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02-24-2014, 02:10 PM
I'm finally trying to get my High Elves in a playable condition.

Here is an initial list

2500 Pts - High Elves Roster

Total Roster Cost: 2498

1 Archmage, Level 4, General
Book of Hoeth
Talisman of Preservation

1 Noble (Battle Standard Bearer)
Heavy Armour, Shield
Banner of the World Dragon

1 Mage, Level 1
Dispel Scroll

1 Noble,
Dragon Armour
Star Lance
Enchanted Shield
The Other Trickster's Shard

Lothern Sea Guard (Archmage and BSB go here)
18 Lothern Sea Guard
Full Command

Lothern Sea Guard (Mage goes here)
19 Lothern Sea Guard
Full Command

Phoenix Guard
20 Phoenix Guard
Full Command
Banner of Eternal Flame

Ellyrian Reavers
5 Ellyrian Reavers

Ellyrian Reavers
5 Ellyrian Reavers

Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower
1 Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower

Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower
1 Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower

White Lions of Chrace
21 White Lions of Chrace
Full Command

Sisters of Avelorn
10 Sisters of Avelorn

Composition Report:
Points of Lords: 320 (0 - 625)
Points of Heroes: 541 (0 - 625)
Points of Core: 714 (625 - Unlimited)
Points of Special: 643 (0 - 1250)
Points of Rare: 280 (0 - 625)

02-24-2014, 09:08 PM
I'm finally trying to get my High Elves in a playable condition.

Here is an initial list

2500 Pts - High Elves Roster

Total Roster Cost: 2498

1 Archmage, Level 4, General
Book of Hoeth
Talisman of Preservation

1 Noble (Battle Standard Bearer)
Heavy Armour, Shield
Banner of the World Dragon

1 Mage, Level 1
Dispel Scroll

1 Noble,
Dragon Armour
Star Lance
Enchanted Shield
The Other Trickster's Shard

Lothern Sea Guard (Archmage and BSB go here)
18 Lothern Sea Guard
Full Command

Lothern Sea Guard (Mage goes here)
19 Lothern Sea Guard
Full Command

Phoenix Guard
20 Phoenix Guard
Full Command
Banner of Eternal Flame

Ellyrian Reavers
5 Ellyrian Reavers

Ellyrian Reavers
5 Ellyrian Reavers

Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower
1 Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower

Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower
1 Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower

White Lions of Chrace
21 White Lions of Chrace
Full Command

Sisters of Avelorn
10 Sisters of Avelorn

Composition Report:
Points of Lords: 320 (0 - 625)
Points of Heroes: 541 (0 - 625)
Points of Core: 714 (625 - Unlimited)
Points of Special: 643 (0 - 1250)
Points of Rare: 280 (0 - 625)

What Lore are your Wizards using? I assume the Archmage is on Shadow and the Mage is on High? The Archmage doesn't really need the 4+ ward save if he is in a bunker unit, those are points that can go elsewhere.

I'm not a fan of the BSB build, way too fragile even with the 2+ ward VS magical attacks. A bunch of S4 attacks from (insert heavy infantry/heavy cavalry unit here) will kill him very quickly. The point of the Banner of the World Dragon being 50 points is that your White Lions/Phoenix Guard/Dragon Princes/etc can take it. Swap all that stuff out for the Armour of Caledor or the Armour of Silvered Steel, unfortunately a foot Noble really needs a 2+ armour save to survive and we don't get Scaly Skin (5+) like our Druchii cousins do.

The Griffon noble is a pretty mediocre choice IMO. Sub-par damage output, high cost (280 if I count correctly) and as the only monster in your list, cannon bait. If you really want a Griffon character then I would honestly take Eltharion just because he actually has a ward save and can be a Level 2 Wizard. Not ideal but I don't think Griffons are anyway except in a monster mash list, which this definitely is not.

If you have the points spare, you could use the Mage with High Magic and take Khaine's Ring of Fury. Roll to see what spell you get, if you don't get a helpful one just take Drain Magic. Bam, +2 to a units ward save on the cheap as well as a scroll caddie. Ideally though you want him out of combat, the annoying thing about High Magic. Alternatively you could make him a Level 2.

