View Full Version : The new knight

03-02-2014, 02:06 AM
Can I make do with a copy of White Dwarf and a miniture or do I need
A Knight Codex book ($41
an apocalypse ($74.25) or Escalation($49.50) book.

to actually use the $140 mini?

I am a bit confused and if the latter is the case I am bit shocked.

03-02-2014, 02:13 AM
It looks like you're only going to need the codex.

The Knights are superheavies, but there's no blanket rule saying that superheavies can't be used in 40k. Rather, being Apoc Only is a rule that has been attached to every superheavy released thus far. It is not a rule that is attached (probably) to the Knight.

There's a lot of argument over whether or not they pulled it off, but I think that the Knights are clearly intended to be balanced for 40k play. In some ways they're still Baby's First Superheavy, and they'll really come into their own in apoc games where you can field a dozen of them, but they do play in regular 40k. Or at least they're supposed to.

03-02-2014, 03:13 AM
The question here is, will the rules for superheavies 8or at least superheaviy walkers) be provided in the Knights Codex?

Since I own neither the Apoc nor the Escalation book, I have no access to those rules. Without them, I won`t be able to use the Knight Codex properly.

And buying TWO books in order to use an single miniature really goes a bit far.

Angelus Mortifer
03-02-2014, 04:17 AM
The Super Heavy Walker rules are in the Codex, along with the special damage chart etc.

03-02-2014, 04:37 AM
The Super Heavy Walker rules are in the Codex, along with the special damage chart etc.

Now that sounds good. Guess I will buy that Codex, even if I`m still not sure whether I`ll buy a knight.