View Full Version : storm ravens and wolves.... i know

Cpt Codpiece
03-02-2014, 02:17 PM
ok so they seem to have been left hitching a ride....

i don't wanna hear the silly 'russ didn't fly' 'would have grown wings' or all those other taglines from a horrid time of no fluff in the codex.

but for all the flier supplement does not state wolves.... there is an armies on parade pic in WD (the nid issue last month) with a wolf raven.

are GW accepting that they can have them then?

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
03-02-2014, 02:58 PM
Oddly enough, a recent cheap little Dark Angels tower defense game they released showed Dark Angels using Storm Ravens, so maybe they are gearing up for other Power Armoured armies to have 'Ravens. I'm hoping they do get them (and maybe also 'Talons) - Space Wolves should have access to aircraft, but probably wouldn't have their own, unique flyers.

Edit: Actually, Formations can be used by any army that they could ally with, right? So maybe the Space Wolf army you saw used the Stormwing Formation to get 'ravens and 'talons.

Limey El'Jonson
03-02-2014, 03:14 PM
Oddly enough, a recent cheap little Dark Angels tower defense game they released showed Dark Angels using Storm Ravens...

Plants Vs Zombies 40,000 ;)

Cpt Codpiece
03-02-2014, 04:13 PM
Edit: Actually, Formations can be used by any army that they could ally with, right? So maybe the Space Wolf army you saw used the Stormwing Formation to get 'ravens and 'talons.

cant embark on allied transports :( no wolf guard or dreads catching a lift on some conveniently painted blood angels with 'fox' tails LOL

it was definitely a SW only force, it was a small AoP RoB set up, not enough points for allies

03-02-2014, 04:23 PM
Formations aren't allies maybe? How can anybody get on that Stormraven in the formation?

03-02-2014, 04:24 PM
there's always the Storm Eagle if you're looking for a ride... better model by far anyway imho, and can take and deal more damage to boot...

03-02-2014, 04:56 PM
awww does the poor widdle space wolf not like having fluff rules that are detrimental, awww dats so cute......

Play a real army and learn to deal with it.

but seriously, while a lack of fliers was a problem when 6th started, these days its hardly a detriment and you have plenty of options that makes them less of an issue.

Cpt Codpiece
03-02-2014, 05:02 PM
awww does the poor widdle space wolf not like having fluff rules that are detrimental, awww dats so cute......

Play a real army and learn to deal with it.

no im quite happy with the rules they have, im a new wolf lord.... having snagged a sweet deal on ebay on some 2nd ed metals.
i fully intend on playing them as old school as possible with lots of GH and maybe a blob of claws with the obvious long fans in support.

just since my WG cannot teleport, and the drop pods are silly money for what they are.... id like the tactical flexibility of the raven and its transporting gunship nature, not as an aid to victory.

and then when i saw one IN A WHITE DWARF, then looked it up, finding its not an option in the DftS.... just wondering if there was some FAQ or other published notice top say its ok.

im still gonna make one, its half built from a project i was doing last year....

03-02-2014, 05:10 PM
im still gonna make one, its half built from a project i was doing last year....

depending on who you regularly play against, it can't hurt asking them to just let you play it - the more effort you put into the model the more likely you are to succeed :)

Cpt Codpiece
03-02-2014, 05:15 PM
that was my plan, i intend on playing mainly in a close circle of friends.... definitely no tourney action... im too old for that drama.

maybe a few trips to my local GW (metro center) and TBH im sure the guys wouldn't have that much of a dummy spit, given its not GK and BA anymore.

03-02-2014, 05:27 PM
given its not GK and BA anymore.

exactly, and also it's not like you were using multiples in some kind of cheesy spam list (not that I'd ever heard of a Storm Raven spam list anyways...), so I really don't see you having a lot of problems there... maybe just have an alternative list with you when travelling to the GW, just in case your pick-up opponent [or store manager] doesn't like it, and they you'll definitely be fine...

Cpt Codpiece
03-02-2014, 06:47 PM
yeah, probably just take a pod, just in case..... and something to fill the points gap..... something nasty LOL

"oh ok ill use the pod rather than the raven..... but im gonna add in this predator :)"

The Sovereign
03-03-2014, 12:23 AM
awww does the poor widdle space wolf not like having fluff rules that are detrimental, awww dats so cute......

That fluff is outdated, if it ever existed in the first place. Wolves have access to the same fliers as the other Astartes chapters in every Black Library book in which they're featured. They were just inexplicably overlooked when the flier models were being passed out.

