View Full Version : Nervious Habits while gaming.

Subject Keyword
12-23-2009, 10:34 AM
Does anyone here have any nervious habits while gaming?

I've seen people strut back and forth across the board, examine the painting jobs on their casualties, and click army list building pens.

Personally, I dance.
Little nerdy white boy dances.
I don't know I'm doing them.

And while I'm at it, has anyone got, or observed, and really irritating habits while gaming?

I say "Rise, my minion!" with each Necron Resurrection roll.

I also met an Ultrasmurfs player who had once giant die that he used for amour saves, and he insisted on having his tiny son roll it for each individual Marine. :rolleyes:

12-23-2009, 10:45 AM
I have this nervous tic of making stupid tactical decisions and getting my men horribly killed.

12-23-2009, 10:56 AM
I have this nervous tic of making stupid tactical decisions and getting my men horribly killed.


I know one person in particular who plays with thier dice tin by emptying it and dropping one die in it over and over again so it makes a "TINK!.....TINK!.....TINK!" sound. It bugs so much!

I also know someone else who has a bad nervous habit of making up rules that don't exist... Oh wait thats me!

"Yea, Lysander is a beast, so that means he can assault 12 inches, and it applies to the unit he joins."

"no he isn't,"

"yes he is...(looks at his friend painting at another table) Hey Jimmy, is Lysander a beast or what?!"

"Ya man tottally!"

(Looks back at opponent) "See, I told you."


Lord Azaghul
12-23-2009, 11:16 AM
My 'nervious' habit is getting annoyed with the guy who not even playing and keeps calling out what you need to roll to wound...every time!

I think my only true habit would be stoking my masterful(crafted) beard while my opponent picks his tagets and rolls his dice.

12-23-2009, 11:51 AM
I have a Chaos Dice - 1 is an eight pointed star, 2 is 2 lines, 3 is 3 triangles, 4 is 4 squares etc. Whenever I have a momentous roll I shout 'Lord Khorne your servant beseeches you, grant me the power!'

The Chaos dice has many ones in it's armoury.

Other nervous habits - I swear I nearly pooed myself the first time I used a Warlock titan in Apocalypse - my opponent outflanked with massed attack bikes and nugget here had forgot to move him for the holofields - 5 structure points later and I thought I would lose him before turn 2...

Subject Keyword
12-23-2009, 11:55 AM
My 'nervious' habit is getting annoyed with the guy who not even playing and keeps calling out what you need to roll to wound...every time!

I think my only true habit would be stoking my masterful(crafted) beard while my opponent picks his tagets and rolls his dice.

Yeah, my housemate like to stand next to the board occasionally and go "ooh, ouch..." and make other sounds of pain when I take casualties. I never get upset about losing a game, but when someone gets upset for you it's just different.

And I tug on my little goatee.

12-23-2009, 02:29 PM
I have a bad habit of getting ahead of myself....which usually works in my opponents favor.

12-23-2009, 03:31 PM
I think my only true habit would be stoking my masterful(crafted) beard while my opponent picks his tagets and rolls his dice.

As any real man should.

Bedroom General
12-23-2009, 08:15 PM
Yup goatee stroking and Sangre's problem are my nervous tics. And helping my opponent to remember things that are detrimental to my chances of winning!:eek:

12-23-2009, 11:36 PM
Yup goatee stroking and Sangre's problem are my nervous tics. And helping my opponent to remember things that are detrimental to my chances of winning!:eek:

I move that henceforth all instances of nerve-induced mistakes be henceforth known as "Sangre's Problem"

Bedroom General
12-23-2009, 11:47 PM
Seconded (First! LOL)

12-24-2009, 05:05 AM
Helping my opponent to remember things that are detrimental to my chances of winning!:eek:

I do this all the time. I'm pretty sure I know my brothers' codicies better than they do!

Subject Keyword
12-24-2009, 10:12 AM
I move that henceforth all instances of nerve-induced mistakes be henceforth known as "Sangre's Problem"

I think "Sangre's Syndrome" has a more medical ring to it.

"I think I should take three units of Pariahs... Ooh. My Sangre's Syndrome is flaring up again..."

12-24-2009, 10:45 AM
I think "Sangre's Syndrome" has a more medical ring to it.

"I think I should take three units of Pariahs... Ooh. My Sangre's Syndrome is flaring up again..."

