View Full Version : The Curiously Specific Starter Set Poll

02-20-2014, 07:28 AM
Hey Psychosplodge?

I've made another poll.


I'm sorry, man. I just... I just love them.

So, so the rest of you, I was thinking about the rumoured Blood Angels vs Orks starter set. There are a bunch of options up there for you to choose from. Almost all of them will never, EVER happen. But if they did, which would you get, what should it be called, and what would you like to see in them?

For me? Preheresy Iron Hands vs Emperor's Children: The Istvaan Massacre. It would contain two Tactical squads (Iron Hands in Mk3, Emperor's Children in Mk 4), a Contemptor for the Iron Hands, a five man squad of Palatine Blades and battery of Rapier Laser Destroyers for the Emperor's Children.

Like I say, IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN, but a man can dream.

A man can dream.

02-20-2014, 07:50 AM
I was talking with my friend when I was getting the 2nd ed. box that it seemed strange it was only BA vs. Ork, which was fine if you played those, but if you didn't you were screwed as the only way to get teh rules et al. was in the box.

I did think that it would be nice if you could "build your own" starter set, so you could choose which units were in it. I did realise though the problem with that was that you would need loads of combinations of the quick start rules, what with 15 armies and being able to go same army vs same army you have what 15 factions so 225 different options, now some of them will be duplicated so what 120? different options?

Mr Mystery
02-20-2014, 08:16 AM
The key to a successful starter box for me?

Variety of units.

Island of Blood has nearly every class of unit in there, only missing Skirmishers and Monstrous Infantry. This shows the game off nicely, as well as emphasising the importance of the quality of your troops, and outnumbering people if your troops are weedy.

Dark Vengeance....yeah kind of there, ish.

02-20-2014, 08:46 AM
They'd have to actually give half of the armies you have up there actual army books and proper units before I'd even consider shelling out a nickle or dime for them.

02-20-2014, 08:50 AM
I've just read "Angel exterminatus" so that was the basis of my choice.

Angelus Mortifer
02-20-2014, 10:57 AM
Bear in mind that AoBR was far more generic than DV, and so the likes of eBay were a great source for people just wanting to get "generic" models for whatever chapter they were using/planning. It immediately eats into further sales of the product by making it all-encompassing.

DV was different in that GW could see a better ROI potentially because of the higher standard and chapter specific models. I can see them doing far more starter boxes like that in the future.

Not saying I agree with it, but income streams for GW always play a part in what we end up getting.

02-20-2014, 11:21 AM
The key to a successful starter box for me?

Variety of units.

Island of Blood has nearly every class of unit in there, only missing Skirmishers and Monstrous Infantry. This shows the game off nicely, as well as emphasising the importance of the quality of your troops, and outnumbering people if your troops are weedy.

Dark Vengeance....yeah kind of there, ish.

Ahem. Rat ogres.

02-20-2014, 11:28 AM
I voted Blood Angels because I have a small dreadnought army that I'd like to fill out someday with regular troops and the Orks can fill in my existing army. If the Eldar army was a wind rider host, I'd consider that but I usually buy the box set only for the small rule book and sell off the minis.

02-20-2014, 11:29 AM
They'd have to actually give half of the armies you have up there actual army books and proper units before I'd even consider shelling out a nickle or dime for them.

All of those armies have rules and units, except the warmachine one obviously, and if you mean half of them need a 6th edition Codex, well, more than half do, with one more out in the next few months, and thats if you don't count GK and Necrons, even though they've both been written with 6th edition rules in mind

Asymmetrical Xeno
02-20-2014, 12:09 PM
Imperial Guard VS Slaugth.


02-20-2014, 12:21 PM
Best friggin' xenos boogeymen.

02-20-2014, 12:31 PM
Lol, BA v Orks? Really, you guys want to buy a starter box for two armies with completely out dated codices?

02-20-2014, 12:33 PM
I wanted an Other option for Imperial Knights Vs. Anything.

But there wasn't so I went with Imperial Guard vs. Chaos Cultists.

02-20-2014, 12:33 PM
Lol, BA v Orks? Really, you guys want to buy a starter box for two armies with completely out dated codices?

Maybe because most people don't particularly care about competitiveness of a codex

02-20-2014, 12:33 PM
None of the Above....

Id say SM vs Tyranids or SM vs Eldar

Mr Mystery
02-20-2014, 12:38 PM
Ahem. Rat ogres.

I'll be in my usual corner, wearing my usual hat.

Mike Lawler
02-20-2014, 12:58 PM
Where is the option for Squats vs Zoats?

