View Full Version : Age of these Orkz?

02-16-2014, 10:13 PM
Can anyone tell me how old these models are roughly?

And are they still usable? I assume the ork boyz are but what about the bikers?

And just to clarify those vehicles are war buggies correct?


02-16-2014, 10:26 PM
looks like the warboss, some orks, the warbikes are the older style and those vehicles are trucks not warbuggies. All still completely usable.

They're all form before the latest codex, but with orks that doesn't mean much

02-16-2014, 10:29 PM
Okay, I got these thrown in with some space marines I bought, he wanted to get rid of them for cheap so I said sure.

Quickly added the prices on games-workshop for them new with tax its $280.00 roughly

Think I could get $90.00-$100.00 on craigslist for them?

02-16-2014, 10:32 PM

maybe, orks and warbosses aren't really expensive these days, thanks to AoBR giving everyone an absolute tonne of the things. but its all still usable so maybe, particularly if people like the style (and thats a thing) have a look round on ebay for similar stuff and see what it goes for, you may be better off stripping them first too.

jonas the jedi
02-16-2014, 11:46 PM
No don't strip then. Let the buyer do that. I know some people only buy painted just so they don't have to do it themselves. Not my style but they do exist. Besides someone can strip them themselves if they want.

02-17-2014, 05:15 AM
They are all still usable.

Warlord : The warlord model from before current codex (still shown in that codex). Was a metal model but was also released as finecast I think (one of the two different options at least). Old model but still great and usable.

Boyz : They seem to be the boyz from the assault on black reach box (5th edition box), so pretty 'new' according to Ork standards. Lots and lots and lots of those models around and still usable

Warbikes : The old (metal) models before the new Ork Warbike models came out (january 2008 I think). They're old but still usable.

Trukks : These look like the (very, very) old GorkaMorka Trukks. While very old they are still usable as Trukks, there is a new model for Trukks but Orks don't care about that. If it moves and can carry boyz it is usable.

About the price... The Warlord is still available on the GW website and the Boyz are the most common ones around so those 2 won't fetch a high price. The Warbikes and Trukks, well... you might find someone who is looking for those old models and wants to pay good money for them, but all the other players will just buy the new, improved, nicer plastic models.

02-17-2014, 05:24 AM
I like the trukks, I have several of them. Though someone will always complain that their profile is too low.

Best thing to do with trucks fil em to the brim with burnaboyz. :)

02-17-2014, 07:49 AM
I'll expand on a few points from Eberk

They are all still usable.

Warlord : The warlord model from before current codex (still shown in that codex). Was a metal model but was also released as finecast I think (one of the two different options at least). Old model but still great and usable.

Yep, he's still an excellent model, in current theme as well and will match current Ork armies well

Boyz : They seem to be the boyz from the assault on black reach box (5th edition box), so pretty 'new' according to Ork standards. Lots and lots and lots of those models around and still usable

These aren't the mono-pose Orks from AoBR, they're from the old Boyz box before it got recut a few years back but that just added accessories for the Nob and weapons, so again, still in theme with the latest ork models and perfectly useable with any new kits

Warbikes : The old (metal) models before the new Ork Warbike models came out (january 2008 I think). They're old but still usable.

These are the plastics from the 90s, not the similar but smaller metal ones, came out just before Gorkamorka I believe, so 1996 probably, they look pretty goofy now, the rider is much smaller than Orks now, not as exaggerated and ape like and the bike doesn't have the same level of detail as the current kit

Trukks : These look like the (very, very) old GorkaMorka Trukks. While very old they are still usable as Trukks, there is a new model for Trukks but Orks don't care about that. If it moves and can carry boyz it is usable.

Yep, these are the same trukks from GorkaMorka, you do still see people using them, but the driver and gunner are midgets compared with the current Ork Boyz and the whole vehicle is pretty low and ugly, some people like them, I have 5 or 6 from my GorkaMorka days myself but I'd never put them on the tabletop because they're not as nice as the current model

About the price... The Warlord is still available on the GW website and the Boyz are the most common ones around so those 2 won't fetch a high price. The Warbikes and Trukks, well... you might find someone who is looking for those old models and wants to pay good money for them, but all the other players will just buy the new, improved, nicer plastic models.

If someone wanted to start an Ork army, they might buy this, but I dunno, its only 20 boyz, they might be better off with the Orks from the AoBR kit which are still readily available on the secondary market, I dunno what your secondary market is like, but you get most of this with an AoBR orks and a Battleforce, which I could probably get on ebay and a discount retailer for £65, plus yours aren't well painted, which knocks the price down too, sorry to say but with the old, unattractive models, I’d personally not price this at more that £30-£40

This Dave
02-17-2014, 09:12 AM
I like the trukks, I have several of them. Though someone will always complain that their profile is too low.

Best thing to do with trucks fil em to the brim with burnaboyz. :)

Since the old Trukk models are so small I actually mounted rokkits on a couple and use them as Buggies. They work great for that.

02-17-2014, 09:32 AM
Since the old Trukk models are so small I actually mounted rokkits on a couple and use them as Buggies. They work great for that.

Hmm, that idea has merit. If I magnetise them then I could always revert them to trukks afterwards...

02-17-2014, 11:18 AM
Got offered $100.00 for the lot 30 mins after posting, thanks for all the feedback guys! :D

02-17-2014, 01:23 PM
I think that that is a Huzzah!