I'm thinking we'll probably get a nontransport flier with mediocre rules like the Dark Angels got in their 6th Ed codex. I'm fine with it, as I already have a storm eagle for use with my Wolves. Now that's a flier!

03-03-2014, 03:50 AM
Is this not the Adeptus Astartes StormWing dataslate from Black Library, which could be used by pretty much any powered armoured dudes?

Cpt Codpiece
03-03-2014, 10:35 AM
Is this not the Adeptus Astartes StormWing dataslate from Black Library, which could be used by pretty much any powered armoured dudes?

but you cant just take a raven though, from the storm wing... ill go and grab it now and have a look :) i completely forgot about it TBH, just concentrated on death from the skies.... though if the data slate allows in formations then it stands that they are used out of formations also.

nope stormwing still makes no mention of the SW only codex SM.

Veteran Sergeant
03-03-2014, 10:26 PM
After seeing the atrocity that is Thunderwolf Cavalry, I shudder to imagine the Wolfy Wolf Wolf Wolf fliers those goobers at GW have been coking up for this year's codex release. :(

03-04-2014, 03:30 PM
Just use them as proxy storm eagles. I use my eagles as ravens. Get a true scale conversion kit if you want to go the whole hog.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
03-04-2014, 10:28 PM
That fluff is outdated, if it ever existed in the first place. Wolves have access to the same fliers as the other Astartes chapters in every Black Library book in which they're featured.Aye. I don't recall anything about Flyers - just that they dislike frequent use of Teleportation (which is a pretty valid point, since it has a high chance of killing the users - the Imp Fist Lysander got his position after the previous Captain teleported into a rock) and preferring to give Jump Packs to Blood Claws (although still being able to field Wolf Guard jump squads when needed).

03-05-2014, 02:38 AM
awww does the poor widdle space wolf not like having fluff rules that are detrimental, awww dats so cute......

Play a real army and learn to deal with it.

but seriously, while a lack of fliers was a problem when 6th started, these days its hardly a detriment and you have plenty of options that makes them less of an issue.

Flyers are cool, space wolves should be able to take smaller flyers than Storm Eagles and Thunderhawks. I'm pretty sure they will get them in the codex later this year.

Cpt Codpiece
03-05-2014, 09:07 AM
oh both of my ravens (i have a BA one also) have been extended with plasticard... i hated the basic shape of the flying brick.

just sad that they made the hurricane bolters an either or with the side hatches now...... after i went and modelled both :(

i have no issues proxying for an eagle either.... just the extra points is a little harsh for what it does.

03-05-2014, 10:05 AM
After seeing the atrocity that is Thunderwolf Cavalry, I shudder to imagine the Wolfy Wolf Wolf Wolf fliers those goobers at GW have been coking up for this year's codex release. :(

It's like this, but with wolves! 7662

03-05-2014, 10:45 AM
The Stormwing Formation while it could accompany Space Wolves as an allied detachment, is still considered Codex Space Marine and in its rules can only start out transporting or pickup and transport units chosen from Codex Space Marine.

It also does not qualify for any form of Chapter Tactics even if you paint it in Iron Hands colors and attach it to an Iron Hands primary detachment.

So apart from Forgeworld Flyers still nothing for wolves yet that isn't allied.

03-05-2014, 12:59 PM
The Stormwing Formation while it could accompany Space Wolves as an allied detachment, is still considered Codex Space Marine and in its rules can only start out transporting or pickup and transport units chosen from Codex Space Marine.

It also does not qualify for any form of Chapter Tactics even if you paint it in Iron Hands colors and attach it to an Iron Hands primary detachment.

So apart from Forgeworld Flyers still nothing for wolves yet that isn't allied.

I don't use Ravens or Eagles as transports. They get shot up the second they hover.

Cpt Codpiece
03-05-2014, 03:24 PM
the issue i am having is that in WD they had an army WITH one, WITHOUT allies, in their armies on parade article last month.

that to me says its ok. as its the official mag. and they say themselves whats in the official stuff is game legal.

03-05-2014, 04:38 PM
its not rules legal but prior to it being rules legal they had pictures of Ultramarine Stormravens too. WD and painting competitions often paint and model for what looks cool more so than worry about whats rules legal or not.

Death from the Skies included rules for Space Wolf Aces and Flyers, so I imagine the Space Wolves will get access to something with their Codex when its their turn. Me I'm rooting for a sleigh pulled by 8 Flying Cyberwolves and Frost Bombs strapped along the runners.