As awesome as Black Reach was to flesh out a horde, I also have a huge pile of the 2nd ed starter orks.. Unless a starter had killa kans, buggies, plastic meganobs, stormboys, ard'boys, and characterful grots (or any combination of this really) I feel like it would be a bit redundant. Also.. Blood Angels.. no thanks.. I have Ultramarines, Dark Angels and nondescript whatever from all the different starters and the last thing I want is some more SM with pre-molded shoulder pads. If they had removable shoulder pads.. then MAYBE they would be alright...

As for what I would like to see? I chose Tyranids vs Necrons and Eldar vs D Eldar ..
T vs N -T Prime, Raveners, Gargoyles, Hormagants - Cryptek, Lord, Deathmarks, tomb blade(s), some Warriors, and maybe a Spyder with swarms
E vs DE - Dire Avengers, War Walker(s), Farseer, Warp Spiders - Talos or Venom, Warriors, Hellions, Archon

02-20-2014, 01:02 PM
yeah SM VS Nids 2 armies i have 2 armies that i always want new models in! good idea

02-20-2014, 01:06 PM
Hey Psychosplodge?

I've made another poll.


I'm sorry, man. I just... I just love them.

You should have been a statistics teacher, or an accountant...

The idea of HH starter kits does sound intriguing, but I can hear the wailing of xenos players everywhere with that thought.

02-20-2014, 01:30 PM
Ba vs Orks honestly if they are going to be doing this as a 6.5 update then splitting the box between the 2 factions set for that release sounds like a brilliant idea. I know the last set for 5th sold very well and the dark vengance one was a nice set as well so i look forward to seeing what they would do for this starter. heck if they would release a starter half way through each book i know i would buy one. having an updated rule book is alot better then carrying around a bunch of faq's.

02-20-2014, 01:54 PM
The ones I want are the ones that (I think) are least likely to occur:

Chaos Marines vs. Inquisiton
Adeptus Sororitas vs. Grey Knights
Imperial Guard vs. Chaos Cultists
Preheresy: Iron Hands vs. Emperor's Children
Preheresy: Mechanicus vs. Iron Warriors

On a side note, has there ever been a starter box that didn't have marines of some kind?

Darren Richardson
02-20-2014, 02:00 PM
None of the poll suggestions....

My Preferance would be Adaptus Sortias VS Genestealer Hybrid Cult!

Both need plastic figures and soon....

02-20-2014, 02:07 PM
Anything with Orks in it is something I consider buying. With the new plastics helping to update their range, Orks in a starter set can't be a wrong decision. Maybe not the best decision as I'm sure other armies would like their spot in the front, but with Orks you have a dedicated fans and who doesn't want more Orks? Even models you may not want give you the ability to make other things. You can take a Deff-Dread and pop that sucker on a Trukk and turn it into a Battlewagon. The interchangeability of the bits means that what ever you buy, you can use, and to hilarious effect...
Take for instance the Deff-Dread/Killa Kan's arm guns. Put those on top of an ork vehicle and it isn't far-fecthed to think that a Mek wanted to make a Dakka with a Choppa, or a Choppa with Dakka, or that it would be funny to have the ability to smash someone why shooting them...

Darren Richardson
02-20-2014, 02:22 PM
The idea of HH starter kits does sound intriguing, but I can hear the wailing of xenos players everywhere with that thought.

I'm starting to think personally that this so called 7th Ed might actually be a Horus Heresy Box set, based on the facts that the HH squads are selling INSANELY well at present, the novels have won how many awards? and have had how many reprints? The re-issuing of the Visons book, but most of all, the news that we might have a Mechanicus listing in the new Knights codex, plus the fact the Knights HAVE been made and featured during the HH.....

I strongly believe GW may have finally taking it's foot from up it's *** and might be releasing a boxed game and ruleset finally, afterall why issue a new ruleset well off of the normal release squenaces and why fold in rules from a number of supplements so soon?

Why? Because it could be "Not 7th Ed" after all....

02-20-2014, 11:47 PM
All of those armies have rules and units, except the warmachine one obviously, and if you mean half of them need a 6th edition Codex, well, more than half do, with one more out in the next few months, and thats if you don't count GK and Necrons, even though they've both been written with 6th edition rules in mind

No. I mean actual army books. At this point the best I could hope for is an eCodex or supplement. I'm talking Legions of the Damned (all we got were cultists...), [still waiting on those] Legion-specific books for all Loyalist and Traitor legions, and for someone to actually give a damn about writing an actual Inquisition codex and NOT copy-pasting bits and pieces from the Grey Knights codex.

I'm hopeful to see a Mechanicum eCodex out before the year is up, but I'll believe it when I see it (not to mention there will liekly be one for 30K before 40K).

02-20-2014, 11:50 PM
had to vote sisters, Just because I want plastics for them that much

Veteran Sergeant
02-21-2014, 01:45 AM
Any of those options that don't include Space Marines are a pipe dream, lol.