View Full Version : (Pre-) Heresy Era Death Guard

03-04-2014, 08:07 AM
Hi guys!

I'm new here, but I thought I would share some of my work.

You might have seen my work on either B&C or Ammobunker, but I thought I'd expand.

So first up are my Death Guard marines, they are more or less done, some snow and mud repairs on some.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5033_zps008f0edf.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5033_zps008f0edf.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5032_zpsd3078def.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5032_zpsd3078def.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5028_zps7a82637a.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5028_zps7a82637a.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5027_zpsaba5a6bb.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5027_zpsaba5a6bb.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5026_zps8562787e.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5026_zps8562787e.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5025_zps2ac6aa2d.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5025_zps2ac6aa2d.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5024_zpsba842d21.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5024_zpsba842d21.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5023_zps17198b01.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5023_zps17198b01.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5019_zpsda61f18b.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5019_zpsda61f18b.jpg.html)

03-04-2014, 01:17 PM
I really hope that it is okay if I trippel post since my original post was to big. If not, I will do my best to correct it.

So here is part 2.

Next up is my WiP Sicaran.
Man have this one been a ride. First the chipping fluid would not work so I had to scrub basiclly all my paint of, took some hours.

The result was this, horrible just horrible.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5297_zps549a0239.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5297_zps549a0239.jpg.html)

But I would not give up.

So I started again, new basecoat and rust patches.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5308_zps26a35fbf.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5308_zps26a35fbf.jpg.html)

And chipped again, the result was better but not good.
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5324_zps03fa76e5.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5324_zps03fa76e5.jpg.html)

I carried on, painted some green and added transfer.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5331_zps53e60696.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5331_zps53e60696.jpg.html)

With the washes done it looks like this.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5341_zps55a44c7e.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5341_zps55a44c7e.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5342_zpsf4c97cf8.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5342_zpsf4c97cf8.jpg.html)

03-04-2014, 04:53 PM
And here is the last one, and sorry for the spam, but I just wanted to get my log "going"

And here is my latest update with mud on the tracks, I hope it didn't ruin the look.


http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5351_zpscd087c5c.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5351_zpscd087c5c.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5353_zps8ee77874.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5353_zps8ee77874.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5352_zps2e1417c3.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5352_zps2e1417c3.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5356_zps5446372b.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5356_zps5446372b.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5355_zpsaab296e0.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5355_zpsaab296e0.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5357_zps7c717b5f.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5357_zps7c717b5f.jpg.html)

All that is left is
Dry Pigments
Small Details
Final Varnish

I think that is all. I hope you enjoyed my work so far. And again sorry for my ****on of pictures.

C&C is more than Welcome

03-05-2014, 01:00 AM
Amazing. :D

Lord Tothe
03-05-2014, 01:08 PM
It looks like soldiers and a tank have been through a hellish campaign, rather than like someone sloppily painted scratch marks all over everything. Thumbs up!

03-05-2014, 01:11 PM
Unreal mate, wasn't sure at first but looking at the detail it looks great!

Lord Ezekial
03-05-2014, 01:26 PM
Love it! The weathering is amazing! Can't wait to see more!

03-05-2014, 01:29 PM
Looks great!

03-05-2014, 02:22 PM
Stunning job mate, reminds me of a force left unsupported for a long campaign, unable to clean up due to constant attrition...

A.j. Heiskell
03-05-2014, 02:25 PM
Those Marines will be in the Armoury Chamber for days cleaning their equipment. Great job.

03-05-2014, 03:21 PM
They look filthy! Good work fella. I doth my cap to a job well done.

03-05-2014, 03:33 PM
Thanks for all the comments! :)

@ LordTothe: That was my idéa.

@ A.j. Heiskell: I don't think a few days is enough.

And update again!

This update is rather small, it's just some pigments, like soot, dry mud and some finishing rust.

Final steps are, grese on the wheels, varnishes and tiny details like the lenses, but I want everything to be 100% dry before my last varnish so no more for today.

And I will use Gloss varnish for the wet mud since water effects is just way to glossy.

But less talking and more photos.

