View Full Version : 2k Space Marine 10th Company List (White Scars Trait)

Darren Wachnuk
02-21-2014, 01:09 AM
Hello everyone!

Before we delve into the list itself, I'd like to explain a bit about myself. I've been a wargamer for a decade or so, and my first game was 40k! I cut my teeth on the early joys of 4th edition and Eldar, then Imperial Guard. Afterwards, I moved to Necrons, shortly followed by a transition to Space Marines. I played this way for a while, and while I admired the old marines' ability to craft their own chapter tactics, it was not to be, for they released a new codex; in the process they did away with the whole shebang. Gone were the days of True Grit and Infiltration at the expense of very limited vehicular presence. I felt betrayed. So much so, in fact, I stopped plying dice in the name of the holy Emprah, I moved to a world of fantasy and embraced Gork (or possibly Mork) and grew a mighty Orc and Goblin force.

Aaaaand flash forward to the present! The newest codex has reinstated (at least in a marginal extent) the options to create your own flavor of Bolter wielding deathdealers. Through a combination of amazing unit flexibility and each of the chapter tactics, this new space marine codex floored me. Soooo I was hooked, back into the swing of 6th edition. I can't just not spend money on a hobby like this so instead of just sticking it out with my oldy (but goody) tactical marines and their ilk, I decided to assemble an entire scout army. This was based around a few key points:

> I really, really enjoy the infiltrate ability.
> Like, REALLY.
> The majority of space marine vehicles bore me, and I abhor painting them.
> At a max unit cap of 10, and 6 troop slots available to me, I could field an entire company of scouts well within even 1000pts games.

My favourite flavor of play in 40k isn't really gunline, but I totally enjoy gunning things down. With that in mind, I have assembled the following list.

+++ The Burning Blade (1975pts) +++

* Chapter Tactics
White Scars

+ HQ + (290pts)

* Captain
Artificer Armor, Bike, Storm Shield, The Burning Blade, Bolt Pistol

* Librarian (Pyromance/Telekine or Biomance)
Mastery Level 2, Power Armour, Force Staff

+ Troops + (1205pts)

* Scout Squad
Camo Cloaks, 9x Scouts, 5x Sniper Rifle
* Land Speeder Storm
Assault Cannon, Cerberus Launcher, Jamming Beacon
* Scout Sergeant

* Scout Squad
Camo Cloaks, 9x Scouts, 5x Sniper Rifle
* Land Speeder Storm
Assault Cannon, Cerberus Launcher, Jamming Beacon
* Scout Sergeant

* Scout Squad
Camo Cloaks, 9x Scouts, 5x Sniper Rifle
* Land Speeder Storm
Assault Cannon, Cerberus Launcher, Jamming Beacon
* Scout Sergeant

* Scout Squad
Camo Cloaks, 5x Combat Blade (*), 9x Scouts
* Land Speeder Storm
Assault Cannon, Cerberus Launcher, Jamming Beacon
* Scout Sergeant

* Scout Squad
Camo Cloaks, 5x Combat Blade (*), 9x Scouts
* Land Speeder Storm
Cerberus Launcher, Heavy Flamer, Jamming Beacon
* Scout Sergeant

* Scout Squad
Camo Cloaks, 5x Combat Blade (*), 9x Scouts
* Land Speeder Storm
Cerberus Launcher, Heavy Flamer, Jamming Beacon
* Scout Sergeant

+ Fast Attack + (480pts)

* Bike Squad
2x Meltagun, 4x Space Marine Biker
* Biker Sergeant
Bolt pistol, Melta Bombs

* Land Speeder Squadron
* Land Speeder
Heavy Bolter, Typhoon Missile Launcher
* Land Speeder
Heavy Bolter, Typhoon Missile Launcher
* Land Speeder
Heavy Bolter, Typhoon Missile Launcher

* Stormtalon Gunship
Skyhammer Missile Launcher, Twin-Linked Assault Cannon

Insofar as the combi-weapons are concerned, I decided to take 2 each of the basics.... 2 combi-flamers to go in the heavy flamer storms, and two meltas and two plasmas to ride in the assault cannon storms.

aaaaanywho. Comments? concerns? I believe I am 25 points shy at this point of 2000, but I can always just opt to put Meltabombs on my Captain and the four assault cannon storm sargeants unless you can think of something greater! Thanks for reading it over!

02-21-2014, 10:20 AM
This list looks really fun! I love the way scout-themed armies look on the table. I usually like to dedicate an outflanking scout speeder squad to vehicle hunting on the board edges with the multi-melta and a squad of close combat + melta bombs & combi-melta inside. If they don't blow it up with shooting that turn, then can assault at it the next. Other than that, I like the Typhoon Missile Launchers on the speeder squadron. Where does the Librarian go? Does he have a fixed purpose? Maybe drop him for a Thunderfire or Aegis + Quadgun?

Darren Wachnuk
02-21-2014, 03:49 PM
The librarian is mostly a fluff addition - white scars look to the stormseers for guidance! If he gets a blessing spell then he'll have uses for days, otherwise he just adds a hiccup to anyone seeking to upset the scout squads sitting on any table objectives on my side of the board.

02-21-2014, 11:36 PM
Love it!

My only qualm is you're spending a lot of points on Melta-everything and Assault Cannons/HB/Typhoon ML.

Remember, Scouts are only BS3, so you're hitting on 4's and missing A LOT! Snipers are sexy and cool and you envision the one-shot one-kill scenarios, but at the end of the day my Scout Sniper Squad has actually done very little except camp out in a 2+ cover save building and soak up enemy firepower, or sit on an objective and soak up enemy firepower. Tool down one of the 5-man Sniper Squads and upgrade your Sergeants to Veterans. Believe me, with a ton of 5-man squads running around, that LD9 comes into play.

The Burning Blade - Anything that could possibly cause wounds to myself, I'm a fan of NOT taking (won't find plasmas in my army either). I have enough wounds to save from the enemy, no need to help them out - especially on your Warlord! Relic Blade is amazing and I'm actually going to try The Teeth of Terra (S6, Knockdown AND D3 extra attacks for 10 points more than Relic Blade). Sure you lose the Power Weapon in exchange for more attacks AND slowing your enemy down. I'll buy that for $1.

Your list is very mobile, and fast, and gives the enemy tons of small units to shoot at. However, like I said, the only thing I would recommend is tooling down your shooty weaponry, throw on FREE Heavy Flamers and get another Stormtalon or the EXCEPTIONALLY EFFECTIVE Thunderfire Cannon. Honestly, you really can't have just one Stormtalon OR Thunderfire Cannon. Take two!

DO NOT FORGET to use your Cerberus Launchers when you're shooting your LS Storms. WS1/BS1 for your enemy's next GAME TURN is fantastic.

Looking forward to the photos...
