View Full Version : Freebee for UK Space Wolves player

12-27-2009, 05:15 PM

Christmas treated me rather well, and I'm now the proud owner of a Vindicator. The tank came with the regular large SM transfers, and also another sheet just of Space Wolves transfers, which I have no use for.

If you're a UK Space Wolves player and could use the sheet, reply to this thread with your email address, I'll email you for a postal address, and pop it in the post.

Sorry if you're overseas, but UK only, please :D

12-28-2009, 06:30 PM

If no one else has laid claim that transfer sheet would be very useful to me :)

12-29-2009, 04:54 AM
Chaoshound, it's yours. Send me a PM, or reply to this thread with your email or postal address, and I'll sort it out.