View Full Version : Three Shades of Huron

02-26-2014, 10:22 AM
Three Shades of Huron

Well we are of course running our Geek Nation tour to AdeptiCon in 2014 (and I will most likely bring this army to WHW when we go there in September) and I needed to start a new army. This has been a challenge to myself since we started going to AdeptiCon and this year instead of creating a new 400 point Combat Patrol army I wanted to do a 1000 point (with an additional 250 point side bar) Zone Mortalis army.

To do this I started thinking about what I have in my closet (been trying to get those minis in my closet painted before I buy more... Very hard to do btw... the urge to by more is very hard to resist) and I came across my CSM collection. I generally stick to the Eastern Fringe armies (Lamenters, Eldar Iyanden, and of course Nids) but I have wanted to do an Astral Claw army for some time (plus it would accent last year's Slaaneshi army). I noticed that I have collected enough bits to do an army over the years and "poof" I had my inspiration. An Astral Claw army and no need to purchase anything further (well kind of).

First off I shipped my CSM to Iron Heart Artisans to do the basic building and beginning stages of painting for me. Yup I caved here but with them doing the grunt work I could finish the detail and make them mine.... I was worried about how I would feel about this (first time to really do this) but I was very excited to get the minis back and start painting. To my surprise I found it was a pleasure to paint the details and watch the minis come alive all the while with someone doing what I think is the most tedious part of the painting process (plus the ACs are nasty to do because the black and red bits on their armour change from mini to mini - "Thank you Iron Heart for all your work" was my mantra as I did my first squad)....

Anyway I wanted to make "Three shades of Huron" to go with the army. A slightly modified Huron painted as closely to the GW one as I could manage, A Daemon Prince Huron and of course a Chaos Spawn Huron... This is the start of that blog (BTW I will also talk about the other parts of the AC army...so you get a clear picture of what I intend to bring to AdeptiCon)

Here I go..

Here are the parts I am going to use with Normal Huron (NH).... Notice the Armorcast flame bit...


The build was fairly straight forward with only the placing of him on the chaos symbol and the Armorcast flame giving me any issues. Here is what he looked like pre-primed


Primed and first layer of red...


More red and first layer on the flame. BTW this is the first time I have tried painting fire in a big way and am very happy at how it went. For an excellent tutorial go visit http://hot-lead.org/advance/fire_prac.htm


Here he is with more red still and the fire almost finished


Here he is with the first Astral Claw squad (post detail added)... Note the power sword/dark sword on the left. This is also a new one on me. I wanted to hop away from my normal blue power weapons and try something different. For a tutorial on how I painted the dark blade go to: http://www.heresy-online.net/forums/showthread.php?t=6438 Not sure if it is heresy to mention another forum or not....


And finally a finished Huron and squad. Note that I clear coated them prior to doing the gold. I find that clear coat really ruins that nice gold finish and so I think I will do this with all my minis with gold on them from now on...


Here is a close up of him only... Notice the red. First time I used the two brush blending (or spit) method... Very happy with how he turned out. This was my match of the GW mini... Not exact but close. Man was that a crazy hard mini to paint. The chaos symbols on the armour are nuts! I have to disagree with Rick and Kyle that all the regular CSM should be like the Chosen minis. That would be an insane amount of work for the grunts....



Now for Horus Ascendant... Coming soon!

Now for Horus Ascendant.