View Full Version : How many Steam Points can you have?

02-19-2014, 09:58 AM
An interesting situation occurred the other day. Having chosen to generate 5 steam points at the start of my turn, I promptly failed the boiler test and rolled up result 7 (Dangerous Overpressure) on the mishap table. This requires you to lose D3 wounds and gain the same number of Steam Points. This meant I would have had 7 steam point as a result of the D3 roll. A debate ensued about whether the stank can have more than 5 steam points. The rules say that you can generate between 0-5 at the start of your turn. There is no mention about whether 5 is the maximum number of points it can have and we reasoned that since the tank can both gain and lose points, it was possible to have more than 5 and played as such.

What do people think about this?

02-19-2014, 01:37 PM
It can have any number of steam points. The rule only limits the tokens generated at the start of the turn. I've run into this a number of times and that is always how I have interpreted the rule (as the opponent of the steam tank) and how tournament organizers have interpreted it that I've encountered (local stuff, Adepticon, etc).

02-20-2014, 10:35 AM
Yeah, that seemed like the obvious conclusion based on the rules. Glad to know that is how others are playing it, thanks.