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View Full Version : Drake: The Dragon Wargame!

02-17-2014, 04:16 PM
Hey everyone!

Benji here Director of AGM. I lurked on this website for many years while planning my game, and am super proud to share it with you. We have grown very organically over the last year and I look forward to seeing what people think of our project. Basically DRAKE is a 28mm fantasy skirmish game with Dragon generals!


After a year of production and with packages now going out all over, AGM has just launched Drake II: Horizons to bring our Dragon war-game back into the world. LINK: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/agm/drake-ii-horizons
The Kickstarter page also has some cool rules videos where you can see how the game is played.

If you want to check out our colour rulebook you can click here to download it. (http://actiongamesminiatures.com/rules/)

Our website also has lots of our game cards on it, (http://actiongamesminiatures.com/cards/) I think they are pretty awesome, we have a card mechanic in our game for the Dragons magical abilities and its really fun.


Our Kickstarter is raising funds to add a 4th force to our game and upcoming Hard Cover Rulebook (4 forces is the best way to start.) Also to launch our game commercially. Here are some cool stretch goals!




I would love to hear from you all. Feedback and interaction is how we have been producing this project so far and it has been working out great. We are coming up to our first year in production and the time to be out into the world is soon!


Thanks for checking us out! Here is the link again if you want to see the campaign. (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/agm/drake-ii-horizons) Talk again!


02-19-2014, 10:14 PM
I would love this, if you didn't go the route of the "big boobed scantily clad 'warrior' women!" Grow the F()@% up.

John Stopforth
02-20-2014, 01:53 AM
Loving the Zbrush sculpts .. good luck