View Full Version : Denzark's Noise Marine Rhino - WIP

03-05-2014, 05:08 PM
Evening Chaps

Whilst all the world and his dog are yakking on about the D, and AV15, and the SH Arms Race, I thought I would take it back a step. Lets put all that aside, and go for everyone's favourite 35 points of AV11/11/10 goodness. So, a bit of pimp my ride ensued:

http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy257/denzark/Noise%20Marines/IMG_0193_zps44be8d6b.jpg (http://s797.photobucket.com/user/denzark/media/Noise%20Marines/IMG_0193_zps44be8d6b.jpg.html)

I went with my favourite RT Rhino, herewith a front view. I wanted ginormous speakers on the wagon. They are made from sheet grilly stuff (by from a modelling or auto shop) and some GW ammo crates. I like the way the handles look like some bad-arsed roadies have hoiked the stuff up there. The black mount in the middle is an old Cobra Missile Launcher from Action Force (GI Joe to our Colonial Cousins). When you use this stuff it is excellent because it has texture and detail - but needs a good wash and scoring to take primer the best.

http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy257/denzark/Noise%20Marines/IMG_0194_zpseee4b393.jpg (http://s797.photobucket.com/user/denzark/media/Noise%20Marines/IMG_0194_zpseee4b393.jpg.html)

Next I hacked around a 2ed Sonic Blaster, taking off both hands, and attached it to the Combi-bolter. I only used one because the opposite side doesn't have the detail on and I couldn't be arsed to add it on. Using the existing weapons mount was why I added a new rhino turret to the old Rhino. Also note Dirge Caster.

http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy257/denzark/Noise%20Marines/IMG_0198_zps77f0c097.jpg (http://s797.photobucket.com/user/denzark/media/Noise%20Marines/IMG_0198_zps77f0c097.jpg.html)

A side view. The bling is actually a button from my favourite Fent Shop - by appointment to HM don'cha know.

http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy257/denzark/Noise%20Marines/IMG_0197_zps71acef2a.jpg (http://s797.photobucket.com/user/denzark/media/Noise%20Marines/IMG_0197_zps71acef2a.jpg.html)

Rear view - bling again from Fent Shop. Hopefully this will go to spray tomorrow and paint this weekend, before England destroys Wales in the Rugby (wishful thinking).

03-05-2014, 05:11 PM
As a look forward to, when I am turning it up to 11 and cutting around, who needs these tricked out tracks? This chap. I gave him a huge axe of hitty, and the most rock and roll gun in my bitz box - a shooter from Necromunda. More to follow,

http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy257/denzark/Noise%20Marines/IMG_0192_zps3060e3e7.jpg (http://s797.photobucket.com/user/denzark/media/Noise%20Marines/IMG_0192_zps3060e3e7.jpg.html)

03-05-2014, 08:01 PM
love the pistol and old rhino. Great use of bitz!

03-05-2014, 08:07 PM
As a look forward to, when I am turning it up to 11 and cutting around, who needs these tricked out tracks? This chap. I gave him a huge axe of hitty, and the most rock and roll gun in my bitz box - a shooter from Necromunda. More to follow,

http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy257/denzark/Noise%20Marines/IMG_0192_zps3060e3e7.jpg (http://s797.photobucket.com/user/denzark/media/Noise%20Marines/IMG_0192_zps3060e3e7.jpg.html)

I think the speakers on teh rhino are a bit big (but thats a taste thing) THIS GUY however rocks socks

Darren Richardson
03-06-2014, 03:21 AM
looks interesting so far, will wait to see it painted before making final judgement though...

Asymmetrical Xeno
03-06-2014, 05:39 AM
Now that's the kind of Rhino I'd want to produce music for!

03-06-2014, 10:07 AM
That is...awesome!!! So far, so good. Great work, some of those old noise marine bits brought back fond memories! :cool: Always wanted to do something along the same lines, replete with DJ booth. For a bit of fun...

...That said, I could always harvest that creepy DA "speeder" for parts..:-)

Looking forward to seeing the finished model!

