View Full Version : Dark Eldar - In the can

12-23-2009, 04:26 PM
Hey everybody

After reading the article "Dark Eldar - In the can", and getting quite excited about the potential that the Dark Eldar are locked, cocked and ready to rock, I read down through the comments people left, and found that many of the comments turned into a debate about production costs.

In an attempt to give a realistic impression to any GW Watchers in the Dark that may be browsing through this forum, I thought I'd start a poll to gauge people's interest in a re-vamp of this army. In this thread I'd like you to leave any thoughts on what you like about the model range and the army, and what you dislike. Let's try to stay on topic, so that GW can accurately see how many of us want these models and want them now. Leave comments irregardless of whether you have enough disposable income to buy them now - or, maybe just state whether you're willing to sacrifice your annoying sibling to Commoragh for a few models.

From me, I've attempted a Dark Eldar army several times over the past decade, but admittedly lost interest in the challenging ruleset because of sub-average dated looking models (bar a few in the range). I love the concept behind the army, as in the grim darkness of the far future there isn't anything grimmer and darker than these boys/girls/hermaphrodites.

I say - bring 'em back!

12-23-2009, 04:38 PM
I would for sure get the codex (I tend to get all of them anyway). They have always been an army I'd like to see more of and I certainly would consider giving them a try. The problem is that its near impossible to start them at this point which is why you only have a small core of hard core players who play them. I think that their extremely steep learning curve also scares people away. But

I for one sure would love to see them make a come back!

12-23-2009, 04:38 PM
I haven't read the article, but personally I don't really care about Dark Eldar. They should still get their codex of course (all ten players).

12-23-2009, 04:46 PM
yes they should keep them we need more zenos players!!!!! they out of all of the other races need an update the worst i think they have the oldest codex out there

The Mystic
12-23-2009, 04:52 PM
The only reason I have'nt started collecting them yet is because of the current model range and the outdated codex.

To me they have to be the most evil and depraved race out there.


person person
12-23-2009, 04:57 PM
I voted in the middle 'cause I'm not interested in collecting and playing them ATM, but would be happy to buy anything that looks Grimdark, and awesome.

12-23-2009, 05:28 PM
I'm not actually put off by all of the current models. Yes, they could all use alot of spicing up, alot more plastic kits, but I still try and use them. I do hope to see what the new stuff will look like soon though!

12-23-2009, 05:46 PM
I have the following armies (in order of time owned):

Imperial Guard
Chaos Marines/Daemons
Daemon Hunters
Space Wolves.

I would buy, if the money presented itself, and in the following order:

Witch Hunters
Dark Angels
Blood Angels
Black Templars

And then, maybe, just maybe, and I mean only if God was killing kittens every time I bought something that wasn't spikey heads, I might buy Dark Eldar.

Please stick them in the path of whichever hive fleet allegedly did the Squat Homeworld.

If not, please give them the bestest new minis and teh uber codex ftw +1 maxicreep lance spam and ensure that we don't hear Dark Eldar Players whine for five years solid, for at least another decade.

That is all.

12-23-2009, 06:10 PM
yes i really want new models the ones right now are kinda horrible but the rules arent to bad just need a bit of an update.

i only play dark eldar and i wuold only whine about the models and maybe the length its taken for the new one to come out not the rules itself.. and really can you blame the ones who whine alot?? its been how long since anything came out??

Herald of Nurgle
12-23-2009, 06:10 PM
I would most certainly purchase Dark Eldar, due to my love of choosing armies which 'aren't the mainstream'.

I have the following armies:
- Necrons (now dead army)
- Chaos Space Marines
- Eldar
- Chaos Daemons
- Orks
- Space Wolves
- Raven Guard

I would buy:
- Necrons
- Inquisition
- Dark Angels
- Dark Eldar
- Tyranids
- Other Space Marines
- Tau

12-23-2009, 06:25 PM
I just want to say that I was saying like a year ago that maybe the reason DE was taking so long was they were gearing up for the biggest release ever - the entire line redone and relaunched!

I just had to say that, now I'll go away :)

Subject Keyword
12-23-2009, 06:31 PM
I would certainly go out and buy a DE army.
A large one.
Without hesitation.
They are the most unambiguously evil thing in Warhammer. Chaos wants power, the Nids are mindless, Necrons have erased anything but revenge from their minds, War is the nature of Orks, but the Dark Eldar...
They kill because they love it.
They are the most sadistic thing in the mythology of anything in either game.
What's not to love?

