View Full Version : Lord of Death - Mephiston WIP

02-28-2014, 01:13 AM
Hello Everyone,

I appreciate any and all time you guys spend humoring me as I set up this project log. In a hobby such as ours it is easy to find talented individuals who absolutely eclipse me in skill, creativity, and talent, however since this is one of the more ambitious projects I have undertaken I felt that a small journal would be fun to keep to commemorate what I hope will be the start of several special projects over the coming years. Before I get into the model itself, I wanted to give a bit of a story behind the reason that I selected this particular character. I do this giving all credit due to the various sources of inspiration I have used to create this model, which can be attributed to every artist, author, and fellow hobbyist that has taken a swing at creating a Mephiston model for their or anyone else's collection. If there is a picture of Mephiston on the internet, then I have likely looked at it (whether photo, art, or model) in the months leading up to my first application of hobby knife to the project, so I thank anyone who reads this and says "That looks like mine!" Please take it as the most sincere compliment that I can give.

When I was barely a teenager after playing my first game of 40k using a space marine army belonging to a family friend, my Dad took me to the store to pick out my first Codex and a leader for my soon-to-be army. Since my youth I had been undeniably obsessed with the various applications of the color red, and since Space Marines had been so fun to play I decided to start my first army as the Blood Angels. My first day in that store my Dad handed me some blister packs, and told me to choose a hero. After much deliberation (there were so many to choose from...) I decided to buy Mephiston, the Lord of Death. With the models from my 3rd edition boxed set I began my hobby journey; with a metal Mephiston model at the helm. I sat in my Dad's basement and spent a lot of time trying to learn the skills I needed to build my force, and Mephiston was one of those first adventures into the hobby that I undertook.

Over the years my collection has changed and grown, and so has my skill as a painter and hobbyist. That metal Mephiston model went through probably 4 or 5 clumsy paintjobs from my eager, impatient hands in those years, but after scraping and using it for so long a period, age began to show and detail began to fade away, leaving the model completely overshadowed by some of the newer models in my collection. Through that time, Mephiston has always been my favorite model, my favorite character in 40k, and a reminder of the times I spent with my Dad when starting out. So, when I decided I wanted to stretch my legs for the first time, it was easy to decide that I needed to come back to Mephiston as the launch model for the next level of my hobby adventures.

Unfortunately due to the level of use (and use, and use, and use...) I had to get a new model (finecast, sadly) in order to accomplish the standard of detail and quality I wanted to achieve with the project. The new finecast model that I got, while keeping much of the important parts of the model (the face, torso, and hood/robe trim) in good shape, had many pits, holes, and scars through parts of the cloak and the plasma pistol. Also, portions of his foot were missing, his backpack was missing, and the sword was warped just enough to where I couldn't use it. Luckily enough I was able to cannabalize some of the portions of the older, metal model to this new one, which was a good way to "pass the flag" to the new generation. While not without flaws of their own, they added enough sentimentality and functionality that moving them between the models became an obvious and pleasing choice.

That being said (and I've said probably more than you wanted to read anyways), I dedicate this project to my Dad, who helped me get started on this wonderful hobby that I pay way too much money to justify, but get too much satisfaction out of to deny.

This project includes bits from:
- Mephiston metal kit (sword, backpack)
- Mephiston Finecast kit (Torso)
- Space Marine Tactical Squad Kit (Banner/pole)
- Pegasus Wings (GW WFB Blister pack)

I used citadel paints to paint the kit (with, of course, plenty of Mephiston Red :) )

At the time of this posting, I have probably spent about 15 hours physically working on this project (and various infinities agonizing over the execution).

Now that I've bored you all to death, here are some photos of my progress so far. I'll start with the old model, and work from there. I hope you enjoy!


02-28-2014, 01:17 AM
Here is me visualizing how I wanted the model to be situated. I have designed it with the idea that it would detach from a more scenic/display base to use in battles. The rock he's standing on (from outside of course) had to be there because of how long the wings drape down when using the pegasus wings. I had previously used more wide, open wings but I felt these presented a more ominous and menacing look. I apologize if the pictures are small, I'm afraid that my phone is the only camera at my disposal. Click on the picture for a larger image, though I can't vouch for expert-level photo quality.


02-28-2014, 01:23 AM
This is after my first four or so hours of painting. The glow effect on the eyes was challenging, and quite a learning experience. I feel like it turned out well. Maybe not 'eavy Metal, but a diligent effort nonetheless.


02-28-2014, 01:28 AM
I worked some detail into the rest of the model after green-stuffing the holes and flaws to a workable state. I took the sword from the old model, stripped the paint, and painted it to look like the description of the "Sanguine Sword" power in the BA 5th edition codex, or at least how I imagined it to look.


02-28-2014, 01:34 AM
The only banner in the Codex for Mephiston was this unfortunately difficult-to-mimic banner awarded after his valor battling the Tyranids at Hollonan. I didn't feel like any substitute that I could imagine would be better suited, however, so I gave my best shot at creating a passable copy of the banner. Like most of the model, I'm sure it looks better from far away. I used a plain, undecorated banner because I wanted to have a blank slate to paint from. I felt like I was painting a space the size of a thumbnail... it was easily one of the most challenging parts of this project for me.


This is what I was attempting to achieve.


02-28-2014, 01:48 AM
The pegasus wing kit is fairly straightforward. I added the wings because that is one of the default powers for Mephiston in the 5th edition codex. In both 5th and 6th editions, his winged mobility has served me well both as deterrent and as a literal nightmare for enemy players to deal with. The strong personal appeal of wings of psychic might and the various opportunities to represent them proved irresistable to me, but instead of leaving them static I wanted to use lightning effects as a means of showing they weren't part of his body per se. This is something I have done on other models as well, so thematically he would fit with my army as well.

The stages can partially be seen here from a basic highlighting to more branched out forks of lightning. First I painted the base color of the wings. Drybrushing various reds over the feathers was easy, and I followed up with some broad bolts of lighting to form the "spine" of the electric tendrils. I coated the white in a layer of the "Bloodletter" glaze and then went over the lines again with white afterwards to create a brightening effect around the edges of the bolts. Some Nuln Oil wash around the edges of the lightning highlights created some good contrast, though the lines for the lightning were not as clean as I would have liked, but I risked losing a lot of detail if I re-painted my corrections too much. As much as there is still room for improvement with practice, I feel like I visually accomplished my goal if nothing else.


02-28-2014, 01:53 AM
I used green stuff and some glue to attach the wings to his back and added the backpack with banner on top. Another similar customization I saw had the wings attached to his backpack, but I wanted it to feel like they were coming out of his shoulder. The size of his psychic hood made the extra space needed to fit the wings behind the back and into the shoulderblades execute really well and didn't leave any huge gaps like I was initially concerned about. The weight of the rock on the base was perfect to counter-balance the weight of the metal wings on top, and I have been very pleased with how stable he is when on the smaller base.


02-28-2014, 01:56 AM
These are a couple of the sources of inspiration for the paint job. Glowy eyes from the 40k BRB (hardback edition brick of doom) and white hair from the print of the "Lord of Death" book.