View Full Version : Which Daemons to get?

02-17-2014, 11:43 AM
My birthday is coming up and my wife wants to know what to get for me. I haven't really thought about it much, but I have an urge to start a Chaos Daemon Army after fighting a few of them in the last weeks. Now I have a pile of stuff that needs to be built for my Orks, Sisters, IG, Tau and Crimson Fists but I have no discipline and when the desire hits, I usually go off and buy what I want.

Now our group already has a Slaanesh army, this was the one I sort of preferred, we also have a Khorne spread out between two guys. So that leave Tzeentch and Nurgle. I'm leaning to Tzeentch. I 've got to decide today so the FNGS can put in the order tomorrow. So, what is cool and what is bad about these Armies? What should I do?

BTW, how do you pronounce Tzeentch; is it "Zen-itch" or one syllable with long Es as in Zeeeench?

02-17-2014, 06:10 PM
Flying Circus is one of the cheapest ways to get a full and competitive army of any Codex, and the best Flying Circus is done either by Slaanesh or Tzeentch. So you'd do quite fine with a Tzeentch FMC build and it would be cheaper than most other armies. Also, seeing what else you're running, you have no Psyker-based armies, so that would be another large difference, and if you're going to get another army it's a good idea to get something with a lot of differences.

02-17-2014, 06:26 PM
My birthday is coming up and my wife wants to know what to get for me. I haven't really thought about it much, but I have an urge to start a Chaos Daemon Army after fighting a few of them in the last weeks. Now I have a pile of stuff that needs to be built for my Orks, Sisters, IG, Tau and Crimson Fists but I have no discipline and when the desire hits, I usually go off and buy what I want.

Now our group already has a Slaanesh army, this was the one I sort of preferred, we also have a Khorne spread out between two guys. So that leave Tzeentch and Nurgle. I'm leaning to Tzeentch. I 've got to decide today so the FNGS can put in the order tomorrow. So, what is cool and what is bad about these Armies? What should I do?

BTW, how do you pronounce Tzeentch; is it "Zen-itch" or one syllable with long Es as in Zeeeench?

I'm guessing by now you've already made the order, but honestly I would go with Tzeentch. The more aggressive Troops choice, the "Screamerstar", the bonkers Fateweaver and Lords of Change, etc. Just a more well rounded force than a Nurgle Daemons army, one that also doesn't fold once its main advantage (cover) is denied.

By the by, I pronounce Tzeentch like so;

"T" is silent. This leaves "zeentch". Ignore second "e", pronounce "Zen". "ch" at the end. "Zench." The simplest and most intimidating pronunciation IMO.

As a general FYI, that is also how they pronounce it in the Dawn of War games.

02-17-2014, 07:07 PM
it really depends on which god you like better be it nurgle or khorne both have different way to play. but if you want an army that is "competitive" go Nurgle or Tzeentch

Matthew Dix-Williams
02-17-2014, 07:44 PM
Gotta second the idea of a Flying Circus. Looking at the list of other armies you have there, a flying circus MC list would be quite a different playstyle, and a refreshing chnange of pace within your potential lists. Plus who doesn't want to convert up all those lovely Daemon Princes?

02-17-2014, 08:23 PM
Thanks. Tzeentch it is then. So, for a Flyin Circus, should I get the Tzeentch's Will kit or is that got stuff not needed in a Flying Circus? Do I just get FMCs?

The order will go out tomorrow.

02-17-2014, 11:54 PM
Thanks. Tzeentch it is then. So, for a Flyin Circus, should I get the Tzeentch's Will kit or is that got stuff not needed in a Flying Circus? Do I just get FMCs?

The order will go out tomorrow.

I would avoid the 1-click collections as they may come with units you don't want and offer no savings at all. You are better off just picking and choosing which units you want.
For example, that Tzeentch's Will set comes with Flamers of Tzeentch which are a no-no for the most part. They are good light infantry harassers but you may as well just load up on more Screamers, and besides, Horrors murder any form of infantry.

You're going to need at least 2 boxes of Pink Horrors to have a playable army, so start with those. Run 2 units of 10 and that's all you need.
From there, look at grabbing Fateweaver and at least 2 Daemon Princes. This will form the core of your army and will give you a very cheap and playable 1000 point army for immediate use in games.

Afterwards, you're going to want some more Pink Horrors - at least 1 more unit of 10 - and two out of three model choices. The first is a Daemon Prince to take up your third Heavy Support slot, that's a guarantee. The choice comes between Be'lakor and a Lord of Change as the second HQ. If you are able to access the data-slates, Be'lakor is an amazing unit and would be my priority. If you can't or don't want to, then grab the Lord of Change instead. If you don't mind adding in Chaos Space Marine allies, though, you can even take both the Lord of Change and Be'lakor, as Be'lakor is a HQ choice for Chaos Space Marines as well. Take a cheap Cultist squad and, depending on the points, add in a Heldrake as well. And there you have the awesome Tzeentch Flying Circus!

On the plus side, if you don't want to run the full-on flying circus, you can add in a large unit of Screamers, replace the Lord of Change with a bunch of Heralds of Tzeentch mounted on Discs and go to town on almost anyone!

02-18-2014, 09:10 AM

Thanks, great advice.

I would avoid the 1-click collections as they may come with units you don't want and offer no savings at all. You are better off just picking and choosing which units you want.

OK, makes sense.

From there, look at grabbing Fateweaver and at least 2 Daemon Princes.

OK, I found Fateweaver on the GW site, now which two daemon prince models, the two generic ones? There is one listed is "Daemon Prince" and one as "Chaos Daemon Prince." Do they come with wings or do I have to get them separately?

The first is a Daemon Prince to take up your third Heavy Support slot, that's a guarantee. The choice comes between Be'lakor and a Lord of Change as the second HQ. If you are able to access the data-slates, Be'lakor is an amazing unit and would be my priority. If you can't or don't want to, then grab the Lord of Change instead. If you don't mind adding in Chaos Space Marine allies, though, you can even take both the Lord of Change and Be'lakor, as Be'lakor is a HQ choice for Chaos Space Marines as well.

Are these in addition to the two Daemon Princes mentioned above? Be'lakor sounds cool, but what are these "data-slates," where can one get access?

If you don't mind adding in Chaos Space Marine allies, though, you can even take both the Lord of Change and Be'lakor, as Be'lakor is a HQ choice for Chaos Space Marines as well. Take a cheap Cultist squad and, depending on the points, add in a Heldrake as well. And there you have the awesome Tzeentch Flying Circus!

I like the idea of adding in CSMs, but that means buying their Codex too, right? That's not an issue I just need to know to be sure to get it. I think my FNGS has a Tzeentch CSM squad for sale that somebody put together but didn't paint; I could get that on the cheap. A Heldrake would be cool down the line as well.

You help is greatly appreciated, thanks.

02-18-2014, 09:17 AM
OK, I see the plastic Daemon Prince comes with wings. Is the metal one worth getting? Or should I just get two of the plastic ones and make one different?

02-18-2014, 09:38 AM
I see that the plastic Daemon Prince can be made into different princes and poses, cool.

So how this sound as my initial order to get started on this evil list:

1 X Chaos Daemons Codex
2 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch boxes
1 x Kairos Fateweaver
2 x Daemon Prince kits (Plastic, part code 99110102080 )