- Necrons (now dead army)

They most certainly are not! :D

12-23-2009, 07:00 PM
Please Santa bring us:
New DE
Plastic Sisters
Revenge of the Squats

Would collect all of the above with new/plastic minis.

Herald of Nurgle
12-23-2009, 07:03 PM
(dead in the way that I scrapped it as, being my first army, it was starting to look like a force of Smiks from TSOALR :P)

Subject Keyword
12-23-2009, 07:13 PM
(dead in the way that I scrapped it as, being my first army, it was starting to look like a force of Smiks from TSOALR :P)

Oh, yeah. That's funny, I love my Daemons but I neglect them, and you do the opposite.
And the Smiks reference made me fall off my chair.

12-24-2009, 12:01 AM
I would love to say yes because it would be the only way of bringing my older brother, who got me into and hooked on the hobby back to gaming. However sadly I don't care, they are basically the original mech spam army, S8 Lances on 55 pt fast transports didn't thrill me when I started playing and it probably won't again if they ever get released. So many other xenos need a little TLC right now. However I do think it might be a possibility, GW said they it would require trying up everything to try and hype DE so after that fails miserably they could just release the next Space Marine army which will sell in droves.

12-24-2009, 12:33 AM
If you release it, they will come.

12-24-2009, 03:42 AM
I used to play dark eldar, but lost interest in them and gave the army away. I'd love to get back into them, but they're hellish to play, and the current codex just doesn't really work in 5th ed.

I currently play (in order):

I would like to collect:

And then, dark eldar would be my next favourite race. Oh, along with Necrons, but I think that painting them would just bore me.

Rusty Nail
12-24-2009, 04:16 AM
I'm looking for an "evil" 40k army - all of the ones I currrently play could be regarded as good guys and for me the DE would be perfect, I'm not bothered about the codex as I reckon you can make pretty much any army at least competitive if not an outright winner in 5th ed, (on a purely personal basis I reckon Necorons are currently the hardest to win with just now).
New plastic minis would have me out there with credit card in hand like a shot, I however think that GW may wait until the next edition release and the box set would be SM v's DE, with the codex released either just before or just after, hope I'm wrong though.

12-24-2009, 09:00 AM
I'm not overly bothered if they get a new codex. However, I would still check it out if it was released, and on some on the moment whim may get me started. It all depends on how they turn out, and its really too early to say anything at the moment.




12-24-2009, 10:43 AM
I would buy a Dark Eldar army in a heartbeat if they released new sculpts and a codex. I was tempted when I returned to 40k a few years back but didn't go for it simply because of the old codex and (some) horrible looking models, change that and I'll be adding another army to my collection!

12-25-2009, 02:28 AM
If you release it, they will come.

LMAO indeed !
Honestly if they made good looking models with periodic new character releases for any army then I'd buy them....more so if they reduced the price slug (cheeper to buy from UK than Australia for Aussies....$96 aus for a battle wagon o-0)...I digress. DE are too cool to loose from the 40k universe, and they will make lots of moneyfor GW garenteed.

12-25-2009, 02:59 AM
...the current codex [Dark Eldar] just doesn't really work in 5th ed.

You are very wrong. :)

1) Half the codex didn't work in 4th edition! ;) So, there is nothing new about units being worthless in 5th for any veteran DE player.

2) What does work can table non Horde armies with ease if piloted by a skilled player. I should know. Horde armies can be dealt with as well, but with preparation.

Don't bring the DE back, because, they never left. I guess if the ten players who play DH and WH have a codex on the store shelves, then the 10 DE players deserve a codex on the shelves as well. Orlando semi finals for 'Ard Boyz had zero DH and WH players out of 42 participants, and 2 DE players lol... :eek:

I take great pride in the power and the high skill required to use Dark Eldar. One of the truly BEST codexes in terms of fluffy play style versus power ever written. I hope all this time allows GW to give the new DE codex the same perfect justice the last one has.

Asymmetrical Xeno
12-25-2009, 09:39 AM
Dark eldar are one of the few Mainstream xeno races I find somewhat interesting, other than necrons. If I could do a low-model count/hellraiser theme/style army id likely do a 1000pt force. I think Dark eldar VS enslavers would be a very interesting battle too...hmmm..

