View Full Version : A tale of...

02-25-2014, 02:13 PM
One of my local game stores is doing "a tale of" project where a bunch of us start with a unit and add a new unit each month (that's really all the details I have the moment there will be a kick off meeting on Saturday).

So this begs the age old question of which army next?

So before I get into this, I already have:
Nurgle Chaos Space Marines
Grey Knights
Black Reach Orks

My first thought was imperial guard, the Death Korps of Krieg to be specific. But then I realised I'd have to sell my first born to afford that. I also really fear painting faces, as it's a weakness of mine so the other Guard factions put me off.

Then I got to thinking, what about if I did something to bolster my GK. GK are my favourite army fluff wise and I thought about maybe an imperial guard inquisition force. I'm also currently painting a 7 man Deathwatch (counts as Sternguard) and thought maybe I could expand that into a Deathwatch list.

TL : DR help me pick a new army, preferably something inquisitiony.

Suggestions on a load out for either of the ideas above or completely new ones are much appreciated.


02-25-2014, 11:30 PM

02-26-2014, 01:33 AM

Darren Richardson
02-26-2014, 05:40 AM
My first thought was imperial guard, the Death Korps of Krieg to be specific. But then I realised I'd have to sell my first born to afford that....

why not sell your secondborn as well and go for Sisters of Battle :D

Seriously though if you don't like painting faces

Then for the Imperium:

It's any space marine chapter other then space wolves (to many bare heads for the wolfies)
IG Death Korps
IG Armageddon Steel Legion (if you can find the mini's, all metal of course from 3rd edition days)
Imperial Knights
IG Mechnised army (FW had some army lists for that one, great army for Treadheads and you'll need less IG troopers)
IG Elysian Drop Troops

For the Xenos:

Eldar (not dark eldar, again DE have so many bare heads and even bodies!)
Tau (no Kroots)
Chaos Traitor Legions/Regenade Space Marines

All your other choices will most likely involve having to paint faces.

I hope this list helps somewhat

02-26-2014, 06:40 AM
Adeptus Mechanicus. Lot of cool stuff coming out from forgeworld, and I have seen Necron models used to create some fantastic conversions.

If the folks at GW are as cool as they seem lately, there will be an army list in the upcoming Knight Codex for an AdMech army...otherwise, do them "counts as" IG.

John Bower
02-26-2014, 08:01 AM
Who says too many bare heads for pups? They give you enough helmets for the entire squad, and the beauty of most SM's is you can get your HQ's from the plastic unit boxes. All the weapons etc. you need are in there.