View Full Version : The East Wind is coming...

03-04-2014, 06:26 AM

The East Wind is coming...

So unusually for myself, i've begun a project whilst up to my eyes in two other legions. The project is a tinkering log for an army i've been debating since the new Codex Space Marines was released last year. I'm enjoying it so far, though i've been working on reclaiming my old Iron Hands bikes. So what's the plan?

Well, i've begun to process of converting my bikes into MKIV riders. I've begun using the Outrider's biker on normal plastic bikes to achieve balance between the V legion and the White Scars chapter. Thus far, though it's not in a condition i feel ready to show, it's got potential.

The theme of this log is simple; to produce a 1500pt space marine scars for that could be used in 30k if and when the scars get there codex. There will be additional models and units added as progress occurs, but for now the design seems fairly set in my mind. I want to explore a combination of the newer MK IV plate (themed for the defense of terra, where the liberated armour from mars may have been passed onto the scars during the defense) and the traditional scars design. I've been listening to the audiodrama, as well as hunting for various snipits of artwork to inform my designs. I'm hoping to get a solid grasp on this as i play test and explore the scars potential each week. I feel with only 3

The army list;

HQ; 380pts

Kor’sarro Khan, Moondrakkan
-Command squad, bikes, 2x storm shield, 4x grav gun, Apothecary.

Troops; 776pts

8 bikes, 2x melta, MM attack bike, sgt meltabomb.

8 bikes, 2x plasma, MM attack bike, sgt meltabomb.

5 bikes, 2x melta, sgt meltabomb.

5 bikes, 2x plasma, sgt meltabomb.

5 attack bikes, grav gun

Heavy support;

Fire Raptor Gunship

The list may chop and change a little, but i feel it's in a fairly solid place at the moment.

So let's move on to a single model i've done to a standard worth of being shown. It's a reclaimed piece, a unit leader. The head is a space wolves with the mohawk removed, the pony tail left on and a mustache sculpted into place.

Time for the PIP model, it's not finished by any means. It is far enough along to give an idea of how i'll be painting these bad boys.



Tzeentch's Dark Agent
03-04-2014, 06:44 AM
Nice work dude!

Ever since reading Brotherhood of the Storm and Scars, I kinda want to do a Heresy White Scars army. They're pretty cool.

03-04-2014, 11:01 AM
Welcome to the Mingan. My heresy-era White Scars are my pride and joy. Pro-tip, use the heads from Kislev horse archers. They're perfect.

Darren Richardson
03-04-2014, 05:19 PM
your WIP is looking nice and muddy, I look forward to seeing how this army progresses....

Oh and good choice of quote for the Title....

I like Sherlock....

03-07-2014, 09:03 AM
@dark agent; i'm loving them because of that book. I'm still debating an all jetbike command squad.

@hack; i'll have to check that out. so far it's all sm heads and sculpted facial hair...

@darren; who doesn't? the shows kick ***.

Now i have only one thing to say.




Darren Richardson
03-07-2014, 10:42 AM
@darren; who doesn't? the shows kick ***.

yep it does :D

Now i have only one thing to say.




Wow he looks amazing!

03-08-2014, 06:25 AM
Wow he looks amazing!

Thank you sir, i am glad he meets your approval.

Time for todays lunch hour update. This beast arrived at half 9 this morning, and as of midday this is where i'm up to;


It's now sealed shut never to be seen again, except through the tiny door at the front. I expect to have a painted update some time in the next few days with the exterior, though i think i'm going to buy the FW rhino doors for the scars just to change the thing a little.

Oh and if your feeling kind why not check out my Facebook hobby page (https://www.facebook.com/nerdbydesignuk). I'll still be posting regular updates here, so no pressure to do so.


Darren Richardson
03-08-2014, 06:53 AM
Thank you sir, i am glad he meets your approval.

Time for todays lunch hour update. This beast arrived at half 9 this morning, and as of midday this is where i'm up to;



HOLY CRAP OF TERRA, you painted all the interior in about 3 hours, to this amazing standard....

Damn, I wish I was that good....

Oh and yeah FW doors will add to the coolness of the "Beast" I brought the Sisters of Battle Rhino doors and they look great on my Razorback (my chapter the Red Templars use the same Fleur De Lys), you will notice some slight gaps though, they don't fit as tightly as the plastic doors that come with the kit.

Also maybe if the budget can stretch far enough add re-inforced armour too, I got some plates off eBay that I got in a bitz collection, only one plate missing (though one was broken in half, some superglue and greenstuff fixed that) that I intended to use on my Landraider....

Once I've brought one of course....

03-13-2014, 05:19 AM
HOLY CRAP OF TERRA, you painted all the interior in about 3 hours, to this amazing standard....

Damn, I wish I was that good....

Oh and yeah FW doors will add to the coolness of the "Beast" I brought the Sisters of Battle Rhino doors and they look great on my Razorback (my chapter the Red Templars use the same Fleur De Lys), you will notice some slight gaps though, they don't fit as tightly as the plastic doors that come with the kit.

Also maybe if the budget can stretch far enough add re-inforced armour too, I got some plates off eBay that I got in a bitz collection, only one plate missing (though one was broken in half, some superglue and greenstuff fixed that) that I intended to use on my Landraider....

Once I've brought one of course....

I don't plan to use many tanks, though i am picking up two more just to vary my army. I don't think they armour with fit with the Scars, they are more speed focused.

It's time for something painted to appear. I'm still working away on them, but they're now in a position to give a general sense of how the army is going to look. Hopefully i'll finish them tonight or tomorrow. This is one of the five man units in my army, tenth squad.


I must say, i can't wait to field an army of these bad boys.


Darren Richardson
03-13-2014, 07:42 AM
I don't plan to use many tanks, though i am picking up two more just to vary my army. I don't think they armour with fit with the Scars, they are more speed focused.

True, but many of the doors also fit Stormravens and Thunderhawk Gunships, their speedy :D


I must say, i can't wait to field an army of these bad boys.


Love this squad, they really look like they've been riding hard in their current campaign...

03-14-2014, 06:45 AM
Love this squad, they really look like they've been riding hard in their current campaign...

The entire army is going to look like it's fought tougher wars, but not many.

Well time for another update. This time it's a new thing and a better picture of the other thing...


Basecoats down the storm raven;


So the army is starting to develop a pace... no pun intended.
