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View Full Version : 2500 Dark Elves

02-22-2014, 03:47 AM
First attempt at a DE list, here it goes.....


(290) Supreme Sorc.- LV4, Lore of Life, talisman of preservation, scroll

(239) Dreadlord- heavy armour, sea dragon cloak, ogre blade, enchanted shield, dawnstone, other tricksters shard


(130) Sorc.- LV1, Lore of Beasts, ring of hotek

(275) Death Hag- Cauldron of Blood


(414) Corsairs-(34) FC, extra hand weapon, banner of eternal flames

(353) Witches-(28) FC, banner of swiftness

(124) Dark Riders-(6) musc, repeater crossbows


(190) Shades-(10) musc, great weapons

(275) Executioners-(20) FC, gleaming pennant

(70) Repeater Bolt thrower

(70) Repeater Bolt thrower

(70) Repeater Bolt thrower

total: 2500 pts

Im not too sure how this list will fair against a lot of power gaming lists, but we will see. i like the versatility lore of life, and beasts gives my army, but idk if hoping on magic to win at points is the way to go.
The idea behind the list, is to take all my blocks, and position in a way to utilize the ring of hotek, and know where to put the pressure on the battle field.
ill use the shades as redirects, or for my lv4 to jump in when the corsairs get close to combat. the general will lead the corsairs, helping immensely with his S(6) attacks.
ill use the dark riders to get warmachines, or to redirect.
let me know whatcha think!