View Full Version : Imperial Knight Houses - Which Will You Do?

03-09-2014, 09:53 AM
It's a big decision, especially if you are planning on painting up a whole detachment.

I think I've decided on House Hawkshroud...

1. The decals come with the kit.
2. They often adopt campaign badges or space marine badges for those they have sworn to aid.

The samples in the codex are knights who served with the Imperial Fists, but I have Red Scorpions and several of the huge FW transfer sheets. I am going to dull down the color a bit and make more use of black in quartering various segments of armor to avoid huge swathes of yellow.

I will probably add a Freeblade at some point to add more variety and stretch my creativity a bit... I won't mind painting free hand heraldry if I only need to do it once!

03-09-2014, 10:54 AM
my mates and I have come up with our own colour scheme that we all will use (think Soul Drinkers and you're not far off the mark - darn GW stole that idea in the second WD, but we're sticking with it regardless :P)
We're just not sure yet whether we're a minor House or maybe a kind of impromptu alliance of Freeblades that somehow became more permanent at some point and adopted a common color scheme (still trying to convince the others of that - just feels a bit more unique :))
Accordingly, we don't have a name yet - but our shared heraldry will be reminiscent of Raven Guard livery (black and white, with some kind of bird motive, details are still a bit sketchy)

03-09-2014, 11:24 AM
I have / will theme mine around Freeblades that have since returned to the Mechanicus. They will all each have unique colour schemes but with certain panels painted red and displaying the Mechanicus heraldry.

I have started my 1st one and it's coming on nicely, If you think of the Legion of the Damned colour scheme you can't go wrong with what I've done so far ;) this ones called "Angelus Mortis (Angel of Death).
I'm also at the planning stage of my second. She will be called "The Morrigan" (Phantom Queen) as I think it will be fun to think of my 2nd pilot as a woman.
The 3rd is unnamed as yet but will have a Dragon / Reptilian theme going on. "Aegisuchus" is the favoured name at the moment.
The 4th I haven't started planning yet.

Anyway like I said they will all be former Freeblades that have now aligned themselves to the Mechanicum to tie them into a unit but still have individual paint schemes to make them unique.

So no house as such.

03-09-2014, 03:56 PM
I'm thinking house Terryn, as I already have a ton of different shades of blue to make those armor panels look nice

03-09-2014, 05:08 PM
I will be doing a 3 engine formation from house krast to fight in support of legio Metallica and its warhound manipule i have begun to assemble :)

03-09-2014, 05:32 PM
I'm torn. I like Cadmus's colors and Hawkshroud's fluff. I'm going to wait until the Conpanion comes out and see if any other Houses speak it me.

03-09-2014, 05:38 PM
i would do another house easily as i'm not set on any particular house but with it being theres 1k plus invested in legion metallica then i damn well have to do house krast to remebresent the nights that are assigned to my warhounds lol so that made the deision easy for me.

03-09-2014, 05:50 PM
i would do another house easily as i'm not set on any particular house but with it being theres 1k plus invested in legion metallica then i damn well have to do house krast to remebresent the nights that are assigned to my warhounds lol so that made the deision easy for me.

If I wasn't allying to Knights of Blood, I'd do Krast.

Chris Copeland
03-09-2014, 05:58 PM
My Dark Angels are painted in Rogue Trader-era colors: black and red. I think I'll do a Freeblade in black and red livery. Now I have to come up with a backstory about why this Freeblade is working with the Unforgiven...

03-09-2014, 09:02 PM
My Knights started out as a collection of survivors of destroyed houses during the Heresy, rescued and brought back to the Forge World Westinghouse. There they were eventually absorbed fully into the Legio Defensor Titan Legion.

I currently have 3 detachments painted up in Defensor colors (or close variants) in Epic, and now a full sized knight being painted to match my full sized Warhound and Reaver.

03-11-2014, 07:02 PM
in all likelihood, if I were to ever paint up some knights, I would do them in colours that would reflect a tie in to the Dark Angels. my marine army. The first legion would probably have ties with some house for some reason. Probably have some DA bits on there if i could find them in the closet.

03-12-2014, 09:06 AM
Raven, I'm an Ad Mech man through and through and the Hazard Stripes match the Golgothan 8th Irregular Sappers.

Patrick Boyle
03-12-2014, 10:25 PM
A thirding for Raven. Chevrons doing it again. Their Mechanicus alignment working well with the Blood Ravens fluff of having close ties seals the deal; the fact of their name, and the rest of the color scheme matching my marines pretty well are just nice bonuses.

Speaking of, I think I need to hit the skeleton with another wash, lighting has an impact but I don't think the trim is popping enough against the rest of the frame, thoughts?


03-13-2014, 12:38 AM
I've settled on Hawkshroud. I like their fluff - ever honorable, dynamic and heroic, but bound up in unbreakable chains of tradition and obligation - and I even got a buddy to teach me a recipe for a deep, rich yellow that will work nicely with the white, black, and silver that I plan to use as contrast colors.

03-14-2014, 07:58 PM
Im doing a total of six. Three Hawkshroud. I really like their ffluff and I don't have a yellow army. My other three are freeblades. One is the Black Rook (black white and silver) piloted by Alexander VonBraun XIV, youngest son of a noble house who to get his own engine left the family. Second is the daughter and only child of a very successful knight pilot who took over after her father wad killed but had to become a freeblade because women in her family are not permitted to become pilots. The third is Baer Steiner who decorates his knight with trophies from his other career big game hunting.