View Full Version : The Knights of House Mortimer

03-03-2014, 02:52 PM
Hey all,

The new Imperial Knights have lit off a spark of inspiration in me, and I’m excited to present to you my foray into dystopian chivalry!

I preordered two Imperial Knight kits originally, and then picked up a third one since my local GW store had extra. House Mortimer is one of the original Noble Houses depicted in Epic 40,000 back when Knights were first introduced.


I built my first Knight by-the-book, exactly as it’s supposed to be built, as a Knight Errant.

My second Knight, I decided to go completely off the wall and depict him charging forward, chainsword in mid-swing, his armor heavily damaged and worn.

The third Knight will be my warlord, a Knight Baron (or Seneschal….we’ll see how ranks work out when the codex comes). I built this one, standing victorious over a dead Tyranid bioform, the pilot emerging from the cockpit hatch to survey the battlefield below.

There will of course be more work to come, so stay tuned!

03-03-2014, 04:58 PM
Nice work... I had to chuckle at the outrage some people had about only being able to build the knight with one pose for the legs. My own first knight model is clambering across ruined city walls... Pics in a few days.

Again, nice work!

Darren Richardson
03-03-2014, 05:20 PM
WOW, this kits only been out for a very short period, and people are already producing some amazing conversions!

I really look forward to seeing more of these latter in their painted state.

03-04-2014, 02:49 AM
Great stuff! And I can't believe that you've managed to assemble 3 of them already!

03-04-2014, 12:51 PM
Looks awesome! Great dyanamic looks, and the last one tells a story so simply. Keep it going!

06-02-2014, 02:41 PM

The folks at Games Workshop: Blue Diamond were quite impressed with my painting (though…apparently not enough to take a steady picture :P) I’m still working on this Knights project, just been busy. I’ll have new, clear pics up soon.

06-05-2014, 03:48 PM
A few more pics here, courtesy of my phone. Since House Mortimer is one of the original Knight houses from Adeptus Titanicus (and completely omitted from the modern background because…GW reasons), I painted my Knights in a heavily worn, weathered, rusted, and generally beaten-to-hell scheme. Taking cues from the Statue of Liberty and really old statues, Civil War Ironclads, and underwater shipwrecks, I painted the armor shell almost purely as verdigris-encrusted copper, with heavy amounts of rusting both on that and on the undercarriage skeleton, which is painted as a dark silver metal.


As House Mortimer is a bright yellow and purple scheme in the original pictures, I carried this over, making those paints crusted and heavily faded from 10,000 years of existence (let’s face it, a 10,000 year old war machine is never going to look brand new). I kept the Tyranid beast emblems, (hopefully) representing their preferred prey rather than their allegiance. I denoted their affiliations with the Adeptus Mechanicus via skull-and-cog emblems and a few other bits here and there.