Should I go for a Matt or Satin final finish? (I think I am going for Satin)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5361_zps71e6a700.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5361_zps71e6a700.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5362_zps27fa0339.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5362_zps27fa0339.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5364_zpscaa29e77.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5364_zpscaa29e77.jpg.html)

If some patches look glossy that is because of the pigment fixer, but that will be fixed with the varnish.

And this just blew my mind.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5359_zps39980ec5.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5359_zps39980ec5.jpg.html)

My pigments are bloody magnetic :eek:

03-05-2014, 04:24 PM
All looks superb - keep it up!

03-05-2014, 06:04 PM
Matt finish...definitely matt

03-05-2014, 06:12 PM
They make me want to wash my hands...good job.

03-06-2014, 04:57 AM
Thank you all.

I want to go with Matt but I have some bad memories of Matt varnish. But I could make it matt with pigments.

03-06-2014, 08:01 AM
Really looks like that bad boy has been in the field for awhile.

Kibbles Lil-Bit
03-06-2014, 09:33 AM
That Sicaran is absolutely disgusting.

In other words, an awesome piece of work

03-06-2014, 02:52 PM

The Sicaran is done, this is just a quick pic of how it looks, I will take some better photos during the day tomorrow.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5367_zpsa648d8bd.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5367_zpsa648d8bd.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5371_zps457f9f2c.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5371_zps457f9f2c.jpg.html)

Anything I missed?

03-07-2014, 10:01 AM
And here is the final update. I say it's done, but I could've missed something, but that happends.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5375_zpsddd79a36.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5375_zpsddd79a36.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5383_zpsbcd3e9f0.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5383_zpsbcd3e9f0.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5388_zpsea94b0e1.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5388_zpsea94b0e1.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5389_zps9e398a84.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5389_zps9e398a84.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5385_zps88661d80.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5385_zps88661d80.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5394_zpsa693b184.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5394_zpsa693b184.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5390_zpsf7b077f4.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5390_zpsf7b077f4.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5387_zps22ffb31c.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5387_zps22ffb31c.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5392_zps2d746433.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5392_zps2d746433.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5395_zpsc41010bc.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5395_zpsc41010bc.jpg.html)

C&C Welcome

03-10-2014, 06:07 AM
A small update on my next project.

I really hate the look of plain metal paint, it hurts my eyes.

And some "bad" news, I won't be able to update that much this week since I am going away for a few days, so I'll try to make as much as possible before I go.

I also think I figured out why my chipping is so horrid, I think it's the white I am using, since I and using Vallejo's Surface Primer, and it's like a rubber mask when it's dried. Ooh well, you learn something everyday.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5414_zps5928bbfe.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5414_zps5928bbfe.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5408_zps2cf0b270.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5408_zps2cf0b270.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5409_zps7f8bd666.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5409_zps7f8bd666.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5411_zps106227d6.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5411_zps106227d6.jpg.html)

03-10-2014, 05:44 PM
So last update until saturday/sunday this week.

Focus on the white parts since all the metals have a long way to go, the copper needs oxidation, and the steel needs grease, so ignore those parts for now.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5422_zps7908453f.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5422_zps7908453f.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5420_zps8f338697.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5420_zps8f338697.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5421_zpsed04d83b.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5421_zpsed04d83b.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5418_zps718d7cf7.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5418_zps718d7cf7.jpg.html)

Left Shoulder Pad
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5423_zps06d594ff.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5423_zps06d594ff.jpg.html)

Right Shoulder Pad
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5424_zps9d5ccb70.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5424_zps9d5ccb70.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5426_zps79212f85.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5426_zps79212f85.jpg.html)

That's all for now. :)

03-18-2014, 12:29 PM
I'm back, but not without a update. A small one though, just added some oxide to the copper, but is it a little bit strong?

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5435_zps98e26cd0.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5435_zps98e26cd0.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5433_zps4a16bc72.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5433_zps4a16bc72.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5432_zpsb2503fe4.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5432_zpsb2503fe4.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5427_zpsad41c455.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5427_zpsad41c455.jpg.html)

Asymmetrical Xeno
03-18-2014, 02:23 PM
Well it look's awesome to me! I love that more battered and wartorn realistic style, personally.

