View Full Version : Forge World?

02-16-2014, 06:09 PM
I'm returning to 40K after a 20-year hiatus, and I guess I'm confused about Forge World and their products. I have a few questions...

Is Forge World a third-party company, or is it a division of GW?

Are their rule books (and models) compatible with 40K 6th edition? Are they "legal" for tournaments and such?

Is there a place in the US that sells their products? (I'm learning that GW has a moratorium on Internet game stores selling their stuff.) Some of their models and kits look quite outstanding!


02-16-2014, 06:40 PM
• Forgeworld is a division of GW.
• Forgeworld products are generally considered 40k-legal, but there is an anti-Forgeworld prejudice in many areas that leads to them being banned from some communities/tournaments.
• In general, most Forgeworld stuff has been updated for 6th Edition. Either look for newer books or check the website for update pdfs.
• Forgeworld is not generally available in the US, but their shipping rates are quite reasonable.

02-16-2014, 08:06 PM
Fair enough! Thank you very much. :)

Capn Stoogey
02-17-2014, 03:25 AM
It should also be noted that Forgeworld models are awesome :)

02-17-2014, 09:54 AM
It should also be noted that Forgeworld models are awesome :)

That's true, both visually and mechanically. In my opinion, Forgeworld often ends up plugging the holes in model lines, whether it's providing Grey Knights players with the parts to make a land raider with twin-linked psycannons and incinterators, so it looks like it's using Grey Knights tech, or Tau players with markerlight platforms that actually work.