View Full Version : For new and old Tyranid players only!

02-21-2014, 02:27 AM
For those who have actually played more than two games with or against, both the old and new codex.

Which is the better of the 2?

If you haven't play 3 games involving either feel free to comment below, until you have played some more games with/against it.

02-21-2014, 08:32 AM
I've played about 6-7 games now and I'm starting to see what really makes the new book good.

There's still the crap units (rippers & pyrovores), but for the most part, there is a reason to play all the other units now.

For the first time since I've been playing, warriors are starting to creep into my list (pack of 3 w/ a cannon) for backfield synapse. Shrikes for the same reason, but for speedy forward pushes.

I'm finding it hard to get the exact balance in my Heavy Slots w/ Mawlocs, Exocrines, Biovores, Tyrannofex & Carnifexs all vying for slot supremacy. Trygon seem to be a bit too pricey comparatively but they might see some play eventually.

Fast Attack is dominated by Crone for me. She is so good and after doubting it for a few weeks, I'm a believer. Gargoyles lost some luster but could see play in swarmy list, w/ Shrikes leading them or Flyrants leading the charge. I haven't tried Raveners but I've been reading about strategy with them, and they could find some place.

Venomthropes & Zoeys are pure support units, and I'm fine with that. I've been running them in single/dual man squads with a good bit of success. If I get greedy or misplay, they can become a heel but if you are applying enough pressure with other units, they can do their jobs well. I haven't tried lictors or hive guard yet, and the latter seems not worth it. Maybe hive guard have a place against Eldar but not in my normal games (Tyrants, Zoeys, Crones, Exocrines & Carnifexs do the job well enough).

I'm finding success with 30 blobs of termagaunts with 10 Devilgaunts hiding inside. 30 guys for 160 pts. with 50 shots is pretty hot. Hormagants are pretty slick with A. Glands because they are so fast, and they become a threat to vehicles really quickly and draw fire. I've only been running Genestealers in 5 mans w/ broodlords for the horror power, and it's been pretty good. 2 horrors a turn, starting turn 1, and the results are almost 50/50 shots, it can lock down good shooty pretty quick, if they don't deal with them. Warriors are still just synapse pins for me, but they are only the cost of 2 zoeys and can hold pretty well if I keep them in cover and away from melta +. And Tervigons are still bank! You just have to use them differently, as they are the toughest synapse link now, apart from Swarmlord.

Speaking of HQs, Flyrants are better especially with almost all the new powers giving some form of benefit. The Swarmlord is mostly a giant buff factory now, and won't stand up to the mightiest hand 2 hand combat, but he can support like an champ. Deathleaper hasn't impressed me a lot but he did make a demon prince a 7 leadership, which was nice. Tyranid Primes haven't shown me anything meaningful but they seem to be another synapse pin that's hard to crack. Put him in a 30 blob and good luck getting him out short of barrage. I really don't think there's any reason to run a Tervigon as an HQ unless it's a smaller game or something because the other options put her in her place, the troops section.

I find it's a good codex. Seeing it on the field is awesome. Giant monsters with gribbles in the front and support guys guiding the lines, it's a pretty cool sight. Anyone who wines about synapse, doesn't understand the benefit of an entirely Fearless army. We have one of the only armies that can do that and I personally love it.

We still have the old weakness of getting to vehicles but the Crone really helps with that. I can't stress this weakness enough because it's a big one. Our most efficient way to take out vehicles is still melee and that is not acceptable. Crones and Flyrants have been my vehicle busters as of late.

You can also cheese 5 FMC for under 1K if you want too, which I do every so often to piss off the power gamers in my group.

And an additional tip, pay for Hive Commander on the Tyrants if you have 20pts free. Seeing a 30 blob of gaunts outflank or a Tervigon pop up in their backfield is worth the price of admission.