03-07-2014, 06:30 PM
OK, today's update. Firstly, an undercoat of Humbrol Sea Grey. I like grey, it is a genuine happy medium between the depth of a black undercoat and the colour enhancing of a white. Then I commenced:

http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy257/denzark/Noise%20Marines/IMG_0201_zps6393c48f.jpg (http://s797.photobucket.com/user/denzark/media/Noise%20Marines/IMG_0201_zps6393c48f.jpg.html)

A general side view. This will take some time tbh as I don't want to rush. The white panel will either go fresian cow skin or zebra - I am leaning towards the latter at the mo.

http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy257/denzark/Noise%20Marines/IMG_0202_zps1b61b09c.jpg (http://s797.photobucket.com/user/denzark/media/Noise%20Marines/IMG_0202_zps1b61b09c.jpg.html)

A view of the speaker system. Black, grey drybrush, and boltgun metal then mithril silver for the grill. Note to self, paint under the grills and then glue them on next time. I want the speakers to not be too garish, so they more readily say 'speaker' to the onlooker. I may try and simulate 'tour' stickers on them later. The main body (still drying) is tin bitz with Nuln oil.

http://i797.photobucket.com/albums/yy257/denzark/Noise%20Marines/IMG_0203_zpsbd0cb6e0.jpg (http://s797.photobucket.com/user/denzark/media/Noise%20Marines/IMG_0203_zpsbd0cb6e0.jpg.html)

The plough. Having told the Memsahib I wanted the vehicle to be mad colours, she reckoned an orange plough which will clash with any blood effect on it. I think if it backs into something like sky blue on the hull that will be awful enough. More to follow, thanks for the positive comments so far.

04-05-2014, 03:40 PM
After a bit of procrastination, the ride is done. Let's see how I got on...

Firstly, a side view from the right. Firstly the actual side in full. 3 panels, from front - a fetching pink/back camo, orange with green flames, and zebra pattern:


Close up: Camo


Close up - flames + door badge (a button painted)


Close up: Zebra - copied from a google search.


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The rear shots (fnarr fnarr)...

The whole thing. There is quite a bit of bling on here, got from craft/fent shops.


When I tilt it up, you can see the door. just plastic card - because I like to save MkI Rhino doors for other projects - but also because I wanted a big buttony bling thing on it. Note the leopard skin:


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The left side.


Next one of the panels, a silver base with loads of peace symbols repeated. There is a flamer bottle on here (from when I renovated) so I imagined it was full of some noise marines potion stuff (read noise-meth) so I used nurgle's rot for a slimy ichor.


The main side and detail of the badge. Sort of pink and green, with a faintly hippy tone to the button on the doors. NB to fit this on I needed to trim the hinges back.


- - - Updated - - -

04-05-2014, 03:51 PM
Next, the front. A purple/gold reminiscent of Emperor's Children Rhinos pre-heresy, then blinged with mini jewels (see craft shops...) the front left panel, which I did not take a close up off, is lilac with jade dots.


Next, a view of the speaker system, made from citadel ammo boxes with some mesh on the front.


Close up of speakers, tried to have a scanner with a sine wave (if that is the correct terminology) on it.


You may have noticed the Dirge Caster, I went for freaky clown with Keith Flint Stylee horns.


So, that is it pretty done. A note on weathering. because of the close ups, you can see some of the roughness, I am not hugely neat nor steady at free hand, so the peace symbols etc if half good, are satisfactory to me. I like to think mine looks good at a distance. I use a mix of weathering - some sponging from FW masterclass, also some use of pencil for metal wear, also FW masterclass. I am using Typhus Corrosion for the mud/patina and some stippled and finger dragged black for engine soot. All comments appreciated, especially if you prefer the photos at the start of the thread (which are links to photobucket) or the latter half, which are uploaded directly to BoLS.


04-05-2014, 04:47 PM
That's the campest looking rhino I've ever seen and not something I'd expect to see from you. :D.

It's brilliant and highly original, especially the use of craft gems to represent a pimped up boob god rhino. Reminds me of the tank the KLF kitted out with a sound system back in the late 80s. Bravo mate.

04-05-2014, 04:57 PM
Cheers Deady - high praise - I think I wanted as camp as platforms with goldfish in! (Pop trivia - did you know the KLF tank made farmers' cows miscarry at ranges of over 3km? Nothing to laugh at I know but hey)