View Full Version : 1850 Genestealer Army, advice welcome

Chris Copeland
02-23-2014, 05:17 PM
Friends, I'm looking to change up my Genestealer Army to bring it in line with the new 6th Edition Codex. Any comments or advice is welcome. Here is what I'm considering:

Total Roster Cost: 1850

HQ: Hive Tyrant (1#, 250 pts)
1 Hive Tyrant, 250 pts = (base cost 165 + TL Devourer w/Brainleech Worms x2 30 + Hive Commander 20 + Wings 35)

Troops: Genestealer Brood (5#, 70 pts)
5 Genestealer Brood, 70 pts = 5 * 14

Troops: Genestealer Brood (5#, 70 pts)
5 Genestealer Brood, 70 pts = 5 * 14

Troops: Genestealer Brood (5#, 70 pts)
5 Genestealer Brood, 70 pts = 5 * 14

Troops: Genestealer Brood (5#, 70 pts)
5 Genestealer Brood, 70 pts = 5 * 14

Troops: Genestealer Brood (5#, 70 pts)
5 Genestealer Brood, 70 pts = 5 * 14

Troops: Genestealer Brood (5#, 70 pts)
5 Genestealer Brood, 70 pts = 5 * 14

Heavy Support: Carnifex Brood (3#, 540 pts)
1 Carnifex Brood, 180 pts = (base cost 120 + TL Devourer w/Brainleech Worms x2 30 + Regeneration 30)
1 Carnifex, 180 pts = (base cost 120 + TL Devourer w/Brainleech Worms x2 30 + Regeneration 30)
1 Carnifex, 180 pts = (base cost 120 + TL Devourer w/Brainleech Worms x2 30 + Regeneration 30)

Fast Attack: Hive Crone (1#, 155 pts)
1 Hive Crone, 155 pts

Elite: Zoanthrope Brood (3#, 150 pts)
3 Zoanthrope Brood, 150 pts = 3 * 50

Elite: Zoanthrope Brood (3#, 150 pts)
3 Zoanthrope Brood, 150 pts = 3 * 50

Elite: Venomthrope (1#, 45 pts)
1 Venomthrope, 45 pts

Heavy Support: Mawloc (1#, 140 pts)
1 Mawloc, 140 pts

The idea behind this list is that I have six small units of Genestealers going out there and securing objectives. The Genestealers don't rely on synapse (which is good for them). I have a Daka-Flyrant and a Crone to harass the enemy with. A unit of three Dakafexes will lumber towards high value targets screened by Zoeys (with a Venomthrope riding shotgun). A Mawlock is included to mess with my opponent's backfield...

Again, comments critiques, and advice are welcome. Cheers. Cope

02-23-2014, 06:48 PM
You might want to take a look at Hive Commander. It doesn't +1 reserves any more.

All that Regeneration is a lot of points that you could spend on something else to better effect.

Dave Mcturk
02-24-2014, 08:12 AM
like not bothering with genestealers ? ??

i mean basic claw things are just about as good for a third of the points, admittedly they need synapse...

i play v nidz and with no tervigon to spawn extra troops i would just fry the stealers where possible ...

the flyrant seems like a fire magnet with nothing to keep up with it...

and youve very little decent anti-mech... the carnifexes have a long way to go to catch even slow vehicles...

cant give you many positives as i dont play nid... but those are all definite weaknesses...

the things i hate to play against are those 55pts 2 shot ignore cover 8-4 things... absolutely brilliant as tyrant protection... they make a mess of most things at 24"... make sure they get fnp and very hard to shift 9 or even 6...

and a single venny is also a pretty easy target even with fnp...

i think if i was running nidz i would just go fexes, hive guard, tervigons, forget the rest !

02-24-2014, 06:21 PM
I would take a look at the Vanguard Infestation Dataslate. It gives you an additional 5 units of 5 Genestealers (outside the FOC, but still scoring) that can infiltrate within 6" of an enemy unit if they are in a building... For no additional cost! You can then have 11 units of Genestealers within a single FOC. Add in Deathleaper, Lictors, Broodlords, and Spore Mines... Well, you have a fun and nasty army. Who needs synapse anyway?

Chris Copeland
02-24-2014, 07:10 PM
Who needs synapse anyway? Not me! I have a Genestealer army!!!

02-24-2014, 07:38 PM
if your going to run stealer shock, at least take broodlords

drop the mawloc for them, and split the carnis into individual units so you can direct their firepower with maximum efficiency.

Dave Mcturk
02-25-2014, 04:22 AM
to the tune of "video killed the radio star" sing ... "overwatch killed the genestealer"...

we are considering dropping stealers to 12pts and giving them a 5+ IV save v shooting ... ie a bit like a 'conceal' power, but mb only if they have a broodlord... WIP