View Full Version : Nurgle Mantis Pattern Daemon Prince - Conversion

02-27-2014, 01:26 PM
I'll be honest the idea for this little guy just happened to come from just dumb luck.

Not that I'm upset, heck that's how we got nice things like Penicillin and Nura Sweet! However while those discovers went on to change our world, I'm just playing with toy soldiers and trying to inspire others with all this.

Way back in the spring, I happened to be working on a Daemon prince model, and put it away one night in a lid from a random GW kit. When I pulled out the box the next day, I noticed the model was resting over a pair of Tervigon arms that were in the box already. The rest, was history. I had to make this conversion!

You can see everything HERE (http://www.spikeybitsblog.com/2013/12/nurgle-mantis-pattern-daemon-prince.html) on the Spikeybits Blog




Nefarius Drapesh
02-27-2014, 04:31 PM
I really like how you also used the fist from the hellbrute. I'm a bit jealous that this specific bit wasn't around yet when i built my fleshborer-winged prince:

02-27-2014, 07:26 PM
Love the color transition on the helldrake wings.

Cool concept for the mantis demon! Has a very warp/mutated feel to it.