View Full Version : New tyranid formations

02-21-2014, 11:24 PM
So this is dropping soon,

Dataslate: Tyranid Invasion - Rising Leviathan II (https://itunes.apple.com/au/book/id826650129?mt=11) $14.99


The invasion of Satys enters a new and deadly phase as the Hive Mind drowns the planet in a deluge of biohorrors. Though tens of thousands lie dead already, the Catachans, led by Colonel Krelm, desperately try to hold key fortifications within the irradiated jungles, hoping to keep the swarm at bay. The surviving members of the Aurora Space Marine Chapter fight with them, determined to sell their lives if it means blunting the Great Devourer’s assault. Can they hold back the beast long enough for help to arrive, or will they too succumb to the chitinous claws of Hive Fleet Leviathan?

About the Book:
Tyranid Invasion - Rising Leviathan II is the second book in a trilogy of Tyranid Dataslates, each of which details the different stages of Hive Fleet Leviathan’s assault upon the planet of Satys. This second instalment showcases the invasion organisms of the Tyranid fleet. It contains formations, missions and rules so that you can re-create the unstoppable advance of Hive Fleet Leviathan in your games of Warhammer 40,000.


02-22-2014, 08:53 AM
One of the formations gives endless swarm.... I feel like the tyranid data slates add a lot more to the army than most of the other data slates.

02-22-2014, 12:36 PM
One of the formations gives endless swarm.... I feel like the tyranid data slates add a lot more to the army than most of the other data slates.

pretty sure this was deliberate so they could leave a ton of $#%t out of the main codex

02-22-2014, 12:57 PM
In GW's defense (strange, I know), it make take months to lay out a book, ship it off to the printers, and get it back, whereas Dataslates can be done much sooner than that by leaving out the printers and shipping.

Although I do agree with you if that GW has had these data slates hanging around since before the Tyranid stuff went to the printers then it's BS. If you buy all of the bug data slates, you've spent just as much as you did on the codex itself...

02-22-2014, 01:11 PM
Blatent money grab...

02-22-2014, 02:38 PM
Blatent money grab...

Sort of... Maybe more like a sensible business decision. This is the cost break-down for selling a book in the UK. Lets use a £30 codex as a good example. An independent retailer wants to make 33% profit on it as a general rule of thumb. So of the £30 ten goes to them. GW wants to similarly make 33% to stay profitable so they get £10. that leaves £10 to pay the writers, artists and editors, get the book laid out and printed, then shipped around the world to the wholesale/retailers.

Now a digital codex also costs £30 and the cost breakdown goes a bit differently. Although printed books in general are VAT (that's UK sales tax), ebooks are VAT rated at 20%, So That's £6 to the government straight off. However, of the £24 left you don't need to pay a retailer, shipping, or printing, just the design team and lay-out plus a bit to apple/e-commerce. So for GW a Digital codex might reap them £19 profit over the £10 for a printed edition. This same shift in profits is also why they dislike using independent stockists and have shifted many items to direct only. The more they can sell from their website, the higher their profits.

I'll leave the conversation should this just be free web content or included in the original codex rather than DLC to other users, but that's the raw business facts

02-22-2014, 03:38 PM
Blatent money grab...

Yeah and so? Heaven forbid companies want to make money.

I don't know, it gets tiring when all people can say is GW is a money grab company.

02-22-2014, 04:14 PM
Why not put this stuff in the codex that came out roughly a month ago? Now if it was a dataslate for a codex thats been out for awhile (say, a Legion specific list for CSM) or throwing a lifeline to an army that has yet to get a 6th Ed book (Orks come to mind) then I get it. But this could easily have been included in the recent book. Cripes, Endless Swarm isn't even a new idea.

02-22-2014, 04:49 PM
Because, again, GW is a business.

Anyways, this just made Trygons relevant. Deepstrike one, and the tunnel reserves rule lets you bring your endless tide back on somewhere convenient for you.

02-22-2014, 05:14 PM
Because, again, GW is a business.

Anyways, this just made Trygons relevant. Deepstrike one, and the tunnel reserves rule lets you bring your endless tide back on somewhere convenient for you.

I'm waiting to jump with joy for this until I read the rules myself.

that counter point is that if it does work the way it looks, then tervigons may have just become pointless, take two trygons instead

02-23-2014, 01:05 AM
The way I have been looking at it is that GW makes this codex, tests it and ships it off to printing. a few months to a year later the new codex comes out and when the customers get it they realize that the codex is pretty terrible. This could be just because a lot of the stuff in the book was written before other codices and things have changed, so they come out with these data slates to try to put some power back into the book. And of course as GW they find a way to make money at it at the same time.

The Sovereign
02-23-2014, 01:12 AM
I'm not a Nid player, but my friend is, and he's very interested in dataslates for his army. What does the rule Endless Swarm do?

02-23-2014, 02:17 AM
Each time one of its units dies, it comes back on from reserves next turn on a 4+. Units may respawn multiple times. Pretty sure that's confirmed at this point.

The Sovereign
02-23-2014, 02:33 AM
Each time one of its units dies, it comes back on from reserves next turn on a 4+. Units may respawn multiple times. Pretty sure that's confirmed at this point.

Thanks. That's pretty awesome, my friend will be happy about that.

02-23-2014, 02:37 AM
Each time one of its units dies, it comes back on from reserves next turn on a 4+. Units may respawn multiple times. Pretty sure that's confirmed at this point.

Actually theres been conflicting reports on the hive. I'm just gonna wait till next week.

02-23-2014, 06:03 AM
I'm waiting to jump with joy for this until I read the rules myself.

that counter point is that if it does work the way it looks, then tervigons may have just become pointless, take two trygons instead

Monstrous creatures with synapse as a troops choice pooping out even more troops choices.
A trygon poops nothing from itself

02-23-2014, 06:08 AM
what they are talking about is trygon tunnel, trygon pops up turn two, gant squads get wiped out, on a 4+ they go into ongoing reserves, which means next turn they deploy form said tunnel right in the opponents lines

oh, you killed 40 termagants, well heres 40 more in your face

02-23-2014, 10:37 AM
And shooty gaunts are pretty good from reserves.

Nid Bits
03-12-2014, 05:29 AM
Anyone knows anything about the 3rd installment yet? I am always behind the rumor mill so don't know exactly when information is out lol