View Full Version : New HelBrute model

02-20-2014, 02:06 PM
Someone spied the new Helbrute. Enjoys.

Looks to be from month 2 Warhammer Visions if anyone cares.

Images removed per request: Games Workshop PLC

via Warseer's Darnok (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?390142-New-hellbrutes/page7) 2-28-2014

As far as I'm informed, the Helbrutes will be available a week after the Knights Codex.
It won't go up for advance order with the new Warhammer Visions though, as the Knight books have that spot.
As far as I know, the Helbrutes release is the 15th (so advance order from 8th)...

It seems that WH:V does not show unreleased stuff, but only showcases things from last month. Two issues don't make a pattern, but right now that is what it looks like. The Helbrute pics definitely coming from a WH:V issue, that would mean it is a leak from Aprils issue (quite a leak indeed!), and as a result the Helbrute being a March release.

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
02-20-2014, 02:16 PM
Hubba hubba.

Glad they have normal Dreadnought toes, as opposed to the oddities on the Dark Vengeance dread.

So, we have confirmation of Reaper, Plasma and Power Fist right arms, and Scourge, Hammer and Power Fist left arms.

02-20-2014, 02:18 PM
It looks like there is a fourth version of the hellbrute (slaanesh I guess) as the picture below the nurgle one has a different weapon top (looks like a lascannon) and different shaped horn tips. Whilst they are still terrible on the battlefield I still want one, that power scourge looks great.

02-20-2014, 02:25 PM
Someone spied the new Helbrute. Enjoys.

Looks to be from month 2 Warhammer Visions if anyone cares.

If it was going to be Warhammer Visions 2 I'd have thought that it would need to be in next weeks White Dwarf Weekly Issue 4 (EDIT - although it could be WD weekly 5 released on the same day as the next visions mag on 1 March). I thought visions was meant to contain a showcase of things that had been released over the previous month. Then again who really knows what GWs thinking is for the visions mag.

Mr Mystery
02-20-2014, 02:31 PM

02-20-2014, 02:36 PM
I LOVE the little group of eyes hanging off the sarcophagus. The Khorne eyes are like "meh", Tzeentch eyes are "super alert", and the Nurgle ones are "bedtime Zzzzzzz..."

So much fun for painters!

02-20-2014, 02:48 PM
Very cool model. Shame the rules for Hellbrutes are rather blah.

KrewL RaiN
02-20-2014, 03:25 PM
Sooo waaaaantttt! The leftover bits will be great for DP conversions too... dat flail arm for Slannesh DPs...

02-20-2014, 03:26 PM
I'm happy and disappointed at the same time ^^,
In the end there will be more bits for my enjoyment !!!

Darren Richardson
02-20-2014, 03:27 PM
I LOVE the little group of eyes hanging off the sarcophagus. The Khorne eyes are like "meh", Tzeentch eyes are "super alert", and the Nurgle ones are "bedtime Zzzzzzz..."

So much fun for painters!

huh never noticed that at first viewing....

I really like the skull helmet on the Khorneate brute.

John Bower
02-20-2014, 03:44 PM
Only 3 words to say fellow 40kers

My poor wallet

02-20-2014, 03:45 PM
Shame the rules for Hellbrutes are rather blah.

Being new (once more, after a 20 year hiatus) to 40K, and having not played my first game yet, I'm wondering in what way the rules for the Helbrute are "rather blah."

I myself prefer style over substance, but I am curious how Helbrutes are under-performing, if that's where they are. Thanks!


02-20-2014, 03:49 PM
Lookin' good...

Any news on the rumoured Chosen/ plastic Lord?

Flame of Udun
02-20-2014, 04:43 PM
Given that these have shown up in Visions rather than a WD Weekly and after looking hard at the details I'm gonna put it out there and call these conversions, very very good conversions.

I see a plasma gun and the tentacles from the forge/mauler fiend kit and its easy to change the head in the Helbrute kit, also why the exact same torso and left shoulder/upper arm from the original helbrute, I can't see GW being quite so deliberately copy/paste.

They are lovely models but I doubt they are anything more than very skilled conversions.

02-20-2014, 04:51 PM
4 conversions that look like they have got the same body which is not available anyway? Remember GW can and does hide new models in plain sight.

Flame of Udun
02-20-2014, 04:57 PM
Been on Ebay recently, buying a Helbrute on its own is easy.


02-20-2014, 04:58 PM
Heavy Melta, Krak grenades, God-Emperor's Grace (any combination thereof) should kill it..or at least make it madder..

Flame of Udun
02-20-2014, 04:59 PM
-double post ignore-

02-20-2014, 05:04 PM
yeah there is no way those are conversions..im looking at my helbrute right now and there are alot of significant differences in the torso and legs

02-20-2014, 05:08 PM
Really awesome model, too bad it's crap on the tabletop.

The Madman
02-20-2014, 05:31 PM
Glad to have the Chaos Dread kit back, now I'm waiting for re-sculpts of the Terminators and basic marines to match the new style (and an extra vehicle sprue with the chaos trimmings on it.)

