View Full Version : Making your games matter in the fluff.

03-09-2014, 09:03 AM
Hey everyone! Long time no post. I want to start of by saying that I am a total fluff bunny and I really want to get a discussion going on about the personal headcannon you have for why your games are played. And the bigger picture if you like, I remember being enthralled by the Medusa V (roughly about a year after I started 40k I think?) campaign and using the forum to explain why my Necron Forces and my Relictors had ended up in the conflict and I want to be able to bring that to my regular games of 40k too. So what do you do to make your games feel like they matter in 40k?

This is something I've been thinking over recently as part of a project I decided to start writing a sector wide campaign that for now has mostly been between myself and a couple of friends and my little brother. However I'm not going to lie it's become a sort of miniature hobby itself and I often find myself devoting the odd hour or two to fleshing out this campaign when I should be studying or finishing my traitor guard forces. I'd also really like to open this up to the rest of the community for C&C as well as any additions or suggestions eventually but that's a while off. So far I've had personal requests to include friends forces such as the Orkz of Waagh "Ead'basha" and the Death Korp.

The basic premise for this campaign has been to write an obviously stupidly Grimdark campaign that allows for all factions to jump in and play with a wide variety of worlds and background material for my players. So far the story has been developed and decided by the course of battles played against friends and discussions with them. More than a few years ago my local scene ran a tournament and I was the one to write up the fluff of just a page or so of why we were fighting and the odd conclusion piece. No more than a few pages but this has all been rolled into this larger work. So far I've been hunting down templates to use and learning the Imperial dating system and I think I have a fairly decent grasp of it.

This is just one of the finished data slates I've done. One of my regular opponents is a Death Korp force. The only thing left to add is a scenario type mission that could be played to represent a battle in the underground caverns.


This is a very personalised project and yes it is still in the process of editing I have two other data slates nearly finished with third and fourth that are still in the early stages, each being one for the Space Marine/Chaos Marines and Guard/Nidz.

This also ties in with my traitor guard background fluff and it was them that sparked inspiration for this mini project but do you guys alter your chapter or legions or whatevers story based on your battles or add to it?

03-17-2014, 10:17 AM
I tend to add bits, or battle damage, so my alterations are usually purely for looks, ie,
The first sgt i ever made was sgt Dan of my salamanders. in my first RT tournament (end of 4th ed) He was the last one left in the squad thanks to his 2+ save (damn i miss giving my sgts artificer armour) and was in hand to hand with a squad of necrons. Chaplain Xavier and another 5 man squad rushed in to his rescue and manage to clear a path to him... just as he falls in battle. After that I decided Dan needed Extensive Bionics and loped the head off of the Iron warriors Iron priest or whatever that model was called, gave it a beaky head like what dan had and replaced the crazy chaos bionic with an Iron hands bionic arm( originally held a power hammer now empty and counts as a pwer maul to represent his bionicly enhanced strength)
Dreadnought Torren "The Dastardly" Siege dreadnought that droped in a drop pod and roasted most of a necron army (may have made them phase out, probably not but did enough damage to raise some eyebrows against the Old Necrons while managing to not get disabled from scores of gauss weaponry{Different necron army})
He ended up with necron bits painted in my opponents paint scheme scattered on his base, a feat which no other enemies have earnt.
The Flamer Marine in Squad Zypher, first squad of the second company Was the last marine left besides sgt zypher and the two of them charged a carnifex (once again previous codex) figuring atleast they would deny the carnifex the bonous attack from charging, Flamer marine gets his attacks (sgt has a PF) Carnifex only had one wound left after I had shot it a ton. I manage to hit once, wound once.....and it failed its 2+save. He has a pointing finger that I intend to make some drippy gooey carnifex brains/eyeball be hanging off of or something cause he obviously poked his hand straight through this things eyesocket and fingered its brain lol.

So in short No Real changes rules wise. I don't have a tight knit enough group of players who i play against on a regular basis to be able to form house rules and whatnot from cool outcomes of games, and back when I did have a very tight knit group of gamers we were all about the tournament scene in South tx. If you weren't practicing for the next tournament You weren't playing a game. So anything that wasint in the codex was pretty much a no go because
1. You wouldnt be facing anything like it in the tournament
2. You wouldnt be able to field it in the tournament anyway so why practice with it?

The only person I could ever use any of my FW stuff against was my bro Ruben Whose necrons kicked everyones teeth in anyway (old codex and new) So he was allways up for a challenge.