View Full Version : Ork stompa list options 1750 its

02-25-2014, 06:53 AM
I've just managed to pick up a stompa for less than £50 which I think is a steal for a lord of war and have started to put together some ideas for possible lists at 1750 its.

All of the lists have a common basis of:
Big Mek with kustom force field generator (in stompa)
7x lootas, 3 mess with kustom mega blastas (in stompa)

I have then come up with three possible options to round off the list:

Option 1
11x boyz, nob with big choppa/boss pole (in stompa)
20x boyz, nob with power claw/boss pole, 2 big shoota's
Battlewagon, 2 big shoota's, deff rolla, grot riggers and stikkbombs
20x boyz, nob with power claw and boss pole, 2 big shoota's
Battlewagon, 2 big shoota's, deff rolla, grot riggers and stikkbombs
11x gretchin, runtherd
3 big guns (kannons)

The two battlewagons full of boyz keep pace with the stompa and benefit from the big meks KFF before peeling off. The smaller boyz mob hides out in the stompa until end game, needed or forced out. Lootas with deff guns can use stomps's fire points while big mek and meks fix the stompa (hopefully). Big guns provide some cheap heavy firepower so I'm not relying on stompa to tackle all armoured targets and the gretchin a backfield scoring unit.

Option 2
12x boyz, nob with big choppa/boss pole (in stompa)
25x boyz, nob with power claw/boss pole, 3 big shoota's
25x boyz, nob with power claw/boss pole, 3 big shoota's
19x gretchin, runtherd
3 big guns (kannons)
Ageis defence line, quad gun

Probably my favourite of the three options. This list provides plenty of boyz to surround the stompa to hopefully prevent any melta alpha strikes against it. The aegis defence line and quad gun manned by a gretchin provides some anti-flyer firepower and extra cover for the cannons. The two war buggies are there to force the overwatch before boyz charge into assault (they'll be hiding behind the stompa until needed).

Option 3
Warboss, bike, cyborg body, power claw and boss pole
4x nobs, bikes, painboy, cyborg bodies and waaagh banner
28x gretchin, 2x runtherds
12x boyz, nob with power klaw/boss pole, trukk
12x boyz, nob with power klaw/boss pole, trukk

Gretchin provide the bubble wrap for the stompa. Everything else charges forward and causes havoc. Bit concerned about the lack of bodies/targets and frailty of the two trukks.

Let me know what you think. Cheers

Dave Mcturk
02-25-2014, 10:39 AM
dont see much point in taking 'half' a nob biker squad ??... it is a troop choice...

if you want to run cheap anti tank power claws on bikes then stick to 3, one pc and two red shirts... ... you have got plenty of spare 'elite' slots.

if you want to put claw nobs in trukks... again go three basic nobs - two chumps ... mb big choppasa and one pc... and a BOARDING PLANK>>> ... 12" move and jump on it ! paint it red if you need the extra inch :eek:

ive swung all around back to basic 30 man choppy squads with cheap claw nob... quantity over quality... i know the interweb raves about overwatch from shooty boys... but i mean...most ork guns arent meant to shoot ... just make a loud noise...

if you want to spray trukkz all over as a distraction keep the load as cheap as possible ! but a couple of those extra mite not hurt... other than give up 1st kill !

02-27-2014, 01:10 AM
I'd have to agree on the nob biker squad although even that number can cause a mess of most units. I think I'm going to try out the second list when I get the stompa built. For larger games at 2500 PTA i'll add the two boyz mobs in battlewagons from the first list along with boarding planks which I agree are useful.

I tend to run a mix of stoota and choppa boyz in my non-stompa lists, variety is the spice of life after all (you can probably tell I'm not a particularly competitive player but also don't enjoy being totally massacred).

03-03-2014, 07:52 PM
Ive been running a Dread Mob list with my Stompa and its doing pretty well I think.

Your Big Mek KFF with the 7 Lootas(3 are mekboys) is exactly what ive been doing.I do add a 10 strong unit of spanna boys with a Mek as passengers too so that gives me 5 repair rolls per turn.I usually take some oilers for rerolls when things start getting rough.I know there some insane builds out there with like 6 or even 9 mekboys (with lootas) inside but I see that as being total overkill as ive yet to have a problem staying alive WHEN I get a chance to repair..there has been fights were I lost all 12 HP`s in one shooting phase,lol.

For the rest of the army I usually use either a FSR or 2xVengence batteries with the dual TL LC`s for my anit air.Then I take a full unit of 20 Spanna boyz with a mek..shootas and big shoota and I group a Painboss with them and pay for the cybork on everyone,with FNP and 5+ invuln the group is very resilient.Then I run a Scrap truck with 11 spanna shootas and stay alongside the Stompa for the kff save and rush forward when I see a good charge target.

Finally one aspect that seems to be working well with the Dreadmob list is using Dreads and Kans to "escort" the big guy...ive had a case were 2 Riptides ended up assaulting the Stompa and actually took it down to 3HP`s and the next turn my "escorts" along with the stompa made quick work of both.

Anyhow give the Dreadmob PDF at FW a look:)

03-04-2014, 04:12 AM
Thanks for that. I was going to take a look at the FW dread list, sounds like to could be a lot of fun. Cheers.

03-04-2014, 04:21 AM
From a coolness point of view (what else really matters) battle wagons all the way. Although trucks scare me far more.