View Full Version : 1750pt taudar tourney list

Tristan Sample
02-17-2014, 04:57 AM
Hi guys I'm going into a tourney I'm march and am just looking lists to take, this is what I have come up with. Forge world, esc, and stronghold not allowed.

main detachment
Iyanden Eldar

Wraith forge stone, spear of teuthlas

20 guardian defenders
Bright lance platform

3 wind rider jetbikes

3 wind rider jetbikes

Heavy support
Wraith knight (warlord)
Sun cannon and scatter shield, scatter laser

Wraith knight
Two heavy wraith cannons


Command and control node, multi-spectrum sensor suite, pure tide engram neurochip
Neuroweb system jammer

Ion accelerator, tw-linked fusion blaster, early warning over-ride, velocity tracker

10 fire warriors
Disruption pod
Sensor spines

Heavy support
3 broadside suits
3x Twin linked high yield missile pod, twin linked smart missil system,
2x Target lock
1x early warning override

The way it works?
Farseer with guardians hold objective in my zone, jetbikes for late turn contesting, firewarriors for midfield mid game arrival. Wraith knights, riptide, commander and broadsides on at start maybe also guardians depending on mission, rest in reserve.
Commander makes riptide twin linked, ignore cover, tank hunter/monster hunter (he can also go to broadsides if needed). the broadsides are already twin linked, with some shots ignore cover, wraithknight with Sun cannon has scatter laser for twin linked nasty blasts, farseer Could guide/prescience (i will be taking both primirus powers every game unless I roll fortune or doom first roll) two of either the knight, guardians or fire warriors.
List isn't locked in yet but this seems pretty versatile, what I'm looking for is holes or weaknesses I may have missed and what you think I will struggle with so I can practice and study that match up, thanks. Yes I know it's taudar but until gw releases a supp for any of my chaos armies or my region (nz) allows esc/stronghold this is what I wanna run big cool fun models that I like :)

Dave Mcturk
02-17-2014, 06:32 AM
if you can squeeze points somewhere stick a lock in your guardians for extra anti-tank

i really like the shard on eldar hq to give auto fearless {its a weapon swap}

and imo its worth 15pts to put eldar hq on bikes just to up them to T4

Tristan Sample
02-17-2014, 06:52 AM
Hi yeah thought about tank heavy lists but There is already a fair amount of anti tank In my list, heavy wraithcannons S10(twin linked 90% time), riptide, melta and S7 with tank hunter for anything really tough. For many smaller tanks/skimmers the commander simply moves to missilesides and uses tank hunter and ignores cover, each suit can target diff vehicle with target locks. And bright lance in gaurdians as well as spear on farseer. I think tanks (even skimmer spam) shouldn't be too much of a problem, hoping to play test vs servant or venom spam soon.
I Can't take the shard as I'm using iyanden supplement and can only take from either or and hoping to not fail ld 10. I had farseer on jetbike but needed points to get extra normal bike to make two squads, and decided (hoping) he is well tucked up in massive guard squad and opponent will be worrying about the more intimidating units. Thanks though, I have an awesome conversion of a farseer on jet bike so might squeeze him in if I can, it will give me a reason to paint him up finally.

Dave Mcturk
02-17-2014, 12:00 PM
not got the iyanden supplement yet .... being tempted... :rolleyes:

02-17-2014, 02:12 PM
you have to many support systems on your broadside's. you can only take 1 on each suit.

Tristan Sample
02-17-2014, 04:11 PM
Doh! Wow not sure how I missed that one thanks fedrat. Was late when I wrote the list and guess that's what I get for using quartermaster and not cross referencing. I'll fix that up :) anything other ideas?

Tristan Sample
02-17-2014, 04:38 PM
Thanks fedrat :) I've fixed the broadsides, gave me points to upgrade singing spear on Fraser to teuthlas spear for bit more punch, and get him on a jetbike making him tougher as Dave suggested (thanks Dave) but also allows him to reposition later in game if the guardians are getting mauled. I also had five points left so put sensor spines on devil fish, then I can manoeuvre it more aggressively regarding terrain late game. Feel like there isn't a lot of anti air but everything is twin linked and flyers are not as common here in nz as they seem elsewhere, decided I'd probably use interceptor on third broadside more than sky fire, with 8 tw-l shots at S5-7 some ignore cover from each if I come up against multiple air units I should still be able to deal with them hopefully, the buffmander will switch from riptide to broadsides giving them tank hunter for reroll pen insuring any shots that do hit will punch through, well that's the plan, will it work? We usually only see two or three max flyers around here. Keep the ideas coming please :)

Dave Mcturk
02-18-2014, 07:32 AM
my buddy plays tau and he swears by a 'leader' in his tau infantry ?

Tristan Sample
02-18-2014, 03:32 PM
Yeah when I run my tau I always take 2x12 fire warriors and an ethereal (fire blade too if I can fit him, 24 guys with over 80 S5 shots) but if I wanna run my big guys I'm limited to 1 hq for the tau as I have 2 wraith knights but only one riptide meaning my eldar must be main detachment and I just can't give up the buffmander. It's one of the reasons I've gone with a big guardian squad. 40 semi rending shots with guide should balance out lack of tau firewarrior firepower I'm hoping. Shorter range but not too bad with fleet and battle focus, and should be just as powerful if not more with the rending.