View Full Version : Tyranid Question

02-18-2014, 05:35 PM
Was wondering if anyone here knew where to find more in depth rules for the Tyranid Spore Chimney & Capillary Towers?

I've looked thru Imperial Armour 4 where the rules originate, and all that is mentioned for either are the special rules they have. I've also checked out Imperial Armour Apocalypse & Apocalypse Second Edition. They have both included in the Chimney Spore Infestation formation and state to reference Imperial Armour 4. The cost is listed as 25pts + models. The meiotic spores and spore mine clusters are detailed out in the tyranid codex, but not the rest.

I'm just wondering where to find a stat line for them. Do they have a toughness value or armour value? It says in the Capillary Tower entry that they are used in the "Seek and Destroy" mission and can be destroyed, yet no clear rules on how to destroy them.

Or is there something published that states they are no longer legal in current play?


Captain Bubonicus
02-19-2014, 07:31 PM
Bad news - I think you're out of luck. All I can find are message board threads dating back to 2009 with people asking the exact same questions that you are.