View Full Version : Help Painting Black Space Marines(Raven Guard)

12-24-2009, 12:07 AM
Now I'm new to the Hobby so bear with me please (academy program at GW on the 26th). However I wanted to know what Paints I should possibly buy right now. I bought the Citadel Spray can, as well as brushes. I am wondering though how I should do it, some people in the store recommended 2 options, white basecoat, black foundation paints, then detail, or just black primer and detail. I'm guessing, and some people told me, that priming white, than adding an undercoat of black would look better. However the store manager said the foundation black paint isn't sold seperately. What am I to do? Surely black space marines aren't a rare sight. Suggestions?

Oh and specifically I'm going Raven Guard, thanks!

edit: Sorry I'm probably worrying to much but I wanted advice from some experienced painters

Sorry for the double post browsers acting weird.

ok so I guess I have a few options I guess.

I could also prime black. Then thin out a black paint and lightly paint over the models. Then prime all shoulder pads white, paint the inside black, and the trim red (since I want the red and black trim)

Or I could do the above and try to use the spray gun with chaos black thinned out? Or should I use a grey foundation paint (since its already pre measured to thin it out on the spray gun) over the blakc primed models, will it be dark enough. Orrrrrrr would mixing 2/3 grey and 1/3 black be ok to still use the standard thinning measure? Because this sounds a little easier.

Or final Option, Black Primer, 50 50 mix of water and Chaos Black, add accents/ touch up with a grey (codex grey)? White primer on shoulder pads paint with chaos black and add a crimson red on the shoulder pad trim


12-24-2009, 12:52 AM
Hi themandalorian,

I just put up a post about painting black on my chaplain that might answer some bits on colour choice once you've got black down
http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showpost.php?p=43439&postcount=17 (pics up the page a bit)

before that I'd say prime black, since 90% of your model is black. If you do white primer then black base coat you'll end up in the same place but take longer. I like white because I predominantly paint in lighter colours and it is easier to paint these over white (but it is still not too hard to get them working over black, you just need more patience).

Next wash of black paint mixed with water and a spot of clear washing up detergent (this will break the paint's surface tension and make it flow better) to fill in the gaps. This should probably just be brushed on if you're already using the spray primer since you'll be doing the bits spray missed. You can then paint straight over this for the black bits. Then you can highlight

since the other colours are predominantly white and red, I'd recommend the mechrite red and astromomicon grey as base coats for these colours. These will go over the black easily. Almost everything else will be metal coloured, and black is a good base for this too. If you leave black in the recesses while adding these other colours you get black lining for free. You can then shade over these, or highlight without shading, depending on how dark you want your shadows and what type of red and white you want.

Don't fear decals (even if they are hard to put on shoulder pads) - you can apply them then paint over them to fill in the colour and add shading (you really need to paint over them since white decals tend to end up grey when put over black).

12-24-2009, 01:12 AM
Now I'm new to the Hobby so bear with me please (academy program at GW on the 26th). However I wanted to know what Paints I should possibly buy right now. I bought the Citadel Spray can, as well as brushes. I am wondering though how I should do it, some people in the store recommended 2 options, white basecoat, black foundation paints, then detail, or just black primer and detail. I'm guessing, and some people told me, that priming white, than adding an undercoat of black would look better. However the store manager said the foundation black paint isn't sold seperately. What am I to do? Surely black space marines aren't a rare sight. Suggestions?

Oh and specifically I'm going Raven Guard, thanks!

edit: Sorry I'm probably worrying to much but I wanted advice from some experienced painters

Sorry for the double post browsers acting weird.

ok so I guess I have a few options I guess.

I could also prime black. Then thin out a black paint and lightly paint over the models. Then prime all shoulder pads white, paint the inside black, and the trim red (since I want the red and black trim)

Or I could do the above and try to use the spray gun with chaos black thinned out? Or should I use a grey foundation paint (since its already pre measured to thin it out on the spray gun) over the blakc primed models, will it be dark enough. Orrrrrrr would mixing 2/3 grey and 1/3 black be ok to still use the standard thinning measure? Because this sounds a little easier.

Or final Option, Black Primer, 50 50 mix of water and Chaos Black, add accents/ touch up with a grey (codex grey)? White primer on shoulder pads paint with chaos black and add a crimson red on the shoulder pad trim


I have a very large Black Templars Army so I know where you are coming from!

I have always Sprayed Black Primer & then brush painted Chaos Black top coat. If you are keen you could then do a wartered down thinner coat but if you are doing a lot of models this does take more time.