12-25-2009, 09:44 AM
I have to agree with Buffo. I love my DE. They are my middle army (2nd of 3) and are very fun and challenging to play with. My 3 armies are each different in terms of style and look.

I have shooty/melta mech Marines (Vulkan) (No psych)
I have shooty/assaulty DE Raiders (anti-thesis of psych)
I am building Thousand Sons sorc spam

I am pretty good with my DE, they work great against 5e lists and can work well against hordes...it just truly depends on the dice rolling for me...most times if I lose it is due to poor rolling at critical moments. It's a challenge which I enjoy greatly. I'd almost not want a new codex, but if they add in new units and keep with the good DE fluff then it will be great.

Maybe after the Valkryie we will get our Raven's in plastic and brought into normal games as a semi-flyer as well. Also, lower point costs for most things as the trend suggests means I'd still have to buy more models.

12-25-2009, 10:37 AM
I play dark eldar. I am not a veteran player, having only started in late 2008, and dark eldar are currently my one and only army. So saying that only hardbitten olde timers play it is a bit harsh.

I love the sleek yet sharp style of the army and the fluff. Look deeper than the 'ohai weez evilz' natural people assign them and you see a culture that, while it does commit acts that render it evil in the eyes of most, actually do have a motivation and morals and purpose. They also have some honour given that they'll aid harlequins and even their 'misguided' craftworld cousins, on occasion. *gets off her fluff horse*

I have always prefered armies that require a bit of a light touch to work well. Something other than 'sit and fire every weapon at the enemy' and 'get there asap and charge the enemy'.

I am likely an odd one in that I don't mind many of the models, and like the raider. Although I'm also wondering if any semblance of armour should be removed from any updated model, since it is apparently for decorative purposes only.

01-12-2010, 03:45 PM
I do miss the Dark Eldar. I've only played against one such army in my 10 years or so of playing. They guy who has that was my buddy who started the hobby with me. I have great memories of slaughtering him with only a handfull of terminators. But I always saw the potential of the army even if my friend did not. I've never stopped ecouraging him to use them. He's build an Eldar army in the last few years but still hangs on to the Dark Eldar just waiting for a rules update. It's a great army with great potential just needs new inline rules. Of course some new models would help alot. I truly hope to face this new and improved army soon. And hopefully they might even throw in something for these lil *******s to use for war and not just raids.

01-12-2010, 03:45 PM
I love my DE in 4th i won alot of tournies in my area with them but in 5th they dont seem to have the oomph they once had in 4th they owned close combat all day every day now they kill the unit they fight and are then in turn wiped out.... i dont care for the new sculpts so much as i custom made my entire with cult


my dex is older then dino droppings i want a new one!!!!!

01-12-2010, 04:19 PM
I mean really Blood Angels needed a new dex. I mean come on a WD article. All we are asking for is a book of our own and not some article even the old Dark Eldar got more love then that last time and I'm sure all the wait will be worth it. I hope.

01-12-2010, 08:02 PM
I started to play a Dark Eldar Wych army at the end of 2010. Sure the wyches look terrible but they kick ***. Dark Eldar kick *** in 5th edition. If they do release a new Dark Eldar book, I would like to see some new things but I hope they keep the old things that work.

01-12-2010, 08:02 PM
personally the DE have the butt oldest codex available and have for the longest time

they are due when it comes out i hope it makes people go oh no not again!!!!!

01-12-2010, 08:36 PM
I started to play a Dark Eldar Wych army at the end of 2010. Sure the wyches look terrible but they kick ***. Dark Eldar kick *** in 5th edition. If they do release a new Dark Eldar book, I would like to see some new things but I hope they keep the old things that work.

You travelled through time to the end of 2010 and the best you accomplished was starting a DE Wych army? And judging by your comments it sounds like the DE had not been updated by the time you went to either, meaning we are looking at 2011 at the earliest for DE...shame

01-12-2010, 09:10 PM
I will buy the Codex and a new army provided the model range is good*. I also hope they flesh out the fluff a bit more. As good as it is, you only get hints of the true character of the race, beyond the sadism.

*Oh god please, please let them drop the camp '70s sexploitation flick aesthetic.