View Full Version : 1850 Death Korps of Krieg

03-07-2014, 07:45 PM
I've been working on a Death Korps army recently and decided to write up a couple of lists for it. I can't decide which list I like better, the Siege or the Assault Brigade list.

Assault Brigade List


Company Command Squad 180
vox, Quartermaster, Techpriest, banner of martyrdom


Infantry Platoon 395
Platoon command
vox, plasma pistol, plasma gun x2
Infantry Squad
vox, plasma pistol, plasma gun
Infantry Squad
vox, plasma pistol, plasma gun
Infantry Squad
vox, plasma pistol, plasma gun

Infantry Platoon 385
Platoon command
vox, plasma pistol, meltagun x2
Infantry Squad
vox, plasma pistol, plasma gun
Infantry Squad
vox, plasma pistol, plasma gun
Infantry Squad
vox, plasma pistol, plasma gun
Grenadiers 235
plasma pistol, plasma gun x2, storm chimera

Fast Attack

Devil Dog 135
Hull multi-melta

Heavy Support

Field Artillery 240
4x Heavy Mortars w/ Carcass shells
Thunderer 140
Thunderer 140

Total: 1850

Siege List


Company Command 165
Vox, Master of the Ordnance, Master of the fleet


Infantry Platoon 395
Platoon command
vox, plasma pistol, plasma gun x2
Infantry Squad
vox, plasma pistol, plasma gun
Infantry Squad
vox, plasma pistol, plasma gun
Infantry Squad
vox, plasma pistol, plasma gun

Infantry Platoon 385
Platoon command
vox, plasma pistol, meltagun x2
Infantry Squad
vox, plasma pistol, plasma gun
Infantry Squad
vox, plasma pistol, plasma gun
Infantry Squad
vox, plasma pistol, plasma gun


Field Artillery 220
4x Thudd guns
Field Artillery 220
4x Heavy Mortars

Heavy Support

Heavy Artillery 315
3x Medusa guns w/ bastion breachers
Thunderer Siege Tank 150
Armored track guards

Total: 1850

I'm slightly leaning towards the siege list, because Artillery is nasty in sixth, but the better mobility afforded by the tanks in the assault list is enticing as well. I know I have no anti-flyer, but the korps lists only have hydras or hydra platforms for AA. Thoughts?

This Dave
03-08-2014, 12:16 PM
I like the Siege list you have myself. The longer range of the Medusas will make up for them hanging back while your foot troops slog forwards. Are you expecting a lot of Power Armored opponents? As you're packing a lot of Plasma weapons. If you are worried about air attack you might take the Plasma Pistols off all the infantry sergeants and take a Hydra or maybe some Saber platforms.

03-08-2014, 05:02 PM
I didn't think the death korps could take sabre platforms, if they can I'll definitely work them in somewhere, I love those models!

Also, there are a ton of 3+ save armies around where I game, so that is why I tend to go overboard on plasma :)

03-08-2014, 06:53 PM
Also, I would tell you to only ever take Thudd Guns. The Mortars are "eehhhh meh," but those Thudd Guns are friggen awesome. Whatever unit they fire at, is likely going to die or lose at least half their number. They might be a bit weak at taking on enemy vehicles (they are barrage and so hit side-armor, which isn't bad) but you've got other things in the army list to take to handle those.

03-09-2014, 03:52 PM
I like mortars because in the assault brigade list their carcass shells are amazing, so I'll probably buy the models for that even though they aren't as good as thudd guns in a siege list.