View Full Version : Ogre Kingdom suggestions?

02-24-2014, 10:26 PM
Long story short I want to play more Fantasy, and the Ogre Kingdoms have always intrigued me. So I found a great deal on 2 Battalion box sets (this gives me a great start), also picked up a Stonehorn, Ironblaster, and Mournfang Cav box's. I really like the Stonehorn model and will probably make the rider a Hunter. I assembled the Ironblaster and the 2 Mournfang Cav models. What now?

So what else should I add or what would people recommend. I ask this of players who either love or hate the Ogres for what they can do and or how the army plays.

Appreciate the input in advance.

Mr Mystery
02-25-2014, 07:07 AM
For me?

Don't be afraid of Horde units. 18 Ogres don't come cheap, but by the great maw we're difficult to shift!

Hits like a tonne of bricks on the charge, more than resilient enough to weather most enemy attacks (most does not include Witch Elves!), then loads of attacks back at them at a very respectable S4, and finally a round of stompy goodness.

Not much can weather that sort of brutality!

Plus, causing fear means there's a fair chance your opponent will be Ws1!

Mournfangs are frankly the most terrifying cavalry in the game. Impact hits, stomp, multiple attacks, multiple wounds, and if you cough up, a 2+ save!

Kaptain Badrukk
02-25-2014, 10:11 PM
All of the above is true.
I've played Ogres up to and including mid-table GT and the first thing you need to know is that you can make a pretty effective army out of ANYTHING YOU LIKE.
Now this does not mean you've going to buy whatever you want and win at GT with it. But it does mean that if you're just playing for fun but are worried about losing all the time, don't.
Think about what you want your army to be. I'm themed around maneaters, with heroes having themed units (Firebelly's unit all have flaming braziers as weapons and so on).
So think about what you love about ogres and go from there.
Don't be afraid of making a choice based on looks or fluff, ogres are forgiving (until they fail Ld tests {grrrrr}) and most of the units pack a pretty punch for their points.

If we're talking high-comp you want a horde of irongutz bunkering your general and a firebelly.
Then two units of two/three mournfangs
A stonehorn as a rare
A couple of individual sabretusks as charge redirectors
And you maximum compliment of Ironblasters
Fill out the remaining points as you see fit (6 maneaters with poisoned sniper brace of handguns is frankly hilarious for example).
Sounds like you're well on your way though.

02-26-2014, 01:48 AM
Thanks for the input. A block of 18 is a lot of points, usually I see people with 6-12 or so. But I can see how it would be very affective.

02-26-2014, 01:55 AM
This army is going to be played at a local game store with the Fantasy crowd. There are the ultra competitive and the casual gamers, I am casual and really enjoy painting, playing. No plans for any GT type events. I really like the Maneaters as well, great stats, and versatile. Thank you for your advice

Mr Mystery
02-26-2014, 04:04 AM
No worries.

Also, my advice is couched in the 3,000 point realm as that's my favoured game size. It allows me to run a Horde of Ogres, and a horde of Ironguts.

Ironguts do horrible things to pretty much everyone!

And important consideration.....your Lores of Magic. Firebellies are good for their flaming breath and lore of fire, but don't overlook a couple of Lvl2 Butchers. First must have Lore of the Maw (I favour a Slaughtermaster for that), and then one with Lore of Beasts. Helps to buff up my troops even further!

Kaptain Badrukk
02-27-2014, 08:44 AM
I too think at 3k, that's where I feel fantasy really hits its stride.
Just go nuts really, do as thou wilt.

Mr Mystery
02-27-2014, 08:51 AM
And with your big beasties, don't forget they're multi purpose!

Cannon is also a rock hard chariot.

Thundertusk's side arms are pretty saucy for taking out things like Skaven Weapons teams.

Leadbelchers are still Ogres when it comes to stomping heads!

Definite upside there.