View Full Version : 1500p Dark Eldar with Eldar Allies, no cheese! :)

Lost Vyper
03-02-2014, 05:29 AM
There might be some minor things, iīm forgetting, but this was the list in the triple threat game on thursday


Urien Rakarth (rolled in the Venom, with the Trueborn)
Baron Sathonyx
Farseer (Bike)

4 x Trueborn (2 x Blaster, 2 x Splinter Cannon) + Venom (Nightshield, Grisly Trophies, 2 x Splinter Cannon)

9 x Hellion + Sargent (Stunclaw)
9 x Wracks (2 x Liquifier Gun) + Acothyst (Hexrifle) + Raider (Grisly Trophies)
2 x 5 x Rangers

6 x Warp Spiders


I was very happy with the list, couple of deployment/movement caused me some units (Venom, Rangers), but i absolutely love the Trueborn and the Wracks, plus Urienīs T5 is awesome in duel! No insta-gib for you sir! :) Most of the poisoned shooting was wasted on Terminators (2+...:( ) and of course, the Barons 2+ failed in the third roll again, but i love how the models look and especially the converted Baronīs my favorite Dark Eldar at the moment. Iīm going to try this same list in some BRB mission, against Orks/Necrons/CSM/Daemons some day, and see, how they roll...

03-02-2014, 06:00 AM
There's no sense in giving the Trueborn Blasters and Splinter Cannons, go for all Blasters or just Splinter Cannons and Splinter Rifles so you aren't splitting purpose and often wasting valuable shots. Urien doesn't seem to be helping much, he could just be a standard Haemonculus and you would have a lot more points to play with. You really don't want your Trueborn in close combat anyway, they want to be shooting as often as possible.

03-02-2014, 06:49 AM
Just by taking an ally you make cheese, especially DE and Eldar. So...yeah...

03-02-2014, 09:46 AM
Just by taking an ally you make cheese, especially DE and Eldar. So...yeah...

Well, unless it's actually fluffy allies taken for that purpose.

Dave Mcturk
03-02-2014, 01:40 PM
how on earth do you keep squads of five rangers alive.... are your opponents blind ? or do they just hide ?

and you dont get much cheesier than a giant wraith-bot

Lost Vyper
03-03-2014, 03:22 AM
Yeah, Deldar can be cheese (2 x 5 x Dire avengers with Wave Serpents), but i was going for that "letīs try something i havenīt tried in a while" -list, so no bikes either...If opponent brings 30" teleporting Dredknight WITH Torrent-flamer AND a 30" jumping Fast Attack choice,plus Justicar, who is just annoying as h***, i don't consider one Wraithknight cheese...two maybe...hmm...i do have another one ready now :)...other Rangers got really shot to s***, but the others were alive in the end of the game, but wiffed a WHOLE lotta shooting thou...Urien was kept alive by the Blasters a round longer, but yeah, there might be some points that i can shave there. He was with the Trueborn for two reasons, a) Giving them FNP and b) I wanted the two Liquifiers for the Wracks in a Raider...

Dave Mcturk
03-05-2014, 07:56 AM
ive been having some success with de voidbombers... flickerfields/ nightshields / 2 x 9-2 lance + the random bomb... ... i mean a bomber with one bomb ! ... shame that good dar cant have shields on their pathetic A10 flyers !:rolleyes:

Lost Vyper
03-06-2014, 04:15 AM
Yep, iīve used that too, flickerfield is great, no jinking needed! I just built a list of 1500p, with PURE Dark Eldar. I have only certain models available, so the upgrades and upgrade characters take a LOADS of points...but, thatīs the list iīm going to use in my next scuffle, letīs see what happens!

Dave Mcturk
03-06-2014, 06:44 AM
just dont get out of the ships ! i dont feel guilty using de / e in any combo ... after all all other armies get to mess around with eacxh other

Lost Vyper
03-06-2014, 08:25 AM
Yeah, with the Marine -combos and what-not, i donīt mind either, but iīm just curious to know, how the pure DE-list will work against them...

Dave Mcturk
03-06-2014, 11:38 AM
Ive been worrying TAU ... who actually shoot better than marines ... with a mixed AT/AI list ... 3 void bombers for anti tank, 3 venoms with double cannon, with born with two cannon gives 72 poison shots at 36" ... if you 'know' you are fighting marines put nightshields on to cut their range by 6"... not always a lot of point v TAU...

troops on foot are very dodgy, so that is where ELDAR come in maxed out dire avengers give you two extra troop units and give them a TLBL WAVZ and they can be nasty... my core DE troops are normally dead cheap whyches in 5's 2 or 3 units and just HIDE ... occasionally I go for 15 on foot with the baron or 9 in a raider with a character ... stick the phantasm launcher on the hexy if you dont want a character its only 10pts...

i have tried units of 15 on foot which can be brill in c/c but tend to get picked on if they cant find cover.

i think in 6th with the much reduced general cover save and the plethora of 'ignore cover' weaponry ... kabalite warriors are the 'dodo' in the de codex ... unless you like a ducal unit ?

Lost Vyper
03-07-2014, 03:14 AM
I personally prefer Baron and Hellions --> jump troops. They get shot up easily, but they can deep strike if needed or come in from reserves and move a lot. Wyches with Haywire-grenades can deal with anything (maybe not a flamer Dred, if something else doesnīt charge in first :) ) from a vehicle to infantry. Terminators chew them up too, but hey, theyīll do that to anything (except Incubi, which i donīt own...YET)...

Dark Eldar + (IMHO)

- Splinter Cannons (with passangers and in a VENOM!)
- Baron Sathonyx

Dark Eldar pretty ok...(IMHO)

- Urien Rakarth (or Haemonculi...hereīs mine, i finished him this morning)
- Wracks as troops, with Liquifier Guns...
- Voidraven Bomber

Dark Eldar - (IMHO)

- T3 and even more awful armor saves than Eldar
- Youīll really have to invest on anti-tank
- Troop choices without a Independent Character
- Mandrakes, Kherawhatshisname and a LOADS of other HQīs...

Iīm having really a hard time to get guys from my FLGC to play due work and other distractions, but i hope, thatīll be playing next week...

- Lost Vyper