View Full Version : Help with Knight colour scheme!

03-02-2014, 10:20 PM
Picked 'er up on Saturday!

So I had a pretty concrete colour scheme that I was going to use for this here beast, but when I told my dad about it, he seemed a fair bit skeptical. So this got me thinking it would probably be a good idea to consult the hive mind and see if it was indeed the right way to go.

I am unable to prime my model until Friday when frigid the Northern Ontario finally go above freezing causing adverse reactions to the primer, so you've got 5 days to give me your opinions.

So I'll include my first choice along with some other aesthetically appealing choices I had in mind and let's see what you all think.

Thanks for your help!

03-04-2014, 10:55 PM
**Update** (Conveniently masking the fact that this is a bump...Hi, moderators!)

After a little bit of snipping and shaving, we're sitting at this stage, about as far as I want to go before painting it:

I've been a sprue painter for a very long time and only just kicking that habit, but I'm a stickler for detail, so this thing's going to be in pieces right up until it gets painted up and magnetized. The following updates will show up in my other thread (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?35611-Interrogator_Chaplain-s-Finished-Dark-Angels-amp-Others)after all the votes have been cast.

Teal and Steel took an early lead, but Orange and White are making a comeback! I would definitely not mind a Knight from House Creamsicle! I honestly doubt you'd see that colour combo come up much! But I haven't given up hope on the other colour combo's. All of them would look great and I'm looking forward to seeing which wins out!

Thanks for voting!

03-07-2014, 04:43 PM
Thanks to everyone who voted! My first choice of colour scheme tied for first place with my second place choice so the winner is:

Orange and White!

It was a really close vote, especially when the dark horse Red and Bone started to gain ground on the front runners, but I'm quite pleased with the outcome. Future updates will be found on my other thread:Interrogator_Chaplain's Finished Dark Angels & Others. (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?35611-Interrogator_Chaplain-s-Finished-Dark-Angels-amp-Others)

I've base coated the main body portion with Army Painter Chainmail and tonight I'll start washing it all down with some Nuln Oil.

Thanks again everyone!