I keep the Shoulder pads off the model until finished (paint or spray white) then glue on. I found I could get better results that way. I also use Boltgun Metal for weapons but paint Meltas, Flamers, Plasma different colours so they stand out (Bronze for melta nozzels, Red Flamer Bodies with Brass tips, Yellow Plasma.) Grenades are Mitheral Silver & pouches Snakebite Leather. Icons etc on Armour can be Gold, Silver or Bronze & if you would like some contrast on the Armour paint the ribbed joints Charcoal Grey or Adeptus Battle Grey. Dont go a light grey as it stands out too much.

Hope this helps & good luck.

12-24-2009, 02:01 AM
THanks guys. I actually bought that Citadel spray gun since I hear It's pretty easy to use for a single color. After trying different mixtures for thinning the chaos black and water/detergent I'm sure adding another undercoat would be easy and then adding grey accents to the mini's.

I am worried about the thinning mixture, I just hope I don't mess up, a lot of trial and error on sprues :) and good thing I have 2 cans of propellant to swap out when one gets too cold

12-24-2009, 08:37 AM
i too have a large Black templar army. i've recently changed the way i paint black. i think i got the idea from someone's blog or an article on BOLS. i basecoat with thinned down Charradon Granite (the darkest grey foundation paint) then i give it a few black washes(2-3 coats...whatever you like. i prefer 3), Badab Black or you can find a good recipe for a homemade wash online. it works great, gives a natural highlight. i don't like to highlight, i'm a lazy painter, i guess. and since you already bought the sprayer it's a good way to get alot done in a short time.

12-24-2009, 10:15 AM
Hey man i've a huge RG army and am doing a mix of methods. For troops i use Badab Black wash on Adeptus BG. Takes 3 washes to get dark. I don't highlight the black, then i go with metal and other colors and highlight them. Mechrite red and Blood red\ Mechrite Red (50\50) for reds, i use old unit marking colors on right shoulder pad.

For non wash black i use a thinned Chaos black and follow the rest of the above but i'll highlight armor with Adeptus BG. Skin tone is important as they have very pale skin, i use a Tallaren flesh base, Wash with very thinned Skull white, Wash with Orgyn Flesh, Brush more thinned skull white to blend, then line highlight skull white. comes out great.

For large area whites i base Deneb Stone as i find it's easier to build up to white than the grey to white method most people use. I will how ever typically wash the white to darken the recesses. As for the chest emblems i do build up from grey for those Adeptus, Codex\Skull, Skull. I used to add another layer in there but with the quantity of models i have to paint it makes it faster if there is anything i can smooth out...feel free to message me if you have specific questions and you can check out Sonsofcoarax forum for an all RG conversation, there are some helpful points in the history and modeling areas...

you can check out some of my stuff here, though i'm way behind in posting new pics, keep checking and you'll see some finished tac squads with the white i was talking about

12-24-2009, 10:52 AM
Perfect timing on this thread as I've just decided that I need a BT army... I blame BoLS entirely for this btw. I'll certainly try the Adeptus BG with black washes to do the black on them. Thanks.

12-24-2009, 12:33 PM
Perfect timing on this thread as I've just decided that I need a BT army... I blame BoLS entirely for this btw. I'll certainly try the Adeptus BG with black washes to do the black on them. Thanks.

it's a different looking black but i really like it..so does my wife who is ultimately my judge to bounce things off of, like the little details on the missile launcher in the Drop Pod i finished last night....one more transport down, 10 to go....or something like that...

12-24-2009, 01:25 PM
Well would Priming it black witht he CHaos Black spray paint, than simply applying the Badab Citadel Black wash look good?

Or does spraying it with a dark Citadel Foundaiton paint and thennnnnn using the wash make it lok better. Spray gun should make the grey foundation painting go quick, and I hope it doesn't make it too much lighter though!

12-24-2009, 01:54 PM
Well would Priming it black witht he CHaos Black spray paint, than simply applying the Badab Citadel Black wash look good?

Or does spraying it with a dark Citadel Foundaiton paint and thennnnnn using the wash make it lok better. Spray gun should make the grey foundation painting go quick, and I hope it doesn't make it too much lighter though!

i originally tried the same thing to save time and paint, but the Citadel primer is a very flat look. when i went back and did one with Chaos Black on top of the primer it came out looking good, then when i did the Adeptus and Badab wash combo, even better. Next unit i may try Codex grey to see if i get a stronger natural highlight...