04-11-2014, 03:09 PM
Hi guys!

Sorry for my absence, but just when I had finished my Contemptor the unimaginable happened, the varnish turned out like almost a white primer, I made atempts to save it, but the damage was already done. I was destroyed, so I finally started with the refinishing of it and I've made some progress, still not 100% happy with the new one, and still not 100% over the incident, but life goes on. And that is the reason for my delay, sorry.

But enought with that. :)

@Asymmetrical Xeno

Thanks, a shame that it never came to be :/ But I have some new stuff instead. :P

And for my update!

I am not very happy but I just want it done (sais the person who spends 10 hours to weather a body and legs ... :P )

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5611_zps56844074.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5611_zps56844074.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5610_zpsd3450e2c.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5610_zpsd3450e2c.jpg.html)

I preferred the old one the rust was more subtle on that one, I might go over the rust again and trim it, but my washes just wont work, they don't flow as they should. :/

04-12-2014, 03:37 AM

I really appreciate the skill it takes to pull off this effect - especially the mud on the tracks. But for me the weathering is too heavy especially on the infantry. I could only foresee this at the very end of some hugely corrosive campaign terrain - possibly istvaan after the virus attack. Remember SM armour is 'adamantium' - presumably tough as you like and anything powerful enough to corrode it would stop the vehicles and suits being combat effective pretty soon.

04-14-2014, 01:56 AM
Yeah I know it's heavy, heavier than I want some times especially on the Contemptor , but it just won't turn out as I want.

The "fluff" is that they are on heavily corrosive and acidic world, and they have been fighting for a long time, and they are coming close to the end.

And also it's my first time doing this on a large scale so I'm learing on the way so to speak.

EDIT: Here are some close ups.

I am really disappointed with the oxidation, especially on the eagle. :/

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5613_zps76264284.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5613_zps76264284.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5616_zpsbdaa68f2.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5616_zpsbdaa68f2.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5621_zps740a0aa1.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5621_zps740a0aa1.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5624_zpsbbe70d7e.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5624_zpsbbe70d7e.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5627_zps0a21c628.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5627_zps0a21c628.jpg.html)

04-18-2014, 02:39 PM
A small update, have not got to do so much work on the contemptor since I am missing a varnish ...

But I got the shoulders green a scratched, still chipping to much but getting better.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5653_zps227d4384.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5653_zps227d4384.jpg.html)

And some arms etc.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5638_zps16744e51.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5638_zps16744e51.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5641_zps8bd8a26b.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5641_zps8bd8a26b.jpg.html)

And here is a "side project" I am doing, for the local GW Stockholm (Sweden) painting contest, it's going to be a duel between a Deathshroud Terminator and an Iron Hand Chapion with 2-hand Chainsword. I tried a new highlight by using Blue instead of grey, but I'm not sure, what to you guys think?

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Space%20Marines/IMG_5651_zps1d75f3e5.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Space%20Marines/IMG_5651_zps1d75f3e5.jpg.html)

04-21-2014, 10:56 AM

And now for my finished Iron Hands Champion. The highlight under the right eye has been fixed, anything else I missed? It was quite some time since I last highlighted.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Space%20Marines/IMG_5658_zps8a6f7873.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Space%20Marines/IMG_5658_zps8a6f7873.jpg.html)

I always wanted to make a really bloody chainsword.
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Space%20Marines/IMG_5662_zps48097892.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Space%20Marines/IMG_5662_zps48097892.jpg.html)

My "awesome" freehand skills.
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Space%20Marines/IMG_5663_zps95990cb9.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Space%20Marines/IMG_5663_zps95990cb9.jpg.html)

04-25-2014, 10:42 AM
And the Contemptor is done!

It came out a little bit rustier than what I would have wanted, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life on touch ups.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5685_zpsc7cf66a6.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5685_zpsc7cf66a6.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5687_zps651415f8.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5687_zps651415f8.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5691_zps248723e4.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5691_zps248723e4.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5688_zps4e43a6a4.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5688_zps4e43a6a4.jpg.html)

And a close up on the fist, I am very happy with it, but I think it might be a bit to dark.
Should I add blood? I want to but I feel that it will ruin the look.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5674_zps1c316d77.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5674_zps1c316d77.jpg.html)

Emanuele D'Agostino
04-25-2014, 12:02 PM
That Iron Hand Champion is simply... FANTASTIC. Really. A Very Good job!

