View Full Version : Golden Throne GT & Iron Rebellion August 1-3, 2014 Pleasanton, CA

03-04-2014, 02:46 PM
The Golden Throne Grand Tournament (http://www.goldenthronegt.com) is returning to the Alameda County Fairgrounds in Pleasanton, California on August 1-3 -- and this time we're bringing some friends in The Iron Rebellion Weekend Warmachine event! (http://www.ironrebels.com)

The GTGT 2014 is the third annual grand tournament, and this year will be bigger and better than ever. Full details on the main event format are still being worked out, but here's what we can confirm:

2000pt armies with dual force organization allowed!
40k approved Forge World models allowed!
Six games over two days!
Comfortable 3-hour time limits!
Teams can sign up together to be eligible for additional prizes!

In addition to an awesome main event on Saturday and Sunday, we're also improving our schedule of Friday events! (http://goldenthronegt.com/?page_id=531) You can draft a brand-new 200pt Kill Team, dig through 30 gallons of bits in conversion contests, enter your favorite HQ unit into arena combat, pull out all the stops with our 3-round Total War tournament, or lay siege to Watch Fortress Kasp in our massive narrative event!

Not a big 40k fan? No problem! This year we're debuting the Iron Rebellion weekend Warmachine event - three days packed full of top-level Warmachine and Hordes competition (http://theironrebellion.com/?page_id=56) across some amazing tables and terrain! Compete in a 3-player team tournament on Friday, a 50pt Masters format tournament on Saturday, and a 35pt Hardcore format on Sunday -- help us get 32 players registered and Privateer Press will sanction our Hardcore and Masters events!

Want to play some pick-up games? Register for any of our Warmachine events and get access to our custom-built Iron Arena tables!

Last but not least: remember how we said the Golden Throne GT would be bigger and better than ever this year? Feast your eyes on the work-in-progress Brother Marcus, Defender of the Throne mini -- sculpted by Minx Miniatures Studio (http://www.facebook.com/minxminiaturesstudio) exclusively for the GTGT 2014! Want to get your hands on this awesome model? Check out the details on our website (www.goldenthronegt.com), which we'll post on Wednesday, March 5!