I use the spray gun to hit an entire tac squad at one time with the base color, which is usually Adeptus. Works great, saves tons of time. I did a few Crimson fists with Necron Abyss awhile ago the same way, turned our great.

person person
12-24-2009, 02:00 PM
Well, I use a few different methods for black theres the start with Adeptus Battlegrey and wash with Badab until your satisfied, or straight Chaos Black with a codex grey highlight/ Drybrush.

12-24-2009, 02:13 PM
Well would Black Primer, Citadel Adeptus Battle Grey Spray, then Black wash be ok

Or do you suggest adding a thinned layer of chaos black after the primer, than the foundation spray, and finally the Black Wash

12-24-2009, 02:54 PM
Follow the link in my signature, there are several 'painting black' tutorials, from GW and great painters alike.

Oh nvm, no signatures here....

Black Templars Resource (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid=510&)

12-24-2009, 03:03 PM
Well would Black Primer, Citadel Adeptus Battle Grey Spray, then Black wash be ok

Or do you suggest adding a thinned layer of chaos black after the primer, than the foundation spray, and finally the Black Wash

after the black primer, spray gun the Adeptus or whatever grey, then wash with Badab. no need to paint Chaos black after primer then go grey back to black...

12-24-2009, 03:17 PM
K sweet that seems to be my answer, thanks!!!

1.Prime with Chaos black
2.Touch up all the spots I missed with thinned Chaos Black
3. Use Citadel Spray gun with Adeptus Battle Grey Foundation Paint
4. Highlight areas with grey paint, but which grey?(joints, edges)
5. Use Citadel Black Wash paint (2 or three coats)
6. Re highlight areas
7. Add Detail (eyes, red to trim, other areas)
8. Paint Bolter with standard pattern)
9. Spray White Shoulder pads Seperately with Skull white, possibly another coat but in general Keep it like this.

12-24-2009, 10:09 PM
K sweet that seems to be my answer, thanks!!!

1.Prime with Chaos black
2.Touch up all the spots I missed with thinned Chaos Black
3. Use Citadel Spray gun with Adeptus Battle Grey Foundation Paint
4. Highlight areas with grey paint, but which grey?(joints, edges)
5. Use Citadel Black Wash paint (2 or three coats)
6. Re highlight areas
7. Add Detail (eyes, red to trim, other areas)
8. Paint Bolter with standard pattern)
9. Spray White Shoulder pads Seperately with Skull white, possibly another coat but in general Keep it like this.

Highlights could be done codex grey and a 50/50 codex grey/skull white mix.

12-25-2009, 01:56 AM
1.Prime with Chaos black
2.Touch up all the spots I missed with thinned Chaos Black
3. Use Citadel Spray gun with Adeptus Battle Grey Foundation Paint
4. Highlight areas with Codex Grey(joints, edges)
5. Use Citadel Black Wash paint (2 or three coats)
6. Re highlight areas
7. Add Detail (eyes, red to trim, other areas)
8. Paint Bolter with standard pattern)
9. Spray White Shoulder pads Seperately with Skull white, possibly another coat but in general Keep it like this.

I have 2 other seemingly easier suggestions

Add a thinned out black layer of Chaos black after

orrrr Add the Badab wash on after priming.

I'm getting a lot of different opinons (from other people). Which is the best for a beginner

12-25-2009, 02:43 AM
Actually I've decided on these three Options, I'd like whichever is easier/looks best. Final Options sound the best?

1. Prime Black
2. Paint Dark Grey Over (thinned)

1 Prime black
2. Paint Chaos black over (thinned0

1. Prime Black
2. Paint Chaos Black or Dark Grey over (both thinned)
3. Citadel Badab Grey Wash

12-25-2009, 04:54 PM
Actually I've decided on these three Options, I'd like whichever is easier/looks best. Final Options sound the best?

1. Prime Black
2. Paint Dark Grey Over (thinned)

1 Prime black
2. Paint Chaos black over (thinned0

1. Prime Black
2. Paint Chaos Black or Dark Grey over (both thinned)
3. Citadel Badab Grey Wash

slight edit on the last option
1 Prime Black
2 Paint Dark Grey
3 Badab Black wash

12-25-2009, 06:38 PM
As i stated in the last priming thread... 1$ cans of flat black from walmart are a beautiful thing.

12-26-2009, 02:44 AM
Yup Krylon Fusion black Seems like what I'm going to buy

12-26-2009, 02:51 AM
Yup I've gotten this twice now. Except the other guy reccomended Charadon Granite becuase it's darker.

sounds good though.