04-26-2014, 02:20 PM
Thanks! I am actually very please with the results. :)

And update on the Contemptor on page 3. :)

05-17-2014, 02:31 AM
Since my Contemptor ain't that interesting apparently. ;) I hope my work on my Deathshroud for my Duel is more interesting.

And in advance, I am so sorry for the lack of quality on the pictures but my Macro Objective died in a horrible "camera in the ground" accident, but oh well.


http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/Deathshroud1_zps56272e47.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/Deathshroud1_zps56272e47.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/Deathshroud2_zps4e27bbd2.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/Deathshroud2_zps4e27bbd2.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/Deathshroud4_zps0ee12216.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/Deathshroud4_zps0ee12216.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/Deathshroud3_zps3dc37017.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/Deathshroud3_zps3dc37017.jpg.html)

I am really happy with the Copper oxide, and the dirt instead of rust streaks. :)

James Q
05-17-2014, 03:08 AM
Some seriously awesome painting skills you have! Models look epic!

05-17-2014, 05:21 PM
@ James Q

Why thank you, the thing I like the most is that I'm always improving on something. :D

And here are some pictures of my finished Deathsthroud and the base for the duel, just some water effects and possibly snow on the base.

But since I am going on a "business trip" this week I wont be able to do any more painting until the weekend, but hopefully I can still reply to your answears.

And again, excuse for the bad quality of the pictures.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5775_zps957c5d6b.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5775_zps957c5d6b.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5777_zps669718f0.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5777_zps669718f0.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5778_zps47da357e.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5778_zps47da357e.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5779_zps6911af26.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5779_zps6911af26.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5780_zps899c9d3d.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5780_zps899c9d3d.jpg.html)

05-17-2014, 10:41 PM
I honestly feel like I'm going to get tetanus if I pick one of these things up the wrong way.

James Q
05-19-2014, 09:21 AM
Looking amazing! Seriously an inspiration. Can I ask how you re-created the copper oxide and dirt look?

05-19-2014, 11:39 PM
@ interrogator_chaplain

I kinda feel the same thing, that is why I always wear gloves and started using a cork to hold it. :P

@ James Q

Thank you very much.

I should be able to do a tutorial during the weekend, hopefully with pictures and all.
But a quick tutorial is, basecoat of white and copper, then a ton of different washes. :)

06-08-2014, 06:12 AM
Hi guys!

I'm not dead yet, just been really busy with work and all the "boring" things in life.

I will update with my a finished duel photo, and tutorial when I get done with my moving.

But I just wanted to share a tease so to speak.

First out

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_5930_zps9e99283a.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_5930_zps9e99283a.jpg.html)

And here is something I have dreamed about for a long time, and finally, I have it.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Titans/IMG_5932_zps8e003461.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Titans/IMG_5932_zps8e003461.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Titans/AWP_20140604_11_15_51_Pro_zpsf8686f5a.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Titans/AWP_20140604_11_15_51_Pro_zpsf8686f5a.jpg.html)

Lord Ezekial
07-13-2014, 03:33 PM
That's awesome! Can't wait to see the titan and how you paint Mortarion.

08-02-2014, 08:49 AM
@Lord Ezekial
I hope you are not to dissapointed with my work so far. :P

Hi Guys!

First off, I feel terrible for the extreme hold up, (insert excuses here, work, life yadi yadi).

But now I'm back!

I've started work on my Mortarion I'm having trouble getting the desired effect on the copper, but I'm making progress. So this is very much a WIP.

Unfortunately I am going away for 10 days or so. So there won’t be any pictorial updates but I can still respond to text.

I will try to get some good pictures of my Duel which unfortunately did not place (same 3 guys won basically everything -.- ), however since my Macro lens for my camera broke I will have to work with my less suited lenses.

And now without further ado, pictures!

