View Full Version : Dark elder 6th edition

Chung Ho Brian Lee
03-08-2014, 04:50 AM
Just want to know when will you guys think that dark Eldar will come out in 6th edition?

Thinking about starting up my wife's army, if I should start now or wait for 6th?

03-08-2014, 05:29 AM
Will probably be one of the last Codices which will get an upgrade (so I guess late this year or start of 2015).
You can always start with basic units, as you will need most of them anyways. I guess you cant go wrong with Venom, Raider, Ravager, Archon, Haemonculus and Kabalite Warriors. Be warned that DE is not an "easy" army to play and the first turn is very likely to dictate the entire battle.

03-08-2014, 05:44 AM
Thinking about starting up my wife's army, if I should start now or wait for 6th?

Just as a point of comparison, in the UK, a box of Wyches will currently cost you £18. A box of Witch Elves will cost you £35. The models are utterly comparable in every way, the only difference is that Witch Elves were released under current pricing, and Wyches were not.

Should you wait until the reboot?

Only if you want to pay more money.

Here's the thing: if you/she want a DE army, then just get one. The prices will NEVER come down. DE as they stand now are perfectly good as an army. They have a lot of powerful tricks, and the codex is still well balanced. Yes, they are a difficult army to use, but that's not going to change with the new codex; they have always been one of the 'high difficulty' codexes.

So get one now. The parts are so completely interchangable, if you bought some Wyches and they turn out to be bad in the new Codex, it wouldn't be any effort to replace their heads and weapons with Kabalite parts and make them into standard Warriors.

As for what to get? Kabalites, Venoms, Raiders, and Incubi are a good start. Wyches are a weaker choice ATM, but that's more due to assault's general downpowering in 6th. If you just want a one-click thing, the kabalite Web Strike is a pretty good starting point:


Archon Charybdis
03-08-2014, 11:18 AM
I'd second everything York Necromancer said. DE are still a perfectly serviceable army, and the models are only likely to get more expensive after an update. In the Eldar release the Dire Avenger box got cut in half and went up in price, I'd dread to see something similar happen to DE. Also, the Kabalite Web Strike is a fun Apocalypse formation as well.

03-08-2014, 11:31 AM
Question: should i start a Dark Eldar army?
Answer: hell yes, i've been playing Dark Eldar since 3rd edition released them, i have always enjoyed the way you either win convincingly or lose terribly. Thats the whole fun of them, however, 6th did Nerf the Assault ability some, but this is still the best codex and model range DE have had.
Go for it Drachon and you may one day become a feared Archon Lord....

Asymmetrical Xeno
03-08-2014, 11:59 AM
It's hard to tell when they will be updated - the whole release schedule is undergoing such a drastic change we have only experienced just over a month of at current. I hope they get a lot of good stuff though - they need things like Wracks and Grotesques in plastic, and hell they are missing msot of their special characters and that one flier right?

03-08-2014, 12:46 PM
When were they released, 2 or 3 years ago? So I guess they will get another edition in 7 or 8 years. :P

03-08-2014, 11:52 PM
It's hard to tell when they will be updated - the whole release schedule is undergoing such a drastic change we have only experienced just over a month of at current. I hope they get a lot of good stuff though - they need things like Wracks and Grotesques in plastic, and hell they are missing msot of their special characters and that one flier right?

Shhh, don't mention all the stuff DE are missing (like almost all the named characters, a flyer, and the single sculpt for grotesques) or a Tyranid player will come in and start complaining about not having the right biomorphs.

03-09-2014, 09:01 PM
You should of course start a DE army! Not that anyone here is biased! :D They are an army that will reward you in many ways, once you stop getting pounded and think like how a DE archon should! Quick, fast and dirty - no such thing as a fair fight, deception, point of concentration and completely leaving your enemy in disarray as they react to your lightning quick deployments are your key strategies. Glass cannon analogies are quite apt!

Force choices have been recommended in the previous posts, I personally have 3 Ravagers, 5 Raiders and plenty of kabalite troops as a start! Then you can mix in units you like and experiment with a play style depending on your preference for the different units (I've yet to play with Pain Engines!). Until the dex update, the one we have now has still been effective.

As for the subject of the minis, I run a mix of both old and new and think it looks rather cool - subfactions within the army punished with older gear until they prove themselves and get upgraded! (oddly enough, my older models seem to do better on the battle top - the newer ones get blasted away first!)

Chung Ho Brian Lee
03-10-2014, 12:00 AM
I'm still trying to pick with army to go next since I already have dark angels, I was thinking tau but wouldn't mind continuing on my wife's army that's all

03-10-2014, 05:22 PM
As for the subject of the minis, I run a mix of both old and new and think it looks rather cool - subfactions within the army punished with older gear until they prove themselves and get upgraded! (oddly enough, my older models seem to do better on the battle top - the newer ones get blasted away first!)

Dude I love the old models. I use the old warriors and wyches as Trueborn and Bloodbrides to set them apart. The old jetbikes are also the ****. I just wish Incubi still had the helmet splinter pistols, because I love those old models. And the old metal Archons.... awww yeah.

03-10-2014, 06:00 PM
And speaking of the old models, I'm stripping the paint of off a dozen old school scourges with splinter cannons and dark lances, but none of them have wings. Anyone have any suggestions for good wings that would work with them?

03-17-2014, 10:28 PM
Dude I love the old models. I use the old warriors and wyches as Trueborn and Bloodbrides to set them apart. The old jetbikes are also the ****. I just wish Incubi still had the helmet splinter pistols, because I love those old models. And the old metal Archons.... awww yeah.

Amen brother! I still run the old incubi models and they have never let me down - cleaving heads and blowing up vehicles with their klaives! I run a mixture of the new raiders with my older ones, but still run the older ravagers as my heavy support. I haven't used any talos units so I don't have the models, may consider some new pain engines just to try them out (and they look rather cool too).

Dave Mcturk
03-18-2014, 05:08 AM
de are very nasty combined with a few select 'eldar' - call them corrupted if it makes you feel better about it !

a night spinner for rear area support and a wavz serpent with something nasty in it [maxed out Avengers + character or Scorpions with exarch], and if you really like you could have a wraithknight ! even some GJB for objective stealing are a snip at 51pts [i mean a minimum unit of whyches or kabz is about the same and at t3 liable to get popped off by any ignores cover shooting !]

for pure DE i am really liking void bombers [a flyer with an IV save and armour 11 and nightshields - absolute bargain; never mind st 9 LANCE weapons bye bye A14 !]

and venoms with 2 cannon and 3 trueborn with two extra cannon - 24 poison shots at 36" - bye bye fmc ! [and yes i run 3; amazing how easy they are to 'hide' as well ... teeny tiny vehicle. poison teeth !]