View Full Version : Roughcoat

12-26-2009, 05:58 AM
i just bought roughcoat for the first time. i'm finally venturing into terrain and building painting. some of the buildings have alreay been primed. can i spray the roughcoat over the already primed buildings and then continue with my dry brushing? i noticed it's rather thin when sprayed so i'm thinking it might work. thoughts?? input?? thanks in advance!

12-26-2009, 06:57 AM
From what I remember of having used the stuff, it goes on much like any other spray undercoat, but with a texture. So if there is detail that you would lose with a second coat of primer, then you may lose it with the roughcoat (perhaps more so due to its texture) but otherwise it should be fine.

12-26-2009, 07:39 AM
I mean, if you're really concerned that much about fine detail, you probably shouldn't be using a textured spray in the first place?

12-26-2009, 08:59 AM
It should go on just fine over the primer - but if there's any bits of fine detail you want left unclogged, mask them off with tape or putty.

12-26-2009, 11:07 AM
ok, this is pretty much what i figured i'd hear. thanks for the help guys.

12-26-2009, 11:32 AM
I would be interested to hear how much use you get out of the can of rough coat spray. (I'm assuming its the GW stuff, you didnt say) I got some of this stuff about a year and a half ago, but was only able to use maybe 25% of the content because the propellant ran out. Hopefully they have fixed that problem.

12-27-2009, 08:16 PM
I would be interested to hear how much use you get out of the can of rough coat spray. (I'm assuming its the GW stuff, you didnt say) I got some of this stuff about a year and a half ago, but was only able to use maybe 25% of the content because the propellant ran out. Hopefully they have fixed that problem.

yes, it is GW roughcoat. i answered my question tonite. it's not as thin as i thought. it does completely cover any other primer you have sprayed on. so lesson learned, roughcoat before any other primers!! thanks again for the help guys. one of these days i'll get some of my pics up!