View Full Version : Fed Up.

02-19-2014, 03:23 PM
As a Tau player I am fed up with power players stealing my codex and tarnishing the Tau race. For example the TauDar list. Anyone else.

02-19-2014, 04:03 PM
I play Tau, and I picked the first option, but for me it isn't really about "stealing" the codex and "tarnishing" the faction. It's more that I think the TauDar list is really bad for the game. It basically ignores all the game's rules... how can anyone compete with that? It sounds like a total NGE - Negative Game Experience - to play against, and that's bad for the game as a whole.

02-19-2014, 04:07 PM
In business terms what we have is a bad product. In marketing terms we have an opertunity for a new product????

The Madman
02-19-2014, 04:11 PM
we've banned allies (and double FOC) at my gaming scene since now GW is taking the p*** with it. we also gave flak missiles for free; solved a lot of problems

02-19-2014, 04:19 PM
The power players will leave your faction sometime soon and move on to something else. It's just human nature for some people to latch onto whatever they think will give them the most advantage. I will bet you that by this time next year that there will be a new super duper, balls to the wall list that has everyone screaming.

02-19-2014, 04:40 PM
I think it's perfectly fine for the Eldar & Tau to shine once in a while.

I woudln't worry about WAAC players at all. Play as you will.

02-19-2014, 04:45 PM
I can't agree more guys, I love banning two FOCs and allies The Madman. House rules are propping up 6th. At the moment.

ElectricPaladin, here here, NGE.

My brother is a Blood Angel player who has suffered thanks to 6th. Now I have no problem with that as Tau got there arse kicked up and down 40k in 5th. But what I do mind is the assumption that every Tau and Eldar Player are following a trend.

Eldar_Atog I hope they leave as quickly as they came.

Thanks for the comments guys.

02-19-2014, 05:22 PM
every Tau and Eldar Player are following a trend.

Sure. When your "old school" models date back well over a decade, with your first play way back in 2E, it's not really "following".

Darren Richardson
02-19-2014, 06:07 PM
I voted Purge.....

I only splay as Space Marines so I don't care....

02-19-2014, 06:23 PM
As a Tau player I am fed up with power players stealing my codex and tarnishing the Tau race. For example the TauDar list. Anyone else.

It's not Power Players. What you call Power Players, I call people who need to win with Toy soldiers. At least TauBoss played them before they got their new codex. To me that is someone who plays what he loves. People who go to Tournaments and play Tau or Eldar in most cases are Grown Men who need to win with plastic Toy soldiers, because I bet they didn't play them in 5th edition, or didn't play them in 6th edition before their new codex.

02-19-2014, 07:33 PM
It's not Power Players. What you call Power Players, I call people who need to win with Toy soldiers. At least TauBoss played them before they got their new codex. To me that is someone who plays what he loves. People who go to Tournaments and play Tau or Eldar in most cases are Grown Men who need to win with plastic Toy soldiers, because I bet they didn't play them in 5th edition, or didn't play them in 6th edition before their new codex.

A true Eldar player really ought to arrange to enter a tournament, then drop out at the last minute suggesting that someone takes in a horde of Orks in their place to smash up those pesky marines.

In fact, I'm going to claim that was my plan all along in the tournament the other day... the careful manipulations of victory points in games I played was all part of a larger plan to sow the seeds to pit the Imperium against itself with Grey Knights vs Space Wolves, saving thousands of Eldar lives in the process. I came 3rd you say? I think you Mon-keh fail to understand that really, I won ;)

02-19-2014, 08:08 PM
I play both eldar and tau. eldar w/ wraith spam = 3 knights and all guard tau w/ farsight = 3 riptides and battle suits. but never have I played them together. plus people who come in think because I beet them w/ eldar or tau they can just buy the same list and "improve" it. well I just show them that you cant beet the original. all are a disgrace to the tau empire and eldar

02-19-2014, 09:37 PM
Sure. When your "old school" models date back well over a decade, with your first play way back in 2E, it's not really "following".

This. I have owned Eldar (Ulthwe & Saim Hann) since 3rd edition before the craftworld supplement came out. Irks me to no end when people tell me I just jumped on the bandwagon...

02-20-2014, 12:41 AM
I still miss my all Harlequin army.

02-20-2014, 08:53 AM
I still miss my all Harlequin army.

A lot of old armies are missed.

Mr Mystery
02-20-2014, 09:04 AM
This. I have owned Eldar (Ulthwe & Saim Hann) since 3rd edition before the craftworld supplement came out. Irks me to no end when people tell me I just jumped on the bandwagon...

Dude. Dark Elves. Two books ago. Monster heavy army, because everyone said they were crap, and I do love proving people wrong about interwebular hyperbole (it's an ego thing).

After a while, next book came out, and I think I actually became the bandwagon :p

02-20-2014, 10:40 AM
I still miss my all Harlequin army.

Do what I do..

Storm guardians for Mimes
Autarch with mantle as Solitaire
Dark Reapers as Death jesters

It's not perfect but it lets me still have some fun with my Harliquins every once in a while :)

02-20-2014, 10:45 AM
Do what I do..

Storm guardians for Mimes
Autarch with mantle as Solitaire
Dark Reapers as Death jesters

It's not perfect but it lets me still have some fun with my Harliquins every once in a while :)

I do Dire Avengers = Chorus
Rangers = Mimes

Other aspects I leave as is, as allies manipulated into fighting. Need to buy/build/paint a Harlequin Wraightknight someday.

02-20-2014, 01:37 PM
we've banned allies (and double FOC) at my gaming scene since now GW is taking the p*** with it. we also gave flak missiles for free; solved a lot of problems

Madman, why do you ban the double FOC? That only comes into play at 2000+ pt games, and actually makes that point value game more flexible. I also DO NOT agree with giving flak for free. That limitation is there for a reason. Flakk missles are a newer technology in the fluff of things hence why Chaos legions don't have them outside of Havoc squads. That is there for you to make a choice between taking something anti-air or something that is anti-ground; you can't have both, just like in the real military.

02-20-2014, 06:36 PM
A true Eldar player really ought to arrange to enter a tournament, then drop out at the last minute suggesting that someone takes in a horde of Orks in their place to smash up those pesky marines.

In fact, I'm going to claim that was my plan all along in the tournament the other day... the careful manipulations of victory points in games I played was all part of a larger plan to sow the seeds to pit the Imperium against itself with Grey Knights vs Space Wolves, saving thousands of Eldar lives in the process. I came 3rd you say? I think you Mon-keh fail to understand that really, I won ;)

? Not sure what you mean. Long day, tired and sick. I didn't mean any offence, I said these people never played until recently only because of their high power. I never begrudge for someone playing something they love. I bet when something comes along, just like GK and Necrons flyer spam, you don't see them much anymore. Something will come along and all of a sudden all these people playing Tau and Eldar will not be using them no more.

White Tiger88
02-20-2014, 07:15 PM
Power Gamers will Power game.....just wait for the next new dex to be released and then buy the power gamers armies for cheap!

Archon Charybdis
02-20-2014, 10:47 PM
I'll say that the Eldar codex at least has plenty of viable options besides just spamming Wave Serpents and jetbikes. I used to play a Sword Wind list in Serpents back in 5th edition, but now I've just dropped the Serpents and gone all foot and it's still really effective and fun with Battle Focus.