I get that alot... is there an ointment for it?

12-24-2009, 11:42 AM

Mike X
12-24-2009, 12:08 PM
Does anyone here have any nervious habits while gaming?

Yeah,I tend to toss dice between hands (often dropping them), and rub them between my fingers. For some reason, my nervousness requires my hands be occupied.

12-29-2009, 01:31 PM
Personally whenever I'm playing against my mates I always (when they're not looking) replace their guardsmen with a tau fire warrior to see if they notice-They have very similair colour schemes.

12-29-2009, 03:56 PM
My friends yell at me because supposedly I make gun noises when I shoot and when my friends shoot any missles and miss with them I make hand movements to show where they go. I also make ping... ping... ping sounds when they can't penetrate my land raiders or any vehicles for that matter..... I don't even notice I do it. One of my friends who is new to 40k and doesn't yet have an army of his own "he plays my orks" yells WAAAAAAAAAAAGH! at the beginning of every turn and yells DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA while he pokes my friend in the stomache consistently when he shoots or when my friend is rolling dice and he also talks like an ork, which isn't annoying to me but others might disagree.

Subject Keyword
12-29-2009, 05:18 PM
My friends yell at me because supposedly I make gun noises when I shoot and when my friends shoot any missles and miss with them I make hand movements to show where they go. I also make ping... ping... ping sounds when they can't penetrate my land raiders or any vehicles for that matter..... I don't even notice I do it. One of my friends who is new to 40k and doesn't yet have an army of his own "he plays my orks" yells WAAAAAAAAAAAGH! at the beginning of every turn and yells DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA while he pokes my friend in the stomache consistently when he shoots or when my friend is rolling dice and he also talks like an ork, which isn't annoying to me but others might disagree.

Your Ork friend sounds like mine.
The one I murdered.

12-29-2009, 10:44 PM
My BA friend tends to go 'ping, ping' complete with miming shoulder movements when my splinter weapons don't wound his marines.

Then he advances a bit too far and suddenly my warriors are all nailing his tac marines through their eye lens.

Subject Keyword
12-30-2009, 08:46 PM
Then he advances a bit too far and suddenly my warriors are all nailing his tac marines through their eye lens.

What... What a beautiful image...

I'm crying a little bit...

12-30-2009, 10:23 PM
I like to squat down and look across at the enemy from model's eye level while talking to myself in character.
"Oi! Youz lot sure ya crammed all da way inta dat ruin? "
"Yeah, boss, we'ze reddy ta shoot da crap outta dat rhino wot shudda cleared away ta da uvver buncha treez last turn. Stooopid Beakies!"
"Aw damn, we'z all mizzed. How dat happen?"
"Nevvermind, da Nobz is gunna give 'em wot fer!"
"Whatdaya meen dey's a inch short? Zoggin' slackas!"
And, having hopefully talked away all potential bad luck, I them stand and begin enacting my typically haphazard Orky battleplan.:p

01-01-2010, 06:20 AM
I like to squat down and look across at the enemy from model's eye level while talking to myself in character.
"Oi! Youz lot sure ya crammed all da way inta dat ruin? "
"Yeah, boss, we'ze reddy ta shoot da crap outta dat rhino wot shudda cleared away ta da uvver buncha treez last turn. Stooopid Beakies!"
"Aw damn, we'z all mizzed. How dat happen?"
"Nevvermind, da Nobz is gunna give 'em wot fer!"
"Whatdaya meen dey's a inch short? Zoggin' slackas!"
And, having hopefully talked away all potential bad luck, I them stand and begin enacting my typically haphazard Orky battleplan.:p

Sounds like an Ork player I used to play with all the time, and he' move a unit of Stormboys (the older top heavy ones) and just about get them all done and tips most of them over, and then yell at them for being drunks and once and I while one would just not stay up and he remove it from that game for crashing on landing. I only won maybe 1 game in 15 fighting him but I never had so much fun getting loss after loss. We need more "fun" players.

01-01-2010, 06:36 AM
When I get adrenaline pumping in a good battle my hands start to shake, eventually to the point where I can no longer place my Marines without them jumping back and forth >.<

01-01-2010, 04:40 PM
I don't know if it's a nervous thing, but I can be the guy that complains about his luck in turns 2-4, but still pulls out a win.

01-02-2010, 10:13 AM
i tend to not be able to stay still i walk around allot