View Full Version : ork nob biker unit ...

Dave Mcturk
02-22-2014, 04:32 AM
simple question that i cant find an faq answer to.

if you take an orc warboss, and as per orc codex, he can make one 'nob' unit into troops, can they still take 'bikes' and remain troops...

i cannot see anything clearly to prevent it but are TO permitting it or is there a 'grey' green womble rule that ive overlooked..


jonas the jedi
02-22-2014, 04:48 AM
In my area that's legit. Don't know what you meant "are to permitting it". I've seen nothing to the contrary that those nobs would be troops but it comes down to the to I suppose. Ps take the painboy.

Dave Mcturk
02-22-2014, 08:17 AM
TO ... tournament organisers :)

just making sure before i put a really devious list into a tournament:

full nobbikerunit, painboy,cyborg bodies, warboss with the works ... orks as allies for eldar...
whizz out in front ... nail anything in sight.. i take 3 power fists / 6 combi flamers / doc / warboss
if worst comes to worst its 33 TL st5 shots at 18"

eldar main force full seer-council... with two farseers ... all with spears... 3 min units of DA for objective stealing and rearguard firepower... shard on warlord, and if 1850 then a few more bitz... we normally play 1750

hoping for invisibilty/fortune happy with hallucination/forwarning ... got to accept some dead powers out of 6, but one or other guide power not totally wasted... .. 12 ST9 guide shots at 12" ... or 24 TL st4 bladestorm.. with jump jump jump around...

took down monster nids in practice game ... they never even got within 12" to cause shadow problems

02-22-2014, 09:08 AM
The Nob Biker unit is Legit, the only thing you can't place on a Bike is a Mega-Nob (as they would fall off due to weight/size) I'd look at tossing a couple of Big choppas in the unit to help with higher strength attacks. Sure its "AP -", but having strength 6 in CC can make a difference (strength 7 on the charge)
Usually if i run the Deathstar, it's 4 klaws, 3 Big Choppas, Doc, Cybork with one of the Klaws having the Banner, and the Boss has a Bosspole, and everyone (minus the Doc) has Kombi-Scorchas.
Keep the Scorchas for Overwatch if possible, and this unit will strike some fear into your opponent.

It is important to note that a Warbike gives the model "'Eavy Armour" and with Nobz you can buy it separately, but it is redundant. Also, as of this post, Exhaust Cloud has not been changed via FAQ/Errata, so it still gives the unit a 4+ cover save. So by buying the Warbike upgrade your also buying a 4+ armor save and a 4+ cover save for the unit. Same appiles to the Warboss.

Dave Mcturk
02-22-2014, 03:42 PM
always tried to keep some costs off the unit... as it gets very pricey... i generally reckon 6 skorchas is enough and in fact rarely get to fire all six, but when you have they can wear red shirts for the unit... never tried extra choppas... sounds like a good idea ;)

02-23-2014, 12:04 AM
Yeah, "nob bikers" is not actually a unit. A unit of nobz that happen to be equipped with bikes is no different than a unit of nobz that happen to be equipped with big choppaz. They can still be made Troops, no matter how you kit them out.