View Full Version : White Dwarf Nostalgia: The Old Legion Of the Damned army List

03-06-2014, 05:33 AM
Hey all,

Just been watching the reviews on the recently released legion of the damned codex, I have to admit it seemed pretty darn heart breaking. I have always loved the Legions fluff as well as their whole skull and fire and brimstone look. The Imperium’s answer to the A-Team!

After the disappointment I decide to rummage through my old white dwarf magazines, I was able to find the article which started the love for the Legion…I have taken pictures.





This is white dwarf issue 224, if memory serves me correctly that was during the year 1998... This army list was written by Jervis Johnson.

Unlike the new codex released this army has a tone load of stuff you can take...for example, Chaplain, Librarian, Techmarine, Assault Squad, Bike Squadron, Attack Bike, Rhino, Landspeeder and yes a DREADNOUGHT TOO! Compared to the latest codex of just a squad of legion marines... Jervis Johnson stated that a dreadnought was added to the list because...IT LOOKS AWESOME! Should that not be part of the reason of creating such armies as this?

By the way...there's a special character too, Sergeant Centurius (obviously) not sure if the new codex has Centurius in it but his cost point is FREE...yup that's right...free.

Here are his stats

Read the Special rule bit, The Animus Malorum... O_O

I would love to field an army like this with the current 6th edition rules, but instead we are charged high amount for a product with LESS material in it opposed to a full army list which was only at a cost of a white dwarf magazine back in 1998.

Having said that I would have glad to have paid the money for the current Legion codex if it had the same amount of army list content as the 224 white dwarf article! The work has already been done! Just update it with the current rule set, bingo! You got yourself a product you can be proud of, customers are happy and you still make your profit! You could have even released an updated model of Sgt Centurius and made more profit! (Not that the current model isn't uber enough as it is, but it is a limited edition mini after all).

In conclusion I have no idea what is going on in GW HQ... This product was meant to be a sure winner. BUT! GW still has time to redeem itself to update the DLC codex to my suggestions, if you want a copy of White Dwarf 224 I'll gladly post the damn thing to you!

Yours sincerely


By the Emperor's wisdom, the truth has been revealed to me! They are the lost ones, the spirits of the Fire Hawks lost in the warp. They are back from the dead to wreak vengeance on the enemies of mankind!

From the diary of scribe Historicus Malarey, charged with heresy, awaiting execution.

Darren Richardson
03-06-2014, 06:37 AM
I thought I remembered that army but I couldn't find that issue, sadly missing it :(

but damn it is a shame they jumped the shark on this mini "codex"....

03-06-2014, 07:28 AM
Loved this issue of White Dwarf, the magazine was so much better back then! The models looked so awesome!

03-06-2014, 07:50 AM
IIRC, there was another edition in the early 2000s that had a stripped-down version of the army list, just Commander / Troops / Dreadnought. And there was yet another version, a couple years later, called the Cursed Foundings, which had rules for a full LotD army as modifiers off the base SM army list (instead of setting up in your Deployment Zone, you used Deep Strike rules to deploy) as well as several other of the chapters that came to a bad end.

03-06-2014, 07:54 AM
and the dread's base is square...... that should tell some how old this truely is. my only metal dread is currently painted like that one in the pic

03-06-2014, 10:04 AM
I wish I could find the arm to my Sergeant Centurius

03-06-2014, 11:56 AM
I wish I could find the arm to my Sergeant Centurius

I'm STILL bitter about the lack of bits ordering from the Trolls! Remember this WD too, was one of the first i got when getting into the hobby!

Darren Richardson
03-06-2014, 05:19 PM
for real Nostalgia check out the orginal Wd article which I posted on the Rumours Thread for the LotD

they have been around a very loooong time, here is the original Index article from WD 99 way back in March 1988