View Full Version : 500 points of Eldar,Tournament use (with added rules)

Gerald D. Jerarudo
02-27-2014, 07:54 AM
Hi guys
My local game store will be having a 500 points tournament with the following restrictions
Im really really confuse on making this list,Basicly I cant use Farseer which is quite a minus in my opinion while playing this smallers games.

So the restrictions are:
No unit wound more than 3
No 2+ armor saves
No vehicle with the total sum of AV more than 34
No flyer
No Artifact
No reserve units (that means no drop pod too)
No Deep strikes
No Fortifications
No special character
Max Psyker mastery is level 2

1 HQ
2 Troops
you can only take 1 from Elite, fast attack, Heavy support (pick only 1)
and you can ONLY take 1 HQ and 2 Troops at maximum

If you have the option to take flying monsterous creature, you can only have them in glide mode and not swooping

So here is 2 list that I made:

1st list
Spiritseer (70)

5x Dire Avengers (200)
with Wave serpent,Holofields,Scatter laser

5x Windrider jetbikes (85)

Heavy Support
1x Fire Prisms (140)

2nd list:

Spiritseer (70)

10 man guardian squad (110)
Scatter Laser heavy weapon platform

10 man guardian squad (110)
Scatter Laser heavy weapon platform

Heavy support

3 War Walker squadron (210)
3 Scatter laser,3 Bright Lance

To be honest,i dont really know what to field anymore.Comments and critics are always welcomed!

Dave Mcturk
02-27-2014, 11:51 AM
cheapest effective hq is probably spiritseer unless you fancy spiderz then a spidertarch mite be useful...

at low points games i think 10 spiders with or without autarch have an edge on the walkers... assume you are playing 4ft by 4ft board?... spiderz give 21 st 6 shots for about the same cost as 15 from the walkers also 10 'wounds' v 6 HP..

for anti tank take a few locks on foot ?? if permitted ?? for 40pts with a spear they are possibly better than the dragonz without transport...

much as we always love the new re-invented serpent... it is still a bit of a point sink at 500pts, so i would just run gjb squads to points count... leave out the cannon and get at least one jetlock for anti-tank

i wouldnt fancy small guardian squads chances ... if you blob them gives the spiritseer somewhere to go and you can get a footlock for extra anti tank...

those restrictions will produce some crazy lists but should be fun