View Full Version : 1850 Nids swarm

03-02-2014, 07:53 PM
So with rising leviathan 2 Nids have gotten a much needed boost to opotential, I'd even say they may be sitting at daemon level in strength.



Swarmlord +2 tyrant guard

2 Zoanthropes
2 Zoanthropes
1 Venomthrope

3 Rippers, Deepstrike
3 Rippers, Deepstrike

Fast Attack
6 Spore Mines
6 Spore Mines

Heavy Support:
2 Biovores
Trygon Prime, Toxin Sacs
Trygon Prime, Toxin Sacs

Formation: Endless Swarm
10 Hormaguants
10 Hormaguants
10 Hormaguants
18 Termagants, 10 Fleshborer, 8 Devourer
18 Termagants, 10 Fleshborer, 8 Devourer
10 Termagants, 10 Fleshborer
3 Warriors, 2 Deathspitters, Barbed Strangler

Thoughts? trygons, Rippers and Spore mines in reserve rest starts on the board.

The Rippers are used to "pen in" the trygon tunnels so that the replenished swarm units can come in through the tunnels in the right spots'

edit: Changed to include some thoughts below

03-02-2014, 09:26 PM
Seems more than effective at what you want it to do unless you get unlucky respawning the swarms.

Trygon Tunnel still should have been a Turn 1 or Turn 2 arrival though.

Any particular strategy for when the opponent just doesn't give you a good place to Deep Strike via a castle deployment in a corner until your Trygons arrive? Since odds are he won't be waiting long on a 2+ most the stuff will arrive turn 2.

03-02-2014, 10:45 PM
mostly throw gants at them......

I think I'm going to drop on of the termagant squad down to a bare 10 gants and drop a dev gant from each of the other squads, that gives me the points for a pair of biovores to help break up castles, and I have 10 pts left to max out the spore mine clusters.

ultimately If my opponent is castling that aggressively they have allowed me to control the field. At that point they cans stay there for all I care I'm taking the objectives.

03-02-2014, 11:19 PM
mostly throw gants at them......

I think I'm going to drop on of the termagant squad down to a bare 10 gants and drop a dev gant from each of the other squads, that gives me the points for a pair of biovores to help break up castles, and I have 10 pts left to max out the spore mine clusters.

ultimately If my opponent is castling that aggressively they have allowed me to control the field. At that point they cans stay there for all I care I'm taking the objectives.

Yeah apart from Eldar castling is likely only a 50/50 proposition for mission options and even then you still have to be able to take down an awful lot of stuff likely to arrive Turn 2, so will need a lot of template weapons to deal with it otherwise

03-03-2014, 05:49 PM
Think you may have 1 too many Termagant Broods listed under your Endless Swarm formation, How do you think it stacks up against a Daemon Flying Circus? or a mobile Eldar force with Wraithknights and Wave Serpents?

03-03-2014, 06:22 PM
Nah the Ebook and the Ibook list different numbers of Tgant broods. Eddie confirmed on facebook that 3 is the correct number and the Ebook will be update this week.

as to mobility, I don't think it does badly, the front wave of Hgaunts are pretty fast and able to threaten anything but the toughest tanks with the support of SL. with the trygon tunnels offering redeployment options mid to late game I don't think I'll face many opponents able to just run from me. And the spore mines also help limit my opponents movement, particularly his tanks who need to keep away from them.

03-03-2014, 06:42 PM
Nah the Ebook and the Ibook list different numbers of Tgant broods. Eddie confirmed on facebook that 3 is the correct number and the Ebook will be update this week.

as to mobility, I don't think it does badly, the front wave of Hgaunts are pretty fast and able to threaten anything but the toughest tanks with the support of SL. with the trygon tunnels offering redeployment options mid to late game I don't think I'll face many opponents able to just run from me. And the spore mines also help limit my opponents movement, particularly his tanks who need to keep away from them.

ah good to know about the 3 Termagants difference between Ebook and Ipad versions, hopefully they fix the wonky LotD rules at same time.

03-04-2014, 04:23 AM
I'd swap a Flyrants for one of the Trygons. I find they last a bit longer.

Dave Mcturk
03-04-2014, 05:44 AM
never thought much of 'hallucination' as a power until i got 'forced' to give it a whirl {i can do what ?}... no invisibilty, no fortune, no precog etc...

to much hilarity on my part an entire unit of claw things just tore itself to bitz... but it is only a 1 in 3 chance !

but if i was eldar playing nidz swarm i would certainly aim for that power now !

03-04-2014, 05:53 AM
I'd swap a Flyrants for one of the Trygons. I find they last a bit longer.

Yeha I'm going to try it as written first, but the first thing I'd swap would be one trygon for a flyrant