiger88
03-10-2014, 10:32 PM
Please tell me that your opponents know that you are bringing five Knights.

I think this list would earn a punch in the face or me bring Anggrath to the table.........

George Labour
03-10-2014, 11:17 PM
Why not do both? :p

White Tiger88
03-11-2014, 06:41 PM
Why not do both? :p

http://i1358.photobucket.com/albums/q763/White_Tiger88/tumblr_malawt59gi1rr55q9_zps8e17cca2.gif (http://s1358.photobucket.com/user/White_Tiger88/media/tumblr_malawt59gi1rr55q9_zps8e17cca2.gif.html)

George Labour
03-11-2014, 08:17 PM
Pretty sure if a Knight took Angratth out through an apocalyptic explosion you WOULD want to hit me over it. :P

Though it'd still be a hell of a game win or lose.

EDIT: Incidentally if people feel five knights are to much. Might they wish to reccomend 370-500 points of something to ally in using Imperial Guard, Space Wolves, or grey Knights instead?

I was trying to avoid using allies but I'm open to suggestions.

03-13-2014, 10:47 AM
Some sort of techpriest/iron priest/techmarine, to heal your hit points?

03-13-2014, 12:28 PM
Knights still seem like the Poor mans D weapon unit with a field Lord of War ranged D weapon attacks, hit one with any D weapon and your likely to destroy it and possibly any knights nearby it from resulting destruction of said Knight. Aquilla Strongpoint located at max range just pretty much paid for itself at that point. Slap some Void shields on it and wrap a line of infantry 19-36" in front of it.

George Labour
03-13-2014, 07:19 PM
Well I'm not to worried about that. I'm currently the only one of my little gaming clique that's invested in anything from Stronghold Assault.

As such I'm far more likely to face a gaggle of deep striking crisis teams, and hammerhead hordes. My Eldar opponents are more likely to use Fire Dragons, Wraith thingers, and a mix of Wave Serpents and Fire Prisms. Combine with small units of jetbikes for late game objective capturing and denial. Though one does have an old armorcast Scorpion grav tank that's about the size of the Forge World Lynx....

That being said I am thinking I may now try to proxy up an Aquila strongpoint for my friends that play Eldar.

Tzeentch's Dark Agent
03-13-2014, 07:43 PM
5 Knights is my plan, and screw the haters because IT'S ACTUALLY A LEGAL CODEX.

03-13-2014, 07:49 PM
I likely will start with 1 and build to an Imperial Knight force of 3 so I can field a Imperial Knight primary detachment with allies if I want, 5 just feels like too many points invested into one unit role, that could be better complemented by allies.

George Labour
03-13-2014, 08:25 PM
My personal long term plan is 6 as my most common opponent often wants to play 2500 points games.

So 6 would let me run two primary detachments, and then either take two fortifications or some varied allies to make things flavorful. Maybe a horde of infantry to field my deployment zone with and thus deny my opponent easy deep striking and infiltrating.

03-14-2014, 04:49 AM
Think I'm going for a 1,500 pt force. 3 Knights, some terrain, some Iron Hands (led by a Lord of the Forge on bike to heal me).