02-20-2014, 05:44 PM
Being new (once more, after a 20 year hiatus) to 40K, and having not played my first game yet, I'm wondering in what way the rules for the Helbrute are "rather blah."

I myself prefer style over substance, but I am curious how Helbrutes are under-performing, if that's where they are. Thanks!
The consensus is, with the Hull Points rules, a mid-range vehicle is easier to kill than a similarly-sized/priced MC. Thus, Dreadnoughts in general are out of favor at the moment (excepting the AV 13 Ironclad and Furioso, which are more survivable), and the Hellbrute is a Dreadnought lacking both the Codex Marines' superior delivery options and the other Chaos Walkers' Daemonic upgrades. There's really nothing a Hellbrute can do that something else in the book can't do significantly better.

Myself, I plan on getting one and turning it into a Daemon Prince-- the look just screams "giant mutant Cataphractii suit".

02-20-2014, 05:45 PM
After hearing rumors of updated kits for chaos to fit in with the dark Vengeance look, I went out and bought the dark Vengeance set. I hate the look of the old dated marines. A few weeks come by and when the rumor that they'd be release knights dropped which made me lose spirit. Now I'm extremely excited!

Rev. Tiberius Jackhammer
02-20-2014, 05:55 PM
Given that these have shown up in Visions rather than a WD Weekly and after looking hard at the details I'm gonna put it out there and call these conversions, very very good conversions.

I see a plasma gun and the tentacles from the forge/mauler fiend kit and its easy to change the head in the Helbrute kit, also why the exact same torso and left shoulder/upper arm from the original helbrute, I can't see GW being quite so deliberately copy/paste.

They are lovely models but I doubt they are anything more than very skilled conversions.
Then why (as a small example) do all three models have the exact same toes? They're completely different toes from the DV Helbrute, and they each have the exact same mutations - three teeth on right front toe, two on the left.

Flame of Udun
02-20-2014, 06:13 PM
I dunno, consistency? either way, I'm not saying it looks bad, I'm just saying they look like conversions more than new sculpts, and if they are new sculpts why show them off in Visions rather than WD weekly? I just don't understand how GW does this stuff any more.

02-20-2014, 06:36 PM
Whether they are terrible units or not, at least us Chaos players will have a new model to paint. There is THAT side of the hobby, at least, and if it blows up in friendly games . . . it's all in fun.

For competitive games, I'm looking at those new models running one as a daemon prince. I actually have a spare set of DP wings that might go good on the back. I'm wondering if one of these could even make a good GD of Nurgle, with a little greenstuff to blob it out a bit.

02-20-2014, 07:19 PM
Has 40Kradio received a cease and desist? These images as well as every post revealing anything new has vanished from their Facebook...

I like how they're not too dissimilar from the DV one, I guess they learned from moans about massive gribbly toes on a machine!

02-20-2014, 07:23 PM
I dunno, consistency? either way, I'm not saying it looks bad, I'm just saying they look like conversions more than new sculpts, and if they are new sculpts why show them off in Visions rather than WD weekly? I just don't understand how GW does this stuff any more.

Because visions is where they show off that month's new models? That being the whole point of visions?

There are too many differences between this model and the DV hellbrute. Why would any converter convert the exact same model 3 times?

Looks like:
3+ head options
3 sarcophagus options
Right arm: Plasma, lascannon, reaper power fist
Left arm: scourge, powerfist
standard legs.

I hope they have a missile launcher option for the left arm!

02-20-2014, 08:02 PM
eh I'd be more excited if I hadn't already converted my own, due to the obscene time this has taken since GW released the plastic SM dread over a decade ago

02-20-2014, 08:25 PM
The consensus is, with the Hull Points rules, a mid-range vehicle is easier to kill than a similarly-sized/priced MC. Thus, Dreadnoughts in general are out of favor at the moment (excepting the AV 13 Ironclad and Furioso, which are more survivable), and the Hellbrute is a Dreadnought lacking both the Codex Marines' superior delivery options and the other Chaos Walkers' Daemonic upgrades. There's really nothing a Hellbrute can do that something else in the book can't do significantly better.

Myself, I plan on getting one and turning it into a Daemon Prince-- the look just screams "giant mutant Cataphractii suit".

The chaos dread wasn't especially well thought of before, and the 6e changes were not kind to walkers. It's most points efficient weapon options are close range set ups, but it lacks an effective means of getting into range quickly. Armor 12 leaves it vary prone to spontaneous combustion, and even if it does get in close, it has a tendency to get glanced to death by krak grenades. On top of that, the crazy rule, while not as hasslesome as before, still isn't great, and it's got a rather limited range of upgrades - being largely without access to the chaos vehicle armory.

If it had access to that armory, and an AV13 variant, and an affordable drop pod-esque delivery option (the forgeworld Kharybdis doesn't qualify in the least), then it might be ok, but as it is it just sort of dies too easily and does too little to bother with it.

Now, it isn't the worst thing in the book - that would be possessed, and you can still get some mileage out of a lascannon or autocannon + missile launcher build or the like. I wouldn't call it outright bad. But it is decidedly lackluster, not an exciting unit to play with or against.

