View Full Version : Help with Blood Angels list

02-28-2014, 04:43 PM
Hey guys, i'm new to the forums and i was wondering if i could get some feedback on my 500pt list?
Here it is:
Jump pack
Power sword
Total: 140pts

Death Company
3x power swords
In a Razorback w/ dozerblade
Total: 165pts

Assualt Squad
Power sword
Total: 125

Total: 75pts

Those are all models i currently have, i have others but i dont really have the money for anything else, i can list my other models if it helps.
But if you do help then thank you so much

02-28-2014, 06:02 PM
I love seeing some Death Company models out on the table, but unless you have a higher points limit they don't really pan out too well in my experience, plus they lose a lot of potential when not paired with a chaplain. In that sense, a Reclusiarch HQ might serve you better, and you could drop a couple of the power swords to get an extra set of DC boots on the ground. In lower points matches (assuming you can, trust me it's okay if you can't I've totally been there) I tend to go with either scouts (though SM scouts are cheaper) or Assault Squads with or without jump packs. Economically, Librarians are a better points investment since they come with the power/force weapon standard at the same points cost, and then you can deck them out with gear and/or powers.

In terms of just what you have, I'd trade the fist on the priest for the jump pack. He's not going to be able to keep up with anyone who needs his Feel No Pain (FNP) aura without it, and since the DC already have FNP it would be unnecessary to put him in the Razorback with them. Give him a jump pack and put him with the Captain and assault squad if you can.

I know it's hard to do Blood Angels at a low points cost, but for that reason you have to prioritize your points a little more until you have some more flexibility in larger point games. I have a 500 point list I'm running right now that is Mephiston and two 5-man assault squads (1 with Flamer, 1 with Melta, and 2 power swords). Mephiston is a big points investment, but his durability is soooo dependable in those lower point games because your enemy won't have as much ability to field the killer guns/mobs necessary to take him down.

I don't know if that helps, and I don't know what else you have that you can put out there, but if nothing else just make sure that your army has an answer (or multiple answers) to the kinds of threats you face, namely mobs, vehicles, and monsters. If you can't get all three, make sure you can focus at least two if you don't know who you're playing in advance.

Anyways, I've been a Blood Angel player for about 13+ years so let me know if you have more questions. It's a way fun army to play! :)

02-28-2014, 09:40 PM
Thanks it did help
As for what else i have:
Jump command squad
Regular command squad
Tactical squad
3x bikes
Shooty terminators
Sniper scouts
Would any of that be useful?

03-01-2014, 03:50 PM
Hmmm for a 500 point battle you are going to run out of points quickly by the time you get the HQ and two troops. Based on what I see, here is a possible base list for you:

HQ: Librarian (un-upgraded) 100 pts
Troops: Sniper Scouts 75 pts
Troops: Assault Squad 130 pts (5 man squad)
-Melta Bombs on Sergeant
-Razorback Dedicated transport (your choice of Hvy Flamer or Hvy Bolter turret)
Elites: Sanguinary Priest 50pts
-Chainsword/bolt pistol
Hvy Support: Dreadnought 105 pts
-Multi Melta
-Blood Fist
Total: 460 Points

This could be a good foundation for you to play with. I figured I would leave the 40 points off for you to choose how you wanted to spend them depending on what you have or what your play style is.

Here is the general premise of this list. First, the Librarian is there as an HQ and as a psyker has a lot of versatility. You can either put him in the back as a support unit and use Divination powers like prescience to give your shooty things re-rolls to hit, or alternatively you could choose more offensive powers and abilities from the codex powers or the biomancy school to make him more combat oriented (which is my favorite way to play, though it has mixed results). He's a very versatile commander, and a the force weapon can instant death multi-wound models and monsters if you are lucky. His drawback is that his statline is not as robust as the Captain, and he doesn't have an invulnerable save, so if you prefer to have a more tanky commander, then the Captain is more your playstyle but be prepared to shell out the points you need to make him more killy. In a low points battle the Honor Guard are not really feasible :/ I love to use them when I can, but I rarely have enough points to play them even in larger 1500 point battles. You could always trade the dreadnought for them, and the free priest is good to have, but you spend a lot of points on upgrades and you'll find yourself a bit starved for points.

Depending on how you kit out your razorback (you could for example use the spare points to put a better gun on top) you could either sit back and shoot, or zoom up the battlefield with the librarian and priest inside to try and seize an objective in your opponents side of the table. Razorbacks are soft, so even light anti-armor weapons can disable them, but if you sit out of line of sight from your opponent and then zoom across the table (since they are fast vehicles, you can move 12 inches in the movement phase, then you can move flat out another 12" in the shooting phase). Mobility is your advantage with this build, and if you are lucky you might be able to steal an objective from your opponent since assault squads are scoring :) You don't have to put the troops in the transport if you don't want to, so you could advance with them and the dread and leave the razorback in the back for fire support too if you like.

The scouts are your backfield support, and with the dreadnought close by for support there is a good chance they could live out the game. It's always important to have a scoring unit to sit on your side of the table since 5/6 of the rule book missions involve objectives of some form or another. To add some extra survivability you could give them camo cloaks for 3 points a piece, and then stick them in cover with an objective. If you are in ruins, that is a 4+ cover save +1 for your camo cloaks and if you go to ground that's another +1 (I'll never turn down a 2+ save, though Tau will pretty much make that useless :/ but you can't avoid that unless you stay out of line of sight). Plus, since they are snipers they can pin advancing units down, or possibly pin enemy troop squads holding objectives which can set up your other troops for an effective assault. Unfortunately, they don't have as reliable shooting (BS is only 3) but for what they can do they are fairly good.

The dreadnought is there to attract the heavier weapons' fire and support your backfield, though there is nothing saying you can't use it as a linebreaker. The blood fist gives him S10 AP2 attacks at initiative 4 in close combat, which is never a bad thing. Alternatively, you could trade the blood fist for some ranged support, like a missile launcher or an autocannon, and let him sit back and hunt enemy light vehicles from range. As long as there is no armor 14 on the table, that missile launcher could potentially take down any armor on the table. Those extra 40 points will give you some flexibility in what you want to equip him with, assuming you don't use them up elsewhere. Terminators are just too expensive for a low points battle, unfortunately. I use assault terminators in a lot of my lists (TH and SS with a priest, usually Corbulo if I can afford it). I have a lot of shooty terminators, and the 2+ saves are really strong in this codex but it is really hard to fit them in 500 points. You could scrap the priest and dread to use them to deep strike behind enemy lines, but that leaves you really thin in the rest of your army.

Take this all with a grain of salt. There is no particular pattern that will win you every game, and the important thing is you field a list that will be fun to play and fits with how you want to play your army. I tried to add some explanation about why I chose what I did, but do what you feel will make the game the most rewarding experience for you :) Oh, and always remember to roll for red thirst! lol