I'm not a fan of Sea Guard, honestly. You can get away with an all mounted Core force between Reavers and Silver Helms even with Special infantry choices and they will generally be more effective in the right hands. An Archer bunker would be better for your High Mage, whereas the Archmage can probably sit with the Phoenix Guard. I have to admit though that Sea Guard protecting your Archmage should be fine, just make sure not to think of them as a frontline combat unit. If you go that route though the Sea Guard units absolutely must be bigger, 20 total is nowhere near enough with T3 5+. I recommend 25 minimum for Spearmen/Sea Guard unless you don't want them in combat. At that point though you may as well just take Archers. You are spending more than your required Core allowance, something I would address as our Special and Rare are so demanding.

Ellyrian Reavers are fine with either weapon choice, but I would drop the Harbingers. Wasted points. The only command option Reavers should take are musicians, and even those are unnecessary.

The Phoenix Guard block is a bit small for my taste, and the Banner of Eternal Flame isn't really a good fit for them. I recommend doing points around to get 25 Phoenix Guard total with the Razor Standard. This will make them a proper anvil and one that can also do a surprising amount of damage to 1+ armoured cavalry.

I have no quarrels with the Bolt Throwers and Sisters of Averlorn, but this list is a bit of a mixed bag honestly for them. You aren't a proper gunline but you are trying to take units for that purpose, though without the proper support (i.e. Alarielle). One unit to always consider is a Frostheart Phoenix, those things are just too good to not include at least one.

White Lions are a decent size, 7x3 I assume. If the Banner of Eternal Flame is to go anywhere, it should be on these guys really. Against a typical monster, you dish out 21 WS5 I5 S6 attacks that ignore their Regeneration. Much better than the Phoenix Guard! I still don't recommend that though because you don't want to be have paper swords against enemy Dragon Princes and K'daii.

Sorry if it is harsh, but this list seems to be a bit splotchy if you take my drift. Dropping the Griffon Noble will free up a lot of points, as will cutting your Core down to 625. Fix the BSB build and you are in business to fine tune the rest of the list. I hope that helps!

02-25-2014, 08:37 AM
thanks very much for the reply.

I've changed some things around but kept a few things as well.

The Archmage and BSB go with the Lothern unit. The BSB retains the BotWD for magic defense for when the Archmage blows himself up.

The Level 1 Mage is still just a Scroll Caddy

I still have a Griffon noble. I really want to play with this unit because I like it so much. I did alter his gear a little in hopes of improving defenses.

The Lothern Sea Guard dropped to one unit of 30 with Full Command and Shields. They will be fielded 6x5 (or should I go 5x6?). Their job is to be the Archmage/BSB bus and to aid in ranged support and close combat when needed.

The Reavers are still two 5 man units with Champions because I only own the ones from Island of Blood and that's how they come. Plus, I needed the extra points to meet minimum Core

The Phoenix Guard are still 20 but now with Razor Standard
the White Lions got the Eternal Flame

I dropped the Sisters and added a Skycutter with Boltthrower

Still has 2 Eagle Claw Bolt Throwers as it doesn't seem to be High Elves without them!

New and improved list. What do you think?

2400 Pts - High Elves Roster
Total Roster Cost: 2393

Archmage (290 pts)
Archmage, Level 4, General
Book of Hoeth
Golden Crown of Atrazar
Ironcurse Icon

Mage (110 pts)
1 Mage
Dispel Scroll

Noble (164 pts)
Noble (Battle Standard Bearer), Spear, Longbow, Dragon Armour, Shield
Banner of the World Dragon

Noble (281 pts)
Noble, Lance, Dragon Armour
Enchanted Shield
The Other Trickster's Shard

Lothern Sea Guard (390 pts)
30 Lothern Sea Guard,
Full Command

Ellyrian Reavers (105 pts)
4 Ellyrian Reavers, Bow
1 Harbinger, Bow

Ellyrian Reavers (105 pts)
4 Ellyrian Reavers, Bow
1 Harbinger, Bow

Phoenix Guard (375 pts)
20 Phoenix Guard,
Full Command
Razor Standard

White Lions of Chrace (313 pts)
21 White Lions of Chrace,
Full Command
Banner of Eternal Flame

Lothern Skycutter (120 pts)
Lothern Skycutter
Eagle Eye Bolt Thrower

Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower (70 pts)
Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower

Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower (70 pts)
Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower

Roster satisfies all enforced validation rules

Composition Report:
Points of Lords: 290 (0 - 600)
Points of Heroes: 555 (0 - 600)
Points of Core: 600 (600 - Unlimited)
Points of Special: 808 (0 - 1200)
Points of Rare: 140 (0 - 600)