I do like the model, though, both the dark vengeance one and this one, so I could still see myself picking one up. Eventually.

02-20-2014, 09:50 PM

02-20-2014, 10:23 PM
I approve of this model looks awesome. only issue is idk how I would equip it.

02-20-2014, 10:43 PM
It looks amazing... I think my IWs are getting one at least.

02-21-2014, 06:47 AM
Looks like a brilliant kit, and, it Hell Brutes have access to Marks, you'd see a lot more of them on the table top

02-21-2014, 07:34 AM
Hellbrutes work great in city fight and planetstrike. (Just like any walker works great in those mission types)

Those look pretty cool, too bad I don't play mech CSM.

02-21-2014, 08:11 AM
Beautiful kit.....still doesn't make helbrutes playable though :(

02-21-2014, 08:13 AM
"and if they are new sculpts why show them off in Visions rather than WD weekly?"

Because these are from next week's release slot (this week is Knights, remember), and will be in next week's White Dwarf, which comes out at the same time as Visions Issue 2.

One of the advantages of Visions is that it has the space to show all the different variations on a kit, whereas White Dwarf has only a couple of pages per kit.

It's just that we happen to have pictures from Visions, because it's about the time that pictures from the monthly magazine start to leak. Pictures from the weekly magazine seem to be leaking just after the previous issue's released.

02-21-2014, 08:25 AM
What's wrong with Possessed? A 3+ armour save, 5+ invulnerable save, Fearless, Fleet, Strength 5, and the Vessels of Chaos table for 26pts a model seems reasonable. =/

02-21-2014, 09:13 AM
What's wrong with Possessed? A 3+ armour save, 5+ invulnerable save, Fearless, Fleet, Strength 5, and the Vessels of Chaos table for 26pts a model seems reasonable. =/

Well subjectively my reasoning would be that you can pay 5 points more for a terminator with a power weapon, 2+/5+, and the ability to deep strike, rapid fire and charge, and buy combi weapons for 5 points.

That and my possessed don't ever seem to kill anything, that's my biggest issue with them. If I'm paying for a dedicated assault unit, I want a bit more punch.

02-21-2014, 09:15 AM
Found a new picture on this website. looks like hellbrute with missle launcher and las cannon.



(sorry, not familiar with uploading stuff)

The Shadow King
02-21-2014, 10:25 AM
They do look really good, would like a couple for my khornate force with double powerfists or power fist/scourge

02-21-2014, 05:08 PM
Yepp they look nice an chaotic (even with removed pictures ;.) but hey, the rules are crap as hell(brute) and so I donīt need more helbrutes (please rename them back to dreads) ... If I were GW, I would redone their rules to force the sales. Demon, IwnD and access to veh.ups will do it a while.

Mr Mystery
02-21-2014, 05:40 PM
Yepp they look nice an chaotic (even with removed pictures ;.) but hey, the rules are crap as hell(brute) and so I donīt need more helbrutes (please rename them back to dreads) ... If I were GW, I would redone their rules to force the sales. Demon, IwnD and access to veh.ups will do it a while.

People whine rules not changed.

Change rules, people whine codex no longer up to date....

Net best move? Leave rules as are until next Codex redo.

And why Daemon? It's a Marine incarcerated in there. Not a Daemon.

02-21-2014, 05:48 PM
People whine rules not changed.

Change rules, people whine codex no longer up to date....

Net best move? Leave rules as are until next Codex redo.

And why Daemon? It's a Marine incarcerated in there. Not a Daemon.

what he means is that the hellbrute (NB: NOT CHAOS DREADNOUGHT) is a deamon engine, but has no access the the daemon engine suite of rules.

02-28-2014, 01:53 AM
via Warseer's Darnok (http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?390142-New-hellbrutes/page7) 2-28-2014

As far as I'm informed, the Helbrutes will be available a week after the Knights Codex.
It won't go up for advance order with the new Warhammer Visions though, as the Knight books have that spot.
As far as I know, the Helbrutes release is the 15th (so advance order from 8th)...

It seems that WH:V does not show unreleased stuff, but only showcases things from last month. Two issues don't make a pattern, but right now that is what it looks like. The Helbrute pics definitely coming from a WH:V issue, that would mean it is a leak from Aprils issue (quite a leak indeed!), and as a result the Helbrute being a March release.

02-28-2014, 03:35 AM
The leaked images of this kit were really darn good, it looks to mimic the quality of the Dark Vengeance Helbrute while adding unique wargear (I spied the flail!) and even god-specific options. It would be really nice if they added a little rules supplement to go with it for adding Marks, just something that can in each kit. It most definitely won't happen, but it would be awesome nonetheless.

William Clarke
02-28-2014, 06:42 AM
Hope that the new marines come with this, having just bought the DV kit to start a Word Bearers army. Even if the rules are crap - fluff! I love playing fluffy armies, and if it looks cool then it is cool in my book.

03-01-2014, 04:43 PM
Anyone considered thus may just be a very converted hell brute? I hope not as they look awesome but I'm still worried. There is a section on conversions in visions. Once again I hope not.