03-06-2014, 10:28 PM
awww does the poor widdle space wolf not like having fluff rules that are detrimental, awww dats so cute......

Play a real army and learn to deal with it.

but seriously, while a lack of fliers was a problem when 6th started, these days its hardly a detriment and you have plenty of options that makes them less of an issue.

Really? ALL YOU DO IS COMPLAIN. Like, that is all you do here. In fact there are several large threads going on right now where you are complaining about your armies not having access to whatever it is you want. And the second someone disagrees with you you call them a troll. And now you come in a do the exact same thing? This guy has a legitimate point right now. Sixth edition is the edition of Flyers, MC, and FMC. The armies (both 6th and 5th) that don't have access to them got the shaft. And with your logic above, your entire point about CSM not getting Imperial Knights is null and void. Take them as part of an IG army, and then ally that with CSM. I play DA so I understand where this guy is coming from. Sure I can tke the formation for a Storm Raven and two Storm Talons (which I don't even want, would rather have a second Storm Raven) but that doesn't really help. I still can't put my dudes inside. And people like to mention Storm Eagles. While they are very cool and much better than Storm Ravens, they are also more than twice as expensive money wise and a third more points wise.

And by the way, putting "I probably come across as a bit of an ***, don't worry I just cannot abide stupid." in your quote doesn't make you any less of an *******, just a self aware one.

03-06-2014, 10:30 PM
That fluff is outdated, if it ever existed in the first place. Wolves have access to the same fliers as the other Astartes chapters in every Black Library book in which they're featured. They were just inexplicably overlooked when the flier models were being passed out.

I'm thinking we'll probably get a nontransport flier with mediocre rules like the Dark Angels got in their 6th Ed codex. I'm fine with it, as I already have a storm eagle for use with my Wolves. Now that's a flier!

Mediocre? I think you mean terrible rules on those DA fliers. They look so cool and are just so, so bad.

03-06-2014, 10:39 PM
Really? ALL YOU DO IS COMPLAIN. Like, that is all you do here. In fact there are several large threads going on right now where you are complaining about your armies not having access to whatever it is you want. And the second someone disagrees with you you call them a troll. And now you come in a do the exact same thing? This guy has a legitimate point right now. Sixth edition is the edition of Flyers, MC, and FMC. The armies (both 6th and 5th) that don't have access to them got the shaft. And with your logic above, your entire point about CSM not getting Imperial Knights is null and void. Take them as part of an IG army, and then ally that with CSM. I play DA so I understand where this guy is coming from. Sure I can tke the formation for a Storm Raven and two Storm Talons (which I don't even want, would rather have a second Storm Raven) but that doesn't really help. I still can't put my dudes inside. And people like to mention Storm Eagles. While they are very cool and much better than Storm Ravens, they are also more than twice as expensive money wise and a third more points wise.

And by the way, putting "I probably come across as a bit of an ***, don't worry I just cannot abide stupid." in your quote doesn't make you any less of an *******, just a self aware one.


Does it suck that SW don't have fliers?
Does it suck the DA fliers are bad?

But the first SW players to complain about that are also the first to tell other armies to "suck it up", that its "Fluffy" or "Balanced" for things to be the way they are, which was the point of that post.

As to fliers, they are powerful, but they aren't all that, none of the major builds run with many of them.

Eldar (counsel and beast don't need it)
Tau (Whats a flier, more tides)
Daemons (Fateweaver, that is all)

So no not having fliers doesn't automatically gimp your army and SWs are still sitting pretty with a book with plenty of options.

03-06-2014, 11:53 PM
Yes its annoying that wolves dont get access to ravens or talons, but its the limited amount of anti air that bothers me.

03-07-2014, 02:12 AM
Yes its annoying that wolves dont get access to ravens or talons, but its the limited amount of anti air that bothers me.

SOB and Dark Eldar would like to have a word with you....

03-07-2014, 12:49 PM
they will get access when they get an update if not buy from forgeworld some of the options will fit in with the wolves just fine. i know i run a fire raptor gunship with mine and honestly its as expensive as a land raider but for what it does it causes some serious havoc. never leave home with out it. now with my other marines i just ordered a storm eagle gunship. you can model it as a roc pattern or you can model it as the storm eagle all in the same kit has a transport capacity its worth it honestly.

03-07-2014, 02:27 PM
SOB and Dark Eldar would like to have a word with you....

At least DE can be battle brothers with Eldar and take 23 waveserpents! Poor Sisters...