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View Full Version : ETC Wood Elf List

03-08-2014, 07:15 PM
I'm heading to a big ETC style team tournament in June. In case you dont know, in ETC, all elves get ASF, Forest Spirit Wards don't disappear and BSBs can take upgrades. I'm starting to play test and look at different ideas, so I'd love feedback on this list, not just from a "this choice,that choice" perspective, but also from a "how will this play, what do I have to do here" question.

The last thing, is that I had the points to take 4 Treekin instead of the 20 Dryads, but wasn't sure it was the right choice. I'd love all types of comments and criticisms.

Spellsinger Level 4 Shadow, Rhymer's Harp
Spellsinge Level 3 Metal, Obsidian Lodestone (MR3), Scroll

Noble BSB, Eternal Kin, Light Armor, Shield, Great Weapon, Hail of Doom Arrow
Noble Wildrider Kin, Annoyance of Netlings, Helm of the Hunt, Dragonbane Gem

Glade Riders (5) Musician
Glade Riders (5) Musician
Dryads (8)
Dryads (12)
Glade Guard (10) Musician
Glade Guard (20) Full Command, Banner of Eternal Flame
Glade Guard (20) Full Command

Wild Riders (10) Full Command, Banner of Swiftness

Great Eagles (2)

The strategic intent is that the GG (draft 2 says you can take 50) sit back and pincushion 1 target at a time while the mages make it easier to kill those targets with The Withering, Plague of Rust, Transmutation of Lead and Enchanted Blades of Aiban. The Dryads babysit, speedbump and make use of stubborn in woods. The Glade riders and eagles redirect and the Wild Riders with the noble take out what ever threatens me outside of my capacity to handle ie Miners, Shades, Warlocks, War Machines, Hexwraiths, Terrorgheists.

I'd put the Wizards in one of the 20 man blocks of archers, garnering a 5+ ward from the harp and a 2+ against any magic. The BSB would probably be in the same unit, just for protection's sake.

Magic would be working as follows: Shadow serves to scare people with the threat of mindrazor, but really simply to Wither targets before shooting begins and punish with Pit of Shades; simultaneously, Metal is either taking out high armor targets, supplementing the Withering by cutting down armor with either Plague of Rust, Transmutation of Lead or Enchanted Blades and also threatening death stars with Final Trans. Final trans and Miasma also really go well together around controlling the movement phase, forcing stupidity tests and cutting cavalry movement to elvish movement, M5 to dwarven movement and slow things all the way down to m1 or m2.

Thanks for reading!

07-09-2014, 02:40 PM
Put those dryads together in one unit and your still good in this new edition.