View Full Version : March 15th 2014, Warhammer 40k Tournament, 1750 points, Sunshine Games, South Florida

Reggie Sanchez
03-06-2014, 01:09 PM
Free Pizza included!

March 15th, Saturday

Registration: 11:00-11:45
Entry: $10
Prizes: Minimum $200 Store credit to top 4~8 (depending on participation)

Registration: 11:00 – 11:45 am
Round 1: ……….. 12:00 – 2:15pm
Break: 2:15pm – 3:00pm
Round 2: ……….. 3:00 – 5:15pm
Round 3: ……….. 5:30– 7:45pm
Awards: …………. 7:45pm +

HARD FOC (Force Organization Chart)
A player’s army, including allies, Formations, Data slates, etc, must conform to a standard force organization chart of up to 2HQ, 6 Troops, 3 Elites, 3 Fast Attack, and 3 Heavy Support. The army must fulfill mandatory FOC slots. EX. Primary detachment must fill a minimum of 1HQ, and 2 Troops, while an allied detachment must fulfill 1HQ and 1Troop.

All GW Codexes, “Codex: Imperial Knights,” Codex Supplements, Data slates, and Formations are permitted in this event. Escalation and Stronghold Assault are not permitted and pending review.

This is a premier Games-workshop Warhammer 40k Event. As such, models must conform to WYSIWYG with no proxies allowed.

Please Bring the required following:
-Army Codex
-Rule Book
-Your GW FAQ
-Any supplemental Rules
-5 copies of your army list. (1 for judge, 3 for opponents, 1 for yourself)
-Everything you need to game; Tape Measure, Dice, Miniatures, etc.

Most importantly, Have FUN!