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/a00d2729-ccbc-4813-b366-5379349e49ff_zps70cf041e.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/a00d2729-ccbc-4813-b366-5379349e49ff_zps70cf041e.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/3f9d0ab5-ae45-4897-a42c-207c47c7dbf4_zps6a4ad5c8.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/3f9d0ab5-ae45-4897-a42c-207c47c7dbf4_zps6a4ad5c8.jpg.html)

Lord Ezekial
08-02-2014, 08:55 AM
I am super impressed! I personally like the copper effect you have going on. I always have a difficult time using that blue oxide (I tend to use to much) but I think you did a really nice job with it. I hope when I get my model (eventually) I can copy your color scheme, rust effects, and weathered look! Very impressive!

08-02-2014, 11:15 AM
Thank you. :)

That is why I use oilpaints instead of acrylic paint, because if I have to much I can just wipe it away with some turpentine.

I'm glad that you enjoy my work, but if you want to copy it then you are most likely going to have to use oilpaints and pigments, because without it, its really hard (you can but I don't have the skills.)

08-05-2014, 05:47 AM
My Death Guard are arriving this week! I would really appreciated it if you could explain your techniques please, particularly what produces you are using for the rust.

I'm astounded, simply stunning weathering!


08-05-2014, 11:01 AM

I'll gladly make a tutorial for my rust, which model in particular because I've changed technique on almost every batch.

And if you can wait until Monday I can make a better tutorial, but if you just want to know the products I can write them up. Pretty fast :)

08-05-2014, 11:15 AM
I'd like a breakdown, your rust is amazing. I can wait.

08-05-2014, 01:57 PM
Everything and anything to be honest. I'm starting with troops so maybe them. I'm more than happy to wait for a tutorial but maybe you could give us a heads up on products to acquire a head of time please...

Teach us oh rushy one!

08-05-2014, 03:45 PM
@ interrogator_chaplain

Okey, I'll do my best, and thank for the compliments.

@ Chanderzz

Hehe, I can agree with Rusty one, but Rushy, not so much, rather slow painter. ;)

I'll try to make a tutorial.

A little list of items I use. First of, I use more or less only MIG brand products, but ForgeWorld Kromltech or Vallejo will do but I am used to MIG. AK Interactive is also rather good, but I am not familiar with it.

The basic kit is
Light Rust
Standard Rust
Old Rust
Albeitung 502 Odorless Turpentine or Humbrol White Spirit, the spirit is stronger but the turpentine is odorless. :)
Albeitung 502 Wash Brown? (their brown) Oil
Dark Wash

(Albeitung 502 is to my knowledge a MIG brand but I do not know)

That's the basic kit, but for my newer models I have started using these

Filter Dirt brown for White Camo (looks like dark yellow) this is what I've used on my Deathshroud and Mortarion to make the color more yellow/brown/rust.
502 Copper Oxide Oil Paint
Fade Bronze Green pigment
Oil and Grease "wash"
Black Soot pigment
Standard Rust wash
New/Fresh Rust pigment (I've yet to try this but it looks nice more beige)

The reason why I asked what models you wanted tutorial for is because I've change from pure rust wash to a more varied, dirt, rust etc wash.

So I've started using the brown filter to make the white more dirty and not just rusty, compare Mortarion and my Deathshroud to my first 10 Marines.

I think that's and sorry for the messy post, I'm writing from my phone up in the mountains of Sweden. :p

08-30-2014, 08:28 AM
First of, I was going to finish the tutorial, but I lost Mortarions right arm, so I'll continue on the tutorial when I start work on Typhon.

Okay, time for update, not something new, but I've not got around to taking photos of my Death Guard / Iron Hand Diorama

Still no update on the missing arm, I am going to check if FW would be so kind to send / sell me a new one. If not I guess I have to turn to chinese recasts *shurgs*. :/

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_7478_zps4de63dc7.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_7478_zps4de63dc7.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_7481_zpsd59aa28a.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_7481_zpsd59aa28a.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_7474_zpsaea5a2b3.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_7474_zpsaea5a2b3.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_7473_zps98614e51.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_7473_zps98614e51.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_7472_zps52c76309.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_7472_zps52c76309.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_7470_zpsf64e57d6.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_7470_zpsf64e57d6.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_7469_zps36165c30.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_7469_zps36165c30.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_7465_zpseddaf4bd.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_7465_zpseddaf4bd.jpg.html)

Next I'm going to start working on my Typhon, since school just started I don't really have the time atm to start with the Reaver.

09-02-2014, 03:14 PM
So progress on the Reaver is going slow, but for my standard actually rather fast. More or less done with the legs, just waiting for a good pose.

Here is a some pictures of possible pose #1

What do people think?

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/Titan/IMG_7491_zps74c11cff.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/Titan/IMG_7491_zps74c11cff.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/Titan/IMG_7492_zps439bf410.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/Titan/IMG_7492_zps439bf410.jpg.html)

The body will probably be "looking" to the side and the tank will be replace with a bunker/building (ideas) or a heresy era tank, but I do not know what legion if I go with vehicle since I want to play Loyal 40k and somewhere on the edge in 30k.

I am also thinking about having just a walking pose, like he's just about to life one leg?

Or a more dynamic firing pose (but does it work with a Reaver) like this one?


Cred goes to => http://agis40k.blogspot.se/search/label/Project%20Titan

Man this was a messy post.

Lord Ezekial
09-02-2014, 03:39 PM
Hey Packe!

As far as the problem with the arm, I would just contact FW. I had a problem with a tank I bought (they sent the wrong part) and I contacted them with all my info and they shipped me a new part at no cost!

As far as the titan (bad *** by the way) I like the idea of him stomping on something, either a tank or maybe an emplacement like wall of martyrs bunker (?). If you did an emplacement it would be more neutral if you are playing a game of 30-40k loyalist or traitors. IF you want to go with a tank, you could do Salamanders as they were in direct combat during the drop site massacre or maybe do like Sons of Horus, world eaters, or emperors children as they can make you loyalists (crushing the bad guys/ fighting back according to the Betrayal book) but could also be the traitors sweeping up those still loyal to the emperor.
As always keep up the good work! I look forward to seeing this completed!

09-02-2014, 04:18 PM
Hey Lord Ezekiel!

I did mail them a day or so ago, but no answer yet. If I do bot here from them tomorrow (Thursday) I'll call them. :)

If I were to go with a bunker I would probably be a more plain bunker, just a pillbox or maybe a bastion with just one level. But I do like the idea of crushing Sons of Horus or Emperors Children (never been a fan ;) )
I just need to figure out what tank, but I will probably be just a rhino it's the simplest. Thanks for the advice!

09-05-2014, 10:40 AM
Small update.

I've made some progress on the inside of the Reaver, don't know if I'll be able to paint more today, but a small upate anyhow.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_7495_zps547b10a5.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_7495_zps547b10a5.jpg.html)

Excuse the picture quallity.

09-07-2014, 02:48 PM
Update on the interior

Not very happy with the servitors, the color looks awfull IOM, but I really don't want to paint them again so, it'll have to do.

Is the dirt / rust over the top or is it good?

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_7503_zps723c5f6b.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_7503_zps723c5f6b.jpg.html)

C&C needed. :)

Lord Ezekial
09-07-2014, 05:20 PM
I think the rust and wear looks good! I say keep it

09-11-2014, 04:23 AM

I just need a new way of painting the servitors for the "roof" Servitor.

09-18-2014, 05:35 AM
Hi Guys!

Sorry for the absence, but school.

But time for some updates.

First out my "Primus Medicae" or atleast a stand in for one.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_7515_zps08ccad28.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_7515_zps08ccad28.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_7516_zpsf7c63633.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_7516_zpsf7c63633.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_7517_zpsf84f573a.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_7517_zpsf84f573a.jpg.html)

All the base stuff except the lenses are done, so now it's time for washes! :D

I've also basecoated and chipped the inside of the Reaver, but forgot to take pictures.

But my Malcador arrived so now I just have to figure out how to make all the damage.
Here's the chassi glued.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/Titan/IMG_7519_zps180bf5f5.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/Titan/IMG_7519_zps180bf5f5.jpg.html)

EDIT: Forgot to say that today is my first 30k game. My DG vs SoH 750p (all I can muster xD) looking forward to it, I will try to take some pictures.

02-04-2015, 09:32 AM

Way to long since my last update, but that how I am, stupid phases …
Well time for some actual progress, first out is my Apothecary, which is almost done, but I feel dissatisfied with it, don’t know why, I just feel like that.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8005_zpskdbmglfd.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8005_zpskdbmglfd.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8006_zpsmfq9dgbx.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8006_zpsmfq9dgbx.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8007_zpsox4ue6kj.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8007_zpsox4ue6kj.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8008_zps7pzb8ict.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8008_zps7pzb8ict.jpg.html)

And next is the start of my Mechanicum allies/army, and since I am trying to get my girlfriend into the hobby, they had to be blue, looks really of (Mechanicum is red, period xD ) but I got no choice.
What do you guys think of it?

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/Mechanicum/IMG_8010_zpsum477s9i.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/Mechanicum/IMG_8010_zpsum477s9i.jpg.html)

And does marines have to be on 32mm bases? I haven’t played in a while so I am not up to date on the rules.

02-06-2015, 04:37 PM
Another update, excuse the picture quality bad lighting.

The Thallax is almost done, just considering if I should paint the visor and the "reactor" at the back. I was thinking orange since I love the color but I am afraid that it will look out of place with the blue and red, what do you guys think? The blue is more blue and not purple

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/Mechanicum/IMG_8023_zpsaoylqaqi.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/Mechanicum/IMG_8023_zpsaoylqaqi.jpg.html)

I cleaned up my Apothecary, and it looks better now, just need to add the blood, rather nevous actually ... xD

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8028_zpsykjpoyat.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8028_zpsykjpoyat.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8027_zpsbs2nhtmf.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8027_zpsbs2nhtmf.jpg.html)

And lastly I just have to show off my new brushes, I really like them, and they are pretty and the "Dual wield" is very good for my pigment work.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/IMG_8029_zpsvxn1m7eo.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/IMG_8029_zpsvxn1m7eo.jpg.html)

02-06-2015, 08:10 PM
How would you breakdown your pipeline for achieving these? Base>Weather>Layer>Weather>Highlight>Weather? Or something along those lines?

02-08-2015, 06:25 AM
It depends of if it's a vehicle or a soldier. The only difference is in the chipping.

For vehicles I make a basecoat of Vallejos Surface primer (Ger. Panzer Grey) with blobs of Burnt Umber
Chipping Fluid
Vallejo Surface Primer White or Model Air White depending on how big chipps I want (Surface Primer = Big chunks like my Sicarran, Model Air = Small Chips)

For Soldiers
Surface Primer
Dab grey with a sponge

Then its the same
"Detail work" paint everything that is not supposed to be white and then highlight it.
MIG "Brown dirt for White Camo" Filter (I am unsure about this step still)
MIG "Dark Wash"
And then I go crazy with all the rust, corrosion etc, I think I have more pigments and oils than I have normal paint on a model.
Sometimes dry pigments
Lastly I paint the lenses white and X-27 on top.

That is more or less my pipeline.

02-08-2015, 09:08 AM
On demands from other people I have now made the robe a "little" bit more dirty.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8043_zpshrgfvick.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8043_zpshrgfvick.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8042_zps0xtyrmvo.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8042_zps0xtyrmvo.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8040_zps8ejqnlsy.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8040_zps8ejqnlsy.jpg.html)

Since the picture I have added some "oil" and made streaks of oil and grime to make it look like he wiped his hands on the cloth.

And lastly me Thallax, which in my opinion is done except the back core, lens and power cable.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/Mechanicum/IMG_8033_zps89lvzfdr.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/Mechanicum/IMG_8033_zps89lvzfdr.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/Mechanicum/IMG_8035_zps9eym7u8a.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/Mechanicum/IMG_8035_zps9eym7u8a.jpg.html)

02-08-2015, 02:15 PM
Done! Except shoulderguard. And Sorry about the tripple post, but we all know how my updates go. xD

I hope I didn't go overboard with the blod but I think it looks alright atleast.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8054_zpsdokrmopv.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8054_zpsdokrmopv.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8055_zps0ri47ih4.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8055_zps0ri47ih4.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8056_zpsu7hgvyuo.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8056_zpsu7hgvyuo.jpg.html)

05-24-2015, 09:13 AM
Thanks! I am really happy with how he turned out. :)

And I'm back, again. xD

So this is me trying to batch paint, we will see how that turns out.

And I need to take a new picture of my Medicae, the photo does not do it justice.

But without futher ado, pictures!

Base washed, so needs some tiding up etc.
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8486_zpsm2adtg7m.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8486_zpsm2adtg7m.jpg.html)]

Still needing the "detail" work.
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8484_zps9oyj9tsj.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8484_zps9oyj9tsj.jpg.html)

My heavy support.
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8485_zps823uuzzs.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8485_zps823uuzzs.jpg.html)

05-30-2015, 04:20 PM
So update on my two tanks, the Grave Wardens are on hold until the tanks get to the washing stage, I want to do all the washes and pigments at the same time.

So they went from this (sorry for the bad picture had to make an emergency photo)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/WP_20150530_21_45_44_Pro1_zpshsirqi2v.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/WP_20150530_21_45_44_Pro1_zpshsirqi2v.jpg.html)

To this! One thing, varnish the "rust layer" because otherwise the paint will smear and loose (?) it's color, as you can se the orange is not as orange.
http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8488_zpsvqd4zb1p.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8488_zpsvqd4zb1p.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8489_zps9c4y5goa.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8489_zps9c4y5goa.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8490_zpsjxxqaevf.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8490_zpsjxxqaevf.jpg.html)

I also wanted the Venerator to be less damaged than the Spartan since the Spartan is an assault tank and the Venerator is a more long range support it seemed more fitting.

C&C Welcome

05-31-2015, 02:30 PM
Current status on the tanks.

Long way to go though.

I probably wont be able to make any big progress until the weekend, but hey, I am painting "fast" for being me.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8491_zpso1awyb6q.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8491_zpso1awyb6q.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8492_zpstzmau20q.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8492_zpstzmau20q.jpg.html)

And on a different note, I have and old Stormblade (old Banelbade chassi) and I am torn between painting it DG or my Super Heavy IG (no not AM, IG) colors.

I want to paint it DG since I am also exclusivly playing 30k, and my reaver is going to be 30k so it "fits" better".

But I want to paint it as IG since I already have some Super Heavies that I can't paint as DG.

So what do you think?

05-31-2015, 02:45 PM
paint it death guard on the left hand side, and imperial guard on the right hand side, then just face it one side or the other toward the enemy depending on the use :p

05-31-2015, 03:15 PM
Looking very nice :)

06-01-2015, 02:33 AM
paint it death guard on the left hand side, and imperial guard on the right hand side, then just face it one side or the other toward the enemy depending on the use :p

That is actually a silly but good idea, but I think I will paint it in one color, so to say.

Looking very nice :)

Thank you! :D

06-20-2015, 05:20 AM
Update yey!

The big question is, is it to much rust? It is a frontline vehicle though.

It is more or less done, if the rust is good, only tracks and mud left.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8508_zpsvkvwnoba.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8508_zpsvkvwnoba.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8509_zpsr0oqi2fq.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8509_zpsr0oqi2fq.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8510_zpsaevkmyog.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8510_zpsaevkmyog.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Death%20Guard/IMG_8511_zpstbcru2ur.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Death%20Guard/IMG_8511_zpstbcru2ur.jpg.html)

EDIT: Guns are still drying.

06-21-2015, 10:51 AM
Here is my prototyp with grey, I am really glad how it turned out, maybe a little bit to much weathering.

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Super%20Heavys/IMG_8512_zps9ynmyx9m.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Super%20Heavys/IMG_8512_zps9ynmyx9m.jpg.html)

http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee101/packe93/Super%20Heavys/IMG_8513_zpsbggjqvfg.jpg (http://s233.photobucket.com/user/packe93/media/Super%20Heavys/IMG_8513_zpsbggjqvfg.jpg.html)