View Full Version : Armorcast Reaver Titan Advice

02-19-2014, 10:48 AM
Hello Loungers :)

I've just dug my old Reaver out of mothballs. After staring at it for a long while (and reminiscing), I realised just how badly scaled it is. It's TINY! It's not much taller than FW's Warhound and a full three inches shorter than their Reaver. Its head probably couldn't carry a single crew member, let alone three.

I know I can use it as a Reaver, because it is a Reaver. My question though, is should I?

There's little point in me bulking it out because a) it's kind of iconic and b) with the work involved, I may as well attempt a scratchbuild (and I'd fail miserably).

So, what do you reckon? Keep it as a Reaver? Make up rules for something in between a Reaver and a Warhound?


Mr Mystery
02-19-2014, 10:55 AM
1) Keep it.

2) When thinking of fielding it, just advise your opponents of it's height deficiencies. Most people will likely be cool with it.

But yeah, no reason you couldn't 'VDR' it as a smaller, rarer pattern (perhaps just keep to the Warhound Weapon options?)

02-19-2014, 11:05 AM
In many ways I prefer the old AC reaver to the current model - lack of detail not withstanding....

Use it as the reaver. My buddy still uses his AC Reaver as a reaver after all these years.

This Dave
02-19-2014, 12:37 PM
Hello Loungers :)

I've just dug my old Reaver out of mothballs. After staring at it for a long while (and reminiscing), I realised just how badly scaled it is. It's TINY! It's not much taller than FW's Warhound and a full three inches shorter than their Reaver. Its head probably couldn't carry a single crew member, let alone three.

I know I can use it as a Reaver, because it is a Reaver. My question though, is should I?

There's little point in me bulking it out because a) it's kind of iconic and b) with the work involved, I may as well attempt a scratchbuild (and I'd fail miserably).

So, what do you reckon? Keep it as a Reaver? Make up rules for something in between a Reaver and a Warhound?


Depending on the actual size of the models and their weapon load outs you might be able to use it as one of the new Knight Titans. I have an old Epicast Baneblade that was much smaller than the current plastic ones so I changed the guns slightly and use it as a Macharius Vanquisher.

02-19-2014, 02:41 PM
Its still quite big - I thought armorcast directly upscaled from epic so it should be as tall to a 2ed marine (25mm) as the original was to a 6mm epic marine - I know we are on 28mm heroic scale but the one I had was still awesome to see across the table...

02-19-2014, 03:24 PM
Put it on a cake board and a big bit of foam board. Rock on!

02-19-2014, 03:38 PM
Build it, paint it, use it.

If someone has issues with it are you sure you want to be playing them in the first place?

I have old miniatures and I still use them. Some people claim that they are not fair as they are not the size/footprint of the current miniatures. But, ho-hum, they are in my collection, they are manufactured by GW it's all good.

02-20-2014, 01:12 AM
I say paint it - use it - have fun!

Legio Tempestus

Legio Metelica

White Tiger88
02-20-2014, 01:39 AM
Hello Loungers :)

I've just dug my old Reaver out of mothballs. After staring at it for a long while (and reminiscing), I realised just how badly scaled it is. It's TINY! It's not much taller than FW's Warhound and a full three inches shorter than their Reaver. Its head probably couldn't carry a single crew member, let alone three.

I know I can use it as a Reaver, because it is a Reaver. My question though, is should I?

There's little point in me bulking it out because a) it's kind of iconic and b) with the work involved, I may as well attempt a scratchbuild (and I'd fail miserably).

So, what do you reckon? Keep it as a Reaver? Make up rules for something in between a Reaver and a Warhound?


I say convert it to Chaos!!! We can get away with running any model :P (No really, but if you decide you don't want it let me know :3 )

02-20-2014, 07:36 AM
Thanks for all your responses guys. I really appreciate it.

I've decided to keep her as what she is, a Reaver. She was born in the forges of Estaban III and she shall walk with pride with the rest of Legio Tempestor.

I just need to refurb the old girl. Armorcast casting at the time was a little rough so she needs a good clean up, some fitting iconography (thank you, Warhound spares and plasticard), some pinning, a little extra detailing, a little TLC and, most importantly, a name.

If I get brave enough, I may even post the results on here...

02-20-2014, 11:27 AM
Dont forget the ancient BoLS logo/decal sheets for Armorcast titans:

Legio Astorum (Loyalist) (http://www.box.net/shared/2j9rk9hker)
Legio Ignatum (Loyalist) (http://www.box.net/shared/s1d554jju3)
Legio Astraman (Loyalist) (http://www.box.net/shared/af3y6p7slr)
Legio Metalica (Loyalist) (http://www.box.net/shared/1ti4sjanby)
Legio Mortis (Traitor) (http://www.box.net/shared/xubic4jtj4)
Legio Tempestor (Traitor) (http://www.box.net/shared/juj7rhy6jm)
Flaming Skulls Legio (Traitor) (http://www.box.net/shared/ps7s70dd9j)

02-20-2014, 12:38 PM
Hold on, Lexicanum told me Tempestor was loyalist.

Thanks for those though BigRed!

02-20-2014, 01:33 PM
Tempestor is a confusing one.

In the old EPIC game - they are listed as Traitors
In the recent Horus Heresy novel Mechanicum, they are on Mars as Loyalists.

So either it's a retcon, or the Legio Tempestor had a schism and split into warring factions during the Heresy.

02-20-2014, 02:27 PM
most importantly, a name.


02-20-2014, 05:14 PM
if you don't use it as a reaver you can use it as a warhound or a knight (